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historyteach 12-02-2009 06:27 PM

Sorry I'm behind, but, more prayers coming for mom.... :praying

Ice when you've strained the muscles;
Heat when you get up and they haven't been used.
That's what my PT said to me.
Use both.

My whine is a doozie...
Watch out!

I had a med for my stomach,
My doc sent me to the hospital in June, with severe stomach pain.
All kinds of tests.
Then to the gasteronologist.
Tube down the throat showed a red raw stomach.
He gave me a pill - an old anti-depressant that works for pain.
I didn't like the idea, but, was convinced to take it....

Five months later, I have my physical.
My triglyceriderides and cholesterol are SKY HIGH!
And liver function disfunction.
My eye doc's exam a week earlier show's heightened occular pressure. (glocoma)
There's more, but, you get the jist of it. :scorebad
Mind you, this was *all* while I followed a nutritionist's advice; got my blood sugar down; and lost weight!
*huh???* What's wrong with this picture!

An investigation shows that this particular medication *causes* ALL these things!!! :c004:

Soooooo, I wrote all three doc's a letter, informing them that I will *no longer* be taking that medication -- amitriptyptline, otherwise known as elavil.
If my stomach pain returns, we'll just have to find another way to deal with it. I'm not going to have a heart attack, or a stroke, or go blind, because I have a STOMACH ACHE!
(Yes, it was more than a stomach ache, but, you get the idea!)

Sometimes, the cure is worse that the disease!


Rusty Zipper 12-02-2009 06:43 PM


Queeny thinks our bank account has been compromised.

we hope you didn't have a blackout when out saving Ward some moolah!

hey sober, love the glasses!

geeze teach, you sound like a train wreck!

86 that med!

OZboy 12-02-2009 08:40 PM

..poor teach..take care..

..keep the fly

nogard 12-02-2009 08:53 PM

(((teach and sis)))

whineless here at 4pm Wednesday 3rd December 2009

but... I am fed up as I have no whine today!

nogard 12-02-2009 08:54 PM

Welcome to the new whiners, moan away guys! Mine that Whine.

Ann 12-03-2009 01:43 AM

Oz, reminds me of that old song "There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly". Blechttt.

My morning whine...I bought a new lip gloss that says it will "plump" my lips. Wore it yesterday, liked the colour and yet had no plumping happening. This morning, recently awake with nothing on my lips...I notice my lips have a "bad taste". I am certain Angelina Jolie never had to go through this!

My lesson here is to ditch the new lip gloss and go back to my good old standard stuff. At least it doesn't make my lips taste bad.

Good Morning Whiners! It works when you whine it. :thanks

Rusty Zipper 12-03-2009 02:15 AM

remined me of HALT queeny

here at whiners, we have






historyteach 12-03-2009 03:09 AM

The bad taste *may* have been the first of the reaction
That will cause your lips to puff! :ValD014:
You have to let the magic work! LOL!

Sorry about the bank problem.
Please make sure to follow through on that, though.
And be sure that it's fixed; the money returned.
It sounds a bit fishy to me.
Peee ewwwww!

My personal whine today....
I'm sick; been up for the last two nights
coughing, sneezing, blowing my nose.... :sick:
Talked to my doc's office yesterday.
They sent in a prescription for me
for a sinus infection. :e088:
I feel like crapola...

Hope you all have a great whiney day! :>)


least 12-03-2009 03:39 AM

Back still hurts this morning, tho not as bad as yesterday. He gave me muscle relaxers and it helps some.

Today is going to be too busy. Have three appts with various things today. Would rather stay home in bed.

CatsPajamas 12-03-2009 04:53 AM

Wind chill here is 11. BRRRRRRRRR. I think winter is here!


Ann 12-03-2009 05:31 AM

Cats, it's colder there than here in this part of Canada. Brrrrr.

Teach, did you get your flu shot? Hope you feel better soon.

Follow-up whine to the bank thing. :run

I called the Customer Service office of Pioneer Gas this morning, right when they opened, and spoke to a woman with the mentality of a gnat. After repeating my story a zillion times she finally got it right and is forwarding it to their credit department and says they will call me maybe today or maybe tomorrow.

I told her if this wasn't resolved by noon, I was calling the police...and maybe the media. They took $250 to which they were not entitled from my account and I am prepared to fax gas receipt copies and printout from my bank to prove it.

Queeny doesn't like being messed with. She has her steel toed bunny slippers ready to do some heavy duty shinning if need be.

Now this may appear to be more of an outburst than a whine, but you can't say I didn 't warn ya. Thank you for listening.


Hevyn 12-03-2009 05:54 AM

Ann, I think Angelina's lips look almost deformed. :28: You don't want that look.
Teach & Least - sorry about your health issues
IO - the little poem was inspirational, thanks
Oz - that was yucky about the fly. Are you down off the ceiling?

Weather Whine: Tornado warnings, winds & driving rain all night. Dogs howled non-stop. Sunny & 62 now. This can't be healthy.

Ann 12-03-2009 07:25 AM

Update to Gas/Bank/Whine Issue...

My account has been credited to correct their error and all is well.

For me all is well, for them they just lost a customer who spent about $5000 a year on gas at their station.

*brushes off bunny slippers and sets aside for another day*


parentrecovers 12-03-2009 12:13 PM

december 3rd whine :

snow. tangled lights. pooped already and it's only december 3rd.


it is december 3rd, isn't it?

historyteach 12-03-2009 01:46 PM

I got the regular flu shot.
The won't give us teachers the swine flu shot; only the students.
We have to wait until our doctors get their allotments -- sometime in FEBRUARY! :tapping

Ok, heard from the doc's office today.
He thinks it's bronchitis, not a sinus infection, as I thought.
My lung exray was clear, though. No phenemonia, thank G*D!

He also agreed with my letter to him about the amitriptyline,
And my decision to stop taking it! :>)
So, hopefully, that other stuff will begin to settle back down to normal soon.

Now, can I *pleeeeeease* stop coughing!!! :sick:
Jewish penicillin coming up for dinner tonight!
Matza ball soup! :>)

Good for you for following through,
And droping them like a hot potato!
Geeze Louise!
Enough is enough!
I'm mad for you! :tapping

Stay healthy, everyone! *hug*
(from a distance)


Dee74 12-03-2009 02:02 PM

I like that calling the police and media thing - that's going in my toolbox, Ann :c014:


nogard 12-03-2009 02:21 PM

Got a message on bum book this morning that was stupid and rude, so I ignored it and sent myself a nice message :)

Ann 12-03-2009 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 2450985)
I like that calling the police and media thing - that's going in my toolbox, Ann :c014:


What you need, Dee, is a pair of those steel toed bunny slippers as backup :lmao

Dee74 12-03-2009 02:28 PM

bum book? :eek5:

and LOL yep I'm ordering some Ann :D

Ann 12-03-2009 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by nogard (Post 2451004)
Got a message on bum book this morning that was stupid and rude, so I ignored it and sent myself a nice message :)

Well done. Stupid and rude messages are not acceptable.

Here's a nice one just for you...

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