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Marcher13 10-15-2013 03:26 PM

Good morning Marchers :) Good morning Joy! I missed you Joy, I hope you did what you wanted to do but I was starting to feel quite sorry for myself with you not here.

I'm late for work but wanted to wish you all a good and sober Tuwensdy.

BuddinK 10-15-2013 03:27 PM

Hello All,

Had a long weekend away from CPU and phone posting and I don't get along well. Things going well here.

Babs, this trip we are all on is bumpy, you hit a bump got a flat tire, change the tire and get back on the road.

Joy, glad you're back, hope all is better.

Toots, Congrats on the 7 month mark! we really need a book from you with all your wisdom, I'll buy the first copy!

Marcher, glad you staved off that stupid AV.

Puppy coming next weekend YAY!!!!

DD, hang in there buddy, talk with docs as much as you can about pain easement.

Saskia 10-15-2013 03:39 PM

Hi Ken, I hope you will post pics of the puppy :-)

wehav2day 10-15-2013 06:28 PM

toots, CONGRATS ON 7 MONTHS, GRRRRLLLL!!! and you nailed that voice in my head. how did you get in there? it's so easy to listen to her, but lately have been much better at calling "bulls#$t." and yes, vigilance sucks. but I keep telling myself so does coming back from the hangover, the anxiety, and the obsession. most days, there is a decent amount of peace punctuated with a little bit of preoccupation, but no obsession over the drink.

shoes, super well said! how are things in your world?

dd, sounds like you have a plan, great! now how about a good distraction from the pain? maybe it's time to take up dungeons and dragons... ;-)

joy, welcome back, we missed you!

ken, can't wait for the puppy pics, yay!

sas, marcher, good to see you as always!

well I had originally planned to stay the weekend in the city apt. and mull over things, but with the new developments went up to the house and glad I did. j really needed me. I hate that it seems like we disagree on the most fundamental and important of things and it could kill us. but I REALLY like how we have always been there for each other when the chips are down. walking away when the other is in need has never been an option to either of us. j's bag is packed, her passport at the ready. now it's about figuring out when to go home. now would be good, but she would exhaust fmla leave. trying to figure out the right time. I told her that the time will find her. either she will just figure it out, or her mom will tell her it's time, or something else will let her know when the time is right. we are trying to find out if the airline will waive any of the $300 fee to change her ticket from just before Christmas to sooner. luckily, she already had a ticket to go home. but now, changing it will be dear.

went paddling yesterday, it was beautiful here. fall colors kicking in, and it was so sunny I got burnt! there was nobody on the lake because the parks boathouse is closed. well, just me and two other kayakers on a 1300+ acre lake so basically nobody. there were a lot more herons than people, just the way I like it. :-)

have a good one, marchers. may the sober force be with you!

Saskia 10-15-2013 06:42 PM

WeHav, a long time ago I read somewhere about airlines having specific policies for situations like your partner is in. I really like hearing how you are describing the AV and your thinking! You are sounding very grounded.

Toots, many congratulations on 7 months and 1 day sober!!! You are one totally awesome lady. :c011:

Cheers to all!

Saskia 10-15-2013 06:48 PM

WeHav, here's a link to an article about bereavement and medical emergency fares. Sadly many airlines have been dropping them and some of the rest aren't that great. In any case, here's the link:

Which Airlines Offer Bereavement Fares? |

joygirl 10-15-2013 07:48 PM

Good morning, Marcher. Now you've made me feel all special. Everything is fine. And I had a wonderful time at my gorgeous niece's first birthday party.

7 months. Tomorrow will be my 7 month mark. The time seems here and there. I remember not being able to go 7 HOURS. Being on guard is infinitely better than being obsessed with having and getting and using. I just need to remember that.

Good night my friends.

wehav2day 10-15-2013 07:56 PM

Saskia, you are awesome, thank you!

joygrrrl, HAPPY 7 MONTHS IN AN HOUR!!! (my time at least ;-) that is awesome, good for you!

Marcher13 10-16-2013 12:18 AM

Happy 7 months (two days late) to Toots and happy 7 days today to Joy! Hugs to you both girls. Ken I am so excited about my niece's soon-to-be arrival. Celebration time Marchers.

Marcher13 10-16-2013 02:47 AM

Ahhhhhhhhh! Joy my sweet, that should read 7 MONTHS!!!

Saskia 10-16-2013 03:15 AM

Joy, fantastic news .... All those late nights of yours have not quenched your indomitable spirit! Happy 7 months anniversary - way to go!


Babs1234 10-16-2013 07:03 AM

Congratulations Joy !!!!! way to go girl !!!!!!

wehav2day 10-16-2013 08:16 AM

How you doing today, ms. Babs? Rooting for ya!!

joygirl 10-16-2013 02:26 PM

Thanks, all you perky marchers! ;)

I've been a taxi driver all afternoon for the boys, and this weather is awful, rainy and cold. Yuck!

joygirl 10-16-2013 02:31 PM

Oh, you guys, I have to go. My Mom's in hospital unable to breathe. Prayers, etc....

Saskia 10-16-2013 02:38 PM

So sorry to hear that, Joy! My prayers are with your mom!

tootsl1 10-16-2013 03:02 PM

You and your mum are in my thoughts JG

tootsl1 10-16-2013 03:03 PM

Babs, how are you doing kiddo?

Thank you all for the congrats.

Ken, I can't wait to meet jezebel! Molly is very excited!

Marcher13 10-16-2013 04:46 PM

Good morning Marchers. I just read Joy's Mom post, Joy I'm sending you my love and cyber hugs.

How is everyone going? Like Molly I'm very excited about the arrival of Ken's Jezebel. Hmm, that doesn't read right -- Ken's Jezebel -- but I'll leave it for you to read. :)

I was wondering about Dee yesterday, let's hope that the break is doing him good.

Have a good and sober day Marchers.

Marcher13 10-16-2013 05:20 PM

Snaggle is back!

wehav2day 10-16-2013 05:51 PM

Joy, prayers for your mom heading your way!

digdug 10-16-2013 06:45 PM

Congrats Joy on your 7 months.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom.

So tomorrow is the big day. Taking the Amtrak up to NYC so see the surgeon. I'm writing up my list of questions now. I feel like the prognosis can't get any worse than it already is. I just need a plan; a timeline; something to follow.

The rough part is that, life still goes own. I've been so busy on one project and I had to set another project aside. Now they're beating down my neck for the other thing. It's for the same client! I can't do both things at once. So they need it by tomorrow afternoon. I'm about a 1/3 done. All the research is done. I've written the intro and just have to draft two legal sections. I really should be working on it now but I'm just so worn down. The plan is to work on the train and in the hospital while we're waiting. I'll have 5 solid hours in NYC and I doubt my appointments and tests will last that long.

Hope I get some sleep tonight. My nerves are shot.

wehav2day 10-16-2013 07:06 PM

dd, praying for you too, man. good luck with the appt. I hope they move you up so you can get on with your life sooner.

360shoes 10-16-2013 07:52 PM

Oh no Joy. I hope everything is alright. Ugh. I don't know what else to say. :(

wehav2day 10-16-2013 08:38 PM

wow, i'm down at the "city home" and my partner (a normie) just drunk dialed me. poor thing. she is so beaten down about all this stuff with her dad. I talked to her this afternoon, and she was pretty good all things considered. we were getting some clarity on what is going on, and why the decision to not treat, etc. but then she got home, got mad that she wasn't "feeling anything" yet (not enough grief yet? not sure), and drank a bunch of margaritas.

one difference between her and I is she actually tells on herself when she drinks (hardly ever). me, i'd try to hide it for months.

my partner already has a lot of emotions/anxiety/down/dark moods. I told her I love her, and i'm certainly not judging or angry that she was drunk, but grief is an emotional roller coaster. and drinking right now is like lighting a roller coaster on fire. It has that illusion of being a readily available, fast acting stabilizer, but it's really gonna f... with you in the end. i was like, "remember all those times i tried to use alcohol to help my emotions? remember how "well" that worked out?" she kept apologizing (telltale sign of the booze factor right there), so i kept telling her there was nothing to apologize for. we just need to work through this.

wow, i keep having niggling thoughts about how "maybe it wasn't that bad." and "a few drinks won't hurt." then there's the ever popular, "but it would be so nice to take the edge off!" seeing someone i love in that shi##y mind space, knowing i can't fix it other to reassure her that she will feel better in the morning and remind her to drink some lemon-ginger tea before bed - that is one hizell of a reminder of why we are all here ladies and gentlemen.

sorry for that outrageously bad run-on. i'm in don't edit mode again.

thank you so much for being on this journey and letting me be on it with you.

lifetplant 10-16-2013 09:36 PM

Oh Joy, i've pm'd you. Thoughts and prayers........I really hope you, and her are okay.

WeHave, it must be so tough, I can only imagine. Huge congrats though on not giving in to that AV. As Toots recently reminded me, it's not supportive to a friend/partner/colleague/whoever to give in to that AV, at a time when they need it most and you're drowning in your own despair about what you can do to support, how do you do it? Giving in to the AV is the selfish option. It's then no longer about them and all about you. Don't do it.

Bab's, I have stumbled more times than i'm sure any Marcher can count. You've had one slip, you've proven (not that you had anything to prove other than to yourself), but you've proven you have that fight, that determination. Great to hear you're still here and back on that horse.

Hi to all. I'm still around, i've been lurking :). Joined the Oct group, seem like a nice bunch, if I join anymore groups though think my new Avatar will have to change from a Coo to a Calendar girl! No more I say, no more!

joygirl 10-16-2013 09:41 PM

Hey, just back from hospital. Mom is stable for now. It's her COPD/emphysema, heart problem (?). We'll know more tomorrow when doctor arrives for rounds and test results are read. So, she and I had a party going on in her room, laughing about some quite tasteless and inappropriate things. We are horrible, I tell you. But it lifted our spirits. Comedy therapy. She has a deviant sense of humor. I left her in good hands, with the nurses given instructions and positive reinforcements (bribery). A little name dropping is not such a bad thing always? I'm staying positive.
Yes, I remember, do you?, that mother has a bottle of Xanax and whatnot here. Not even going into that bathroom. No desire whatever. I have some ice cream. Should things change, I'll be here.
Thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers. I'll try to catch up on your posts tomorrow.
Meantime, wow, this house is quiet. Sorta creepy actually. Big old houses makes strange noises...

lifetplant 10-16-2013 09:52 PM

Many years ago I wrote my thesis titled "The therapeutic benefits of laughter in the Emergency Department", even had it printed. Laughter oh joyous one, you can't beat it, great to hear your positive update. :)

Marcher13 10-17-2013 12:27 AM

Wehav, DD and Joy I am giving you each a cyberhug across the miles. I have very long arms for a woman of 5'2". :)

tootsl1 10-17-2013 12:58 AM

Joy thanks for the update, I hope you both get a good nights sleep.

LP good to see you sweetie, I'm glad you are getting something out of the October group.

Wehav, I get freakishly worried when hubby gets drunk, which is decidedly rare, but having married a drinker who became an alcoholic, and then going on to become an alkie myself, I see stupid signs everywhere! We were visiting with my daughter a couple of weekends ago, now my lass can take or leave drink, but it has been an eventful year for her, and she is in a really stressful job now, but I was almost shocked to see her sipping from a glass of rose whilst we were there, bells clanging all over the place in my head. I'm sure it was simply that she had a bottle open, it was Saturday eve and she was just chilling, but my heart was flippity flipping! It's not even that I see drunks in every drink, just the potential, which is really stoopid, as I know not every one who drinks or gets drunk becomes an alkie, but I want to warn everyone I see drinking! ' don't get like I was!'
I'm sure J will be a bit sore headed and ashamed today, I would imagine the reason she is not 'feeling' anything yet with regard to her dad, is that the distance makes it all somewhat unreal. I'm sure LP and Shoes will agree, even after attending the funeral of a loved one, it takes a while for us to stop expecting to see them.
She is lucky to have you supporting her through all this.

DD, I take it you already delegate anything you can regarding work, at least the commute and wait will give you free time, and work will keep you occupied. Good luck with the surgeon, writing everything down before hand is really good to make sure you don't forget to ask or say something.

Like Marcher, I am sending cyber hugs to you all, coping in your own ways with difficult times.

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