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Dee74 06-29-2012 05:30 PM

I hope things got better for you missfestival :)


Jeni26 06-29-2012 11:27 PM


Why oh why when I've had to work in the heat all week, have I woken up on a Saturday to grey skies and rain?!?!
Is someone playing a cruel joke on me?!?

And, why when it's the weekend did I wake every 2 hours during the night thinking of work issues and trying to solve them?!

A quiet day for me I think. Peace and calm and no resentments... That's the plan anyway!

Happy sober Saturday everyone xxx

KaPuka 06-30-2012 04:19 AM

Drunk in spectacular style smashed knee from falling over and broken iPhone empty bank balance. Ruined any chance with the one girl I actually quite like. Also sore on the right chest area?! Wtf is wrong with me.
Back to day 1 after letting you all down, does this mean suspension from class ? Sorry guys tomorrow back on it. The stupid thing is I ran out if the campral as started new job and hadn't had time to get it replaced and used it As an excuse to have just one .

James ( yep ka puka does have a real name )
Incidentally ka puka was the wine I over indulged in far too frequently

Dee74 06-30-2012 05:03 AM

sorry you had to go through all that James - but I'm glad your back with us :)


Jeni26 06-30-2012 05:52 AM

Oh am so sorry to hear that James, I know how horrible that 'day after' feeling is. I was thinking of you only yesterday and wondering how you were.
We don't suspend people from this thread!!! I would have gone a long time ago if we did, and I'm going nowhere!
So pleased to have you back with us.
What support do you have for getting back on track now? Maybe you need to have a change in tactics?
We are all here for you, big hugs xxx

KaPuka 06-30-2012 08:51 AM

Hi thanks guys .... To be honest I only mentioned it on here as have to be honest on these threads and it is bad karma to comment without being honest,I wasn't fishing for poor me's at all . Genuinely disappointed but heartened by the care you all show daily

KaPuka 06-30-2012 08:55 AM

Jen no tactics yet, will figure it out tomorrow I guess :)
Bit on my own really

KaPuka 06-30-2012 09:03 AM

On a positive note though imagine if we can keep this classgoing in months years etc to come how close we will all become over time. Want to be sober like these other threads instead of this small burst b___ s____

Jeni26 06-30-2012 09:14 AM

Maybe you should have a look at some of the forums that have helped other people stay sober? I reckon there's some really good advice if you look for it. I just know there's no way I could stay sober without support. I love coming on SR, but I also need face to face stuff I get from AA. Listening to people who have managed to get through the sh*t and have years of sobriety is inspirational.
This is just so hard sometimes isn't it?
Stay close to us, keep posting, and you will get there x

Jeni26 06-30-2012 09:16 AM

Yes, I would love that. To stay in touch long term. This is a great bunch of people and I really feel I know you all already. I have images in my mind of what you all look like!x

Jeni26 07-01-2012 01:11 AM

Morning all. How are you feeling today James? I've been thinking of you x

KaPuka 07-01-2012 03:03 AM

Thanks Jeni
all good today thanks!!!! Just pretty disappointed. It's a bit like groundhog day sometimes

Jeni26 07-01-2012 03:40 AM

It is disappointing I know. But try not to dwell on it cos that just prolongs the agony.
Today is a new day, and we are right behind you xx

hypochondriac 07-01-2012 12:47 PM

Hey everyone.

Back after a few days of being social. I'd love to say it was an entirely positive experience...although drinking was NOT the main focus of anything I've been up to I do feel a bit like it's been shoved in my face a bit. I seem to have ups and downs with any social occasions, and although I'd like to be able to carry on as normal, drunk people really annoy me now and I can't help but feel like people think I'm being a bit over dramatic giving it up...

Sorry to hear you had a rough night James. I couldn't do this without support. This place keeps me grounded and going to AA has been brilliant for helping me know I'm not alone. It certainly feels that way if I'm not in contact with other people like us.

Hope you had a good time at your BBQ Still.

And Jeni, it sounds like you're well in demand! Good luck with all your possible jobs :) x

Jeni26 07-01-2012 12:58 PM

Lovely to have you back Hypo, I've really missed you xx. I've had a lovely weekend bonding with my daughter, although I can't help feeling gutted at all the time I've wasted over the years.
I know what you mean about the social occasions, I've avoided them over the past month or so, but next weekend were spending saturday with H's brother and family. Big drinking night historically and I've no idea how H is going to cope without it.
I'm not going to spend the week fretting though. He's done so well.
As for the jobs, I can't go for the one close to home as its only a years fixed term contract, and I just can't take the risk I might be out of work this time next year. A real shame. As for the promotion, I'm undecided. I want less stress not more, and my days will if anything be even longer!!
Lovely to have you back xx

hypochondriac 07-01-2012 03:12 PM

Escape plan Jeni! I think that's the key. I am usually okay if I'm psyched up enough for them but it's always good to know I can leave when I want to if I feel I need to. Your husband has done really well! I'm sure you'll both be fine at this do x

jobei 07-02-2012 04:15 AM

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all well today. I was just thinking about the 4th of July last year. On the 3rd I began a drinking binge that lasted nearly 6 months. Total chaos. Not this year. Take care all!

Really4Real 07-02-2012 09:59 AM

Hi guys.... yep still around. Today is day 1 though. Took me several weeks, but I'm committed to doing this.

Jeni26 07-02-2012 10:40 AM

Hi Jobei, great to hear from you.
R4R, brilliant to know you're committed, you have helped me so much with 'stuff' that has been hard to talk about. You're a lovely person, and really deserve your chance at sobriety. Keep us posted and let us all support you. You can do this!!xxx
Just home from work, and heading out to a meeting shortly. My sleeping has got into a really bad cycle at the moment, only slept for 2 hours last night, and can barely keep my eyes open!!
Love and hugs to all xx

InsertNameHere 07-02-2012 03:46 PM

Hey Everyone, how is everyone doing? Seems good, I am still not doing well on the nit drinking front, but I haven't given up yet. I am sober now, and plan to continue being so through the 4th of July, I have my birthday comming up and I really want to spend it sober. The big 30 could be a life changing event if I manage it. I hope everyone had a better weekend than me.

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