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liss74 11-06-2013 10:18 PM

I'm so irritable discontent can't stand being in my own skin can't wait for this day to be over need space clean house time out from it all just wanna cry hate myself

venuscat 11-06-2013 10:21 PM

I'm irritable too love ~ I know how it feels to hate yourself.
But it isn't going to help either of us.
I love you. We all do.

And I'm just here....a few miles down. :)
You're not alone.
One minute at a time...

Love V xx

Dee74 11-06-2013 10:36 PM

Hope tomorrow is better for both you guys :)


1stepup 11-07-2013 01:53 PM

Sorry about your job Venus, hope something comes up for you that you enjoy. x

wehav2day 11-07-2013 02:13 PM

Venus sorry about your job. I know you can get a better one. Stay sober sister, something better will come if you stay awake and aware to look.

Liss hang in there. Are you hungry angry lonely or tired? Fix those or take a walk might help. Or maybe just a sleep and the new day will...

Things are just humming along in wehav land. Been grumpy a little at work. Typically I never show it but it's been hard to hide. Think I freaked out my boss but decided they can deal with it. They are tossing a lot of changes at us and something's gotta give. Now that made me feel better. Been a little more emotional lately, not sure if it's PAWS or SOBER or what. Guess we all just need to do our best and have faith things will work out as they should.

venuscat 11-07-2013 04:55 PM

Thanks guys ♥

I have been so miserable all year doing this job; something that I enjoy would be truly wonderful. All I know is that I have changed in these past months; what used to feel
like a so-so job to me, now sounds like a little piece of heaven.

I am going to try to get a full-time customer service call centre job...
I used to find it stressful, but now that I am sober, I think I will like it.
We shall see.

Glad all is well in your world wehav.
I know you are doing your best....many hugs to you.

Love V xx

wehav2day 11-07-2013 06:04 PM

that sounds like a good idea, venus! do something that you like. you have a lot more options now that you are sober and don't have to settle!

liss74 11-07-2013 10:06 PM

Life is **** over myself hope this passes cause I'm fed up :(

venuscat 11-07-2013 10:09 PM

Your life is not **** liss!!
You have a lovely husband and wonderful children.
You have your sponsor and AA group who are there for you.
You have all of us who love you and are in your corner.

Just a little while ago, you were so proud of yourself.
You will feel that way again.
When we fall down, it takes time to heal.

One day at a time hour at a time for right now.

Love V xx

SereneEdition 11-08-2013 07:36 AM

Good morning everyone -

Liss - (Hugs) thanks for sharing. Hope your feeling better today. Maybe it's just the not smoking getting out of your system & it just needs some time to pass - maybe reframe everytime you feel irritable in the next couple of weeks, it's all the detox of things leaving the system while the body rebalances & that it's a sign that your making progress in getting even healthier - coffee is tough to move away from too.

V - (Hugs)You have an amazing skill set. Yes, it sucks getting let go. I'm not sure that cleaning houses plays to your strengths in a way that one involving the care & support of people will enable you to shine. Would you be up for reaching out for a front office position for a therapist, etc to get your foot in the door in that industry that your school work is in?

Update on me: Did our pitch last night with my class final - in front of 300 people. Went quite well. It's taken QUITE a load to get done, so slept last night & now focusing on other projects for the next few days to keep everything in balance.

It felt SO good to get a REALLY good night sleep last night.

Dee74 11-08-2013 03:48 PM

Hope you feel better today liss - happy weekend all :)

venuscat 11-08-2013 04:21 PM

Serene ~ thank you for your words.

And yes, shining is something I would like to do, and that's what I loved about working
in Customer Service in the past.

I get to use my computer skills, and talk to people, answer their queries, and help solve
their problems. I like that. And I would really like to sit down for a few hours at a time
during the day...I am over working on my feet.

I like that there are lots of people in the work place; I miss the constant buzz of other peoples' work noise.

I have spent way too much time on my own...

Glad to hear that the talk in front of 300 went well; not that I am surprised.
I have complete faith in you!!!

Love to all my Februbuddies,

V xx

SereneEdition 11-09-2013 12:57 AM

Sounds like a lovely plan V. You'll definitely shine at customer service & being in a office with lots of people sounds like fun.

Caught up on email & heading to bed. Small victory that I'm super proud of - over the past year I've lost 20lbs & I'm fitting back into clothes again. I was so puffy when I was drinking. It's been slow and steady & from self care rather than dieting.

Night Night everyone.

venuscat 11-10-2013 02:15 PM

Sorry Mel love, I was down in the dumps, and I missed your date.
Happy 9 months love!!!!

Love V xx

melissa6381 11-10-2013 09:53 PM

9 months wow. Almost to that long awaited year. Feel like I need to do something special for myself then but dunno what yet. Anyone have any ideas?

Been pretty blah myself lately. Tomorrow I'm going to an event for work. I was nominated for employee of the quarter and have to stand in front of a crowd of higher ups who will decide if I win or not. I'd really rather not go through all that because I'm feel really socially anxious about it but I'm already roped in so.... Yeah.

Got in a fight at work tonight. Some of the language tossed around my workplace is really really inappropriate and I snapped. Now, a few of the cooks are mad at me but I don't care if a bunch of racist homophobic jerks don't like me, however it's still got me feeling on edge. A lot of thing have been making me feel on edge lately. I need a break.

My friend was here this weekend. I picked her up from the bars last night and she puked 3 times. She felt horrible this morning and I was relieved because normally I'd been right there with her.

All for now. M.

SereneEdition 11-11-2013 01:42 AM

Congrats Mel!!!!! 9 months! You're fantastic! Glad to hear of your success at work. It does seem a bit silly how they are celebrating it.

ideas - I've treated myself with by taking the day off and just doing fun things around town - seeing people I like to see, buying a handbag, and good smelling lotion that I put on in the morning that's now part of my 'I take care of myself' routine, and getting a pair of lulu yoga pants - stuff that I wouldn't normally do when I was drinking that help reinforce doing the things that make me happy that I'm sober.

I felt a little bleh at 9 months too. I've read that it's not too uncommon to have a bit of a low period about now. I'm glad we have more time until holidays, like you mentioned.


venuscat 11-11-2013 02:36 PM

(girl talk warning.... ;))

Oh Serene, I love love love my lulu lemon pants; if only I could afford a new pair.
They're mega-expensive here. Have a wonderful fun day.

Mel, how did your work event go? Hope it wasn't too harrowing. (((hug)))
Did you win....I have a feeling. ♥

liss hun, how are you sweety? Hopefully you have some you-time today as well. :)

Love to all,

V xx

Dee74 11-11-2013 02:40 PM

congratulations Mel :)


melissa6381 11-11-2013 09:27 PM

It was awkward but I got through it... and it was cool to make my boss so happy when I won. Nice enough day but I'm glad it's over.

Still feeling rundown. Over did myself doing home renovations last week and have to work 6 days this week so I'm resting today even though all the "I should be doings" are haunting me. I'll go to bed early tonight and feel better in the morning.

Love to all!

liss74 11-11-2013 09:49 PM

Way to go Mel xxxxx I'm ok v just run down a little but I'm sober :)

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