SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

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CarolD 04-28-2009 07:33 PM

bohemianzen ......:wave:
Welcome to SR and our Daily Support thread.

Good to know you are here with us

bohemianzen 04-29-2009 03:42 AM

thank you carol for the welcome. i'm in love with the board and the peoples already :hug:
steam glad something is coming your way - maybe it will lead into something else too. i've had those experiences where that happens.
i'm starting day 3 - the past 2 days i've gotten up earlier than the alarm which has at least my my morning routine less stressed instead of getting up and going at it 100 miles an hour to get out the door and into traffic to make it to work on time.

OceanBound 04-29-2009 04:24 AM

Going into double digits today, day 10 for me. Still exhausted but other withdrawal symptoms got much better. Scared about what my life will be like sober, whether I'll find the strength to deal with my problems productively. But a little excited too.

Maybe I'll graduate from this thread in 1 try??? :dance8:

Dean62 04-29-2009 04:46 AM

Welcome bohemianzen, nice to have you here, love your positive attitude.

Originally Posted by OceanBound (Post 2210224)
I am stuck at a job that I don't like because I think it's stable and I have financial obligations so I can just quit and look for something that I would like more. But you've got nothing to lose. Having said that, the structure does help me now not to focus on my drinking or withdrawal for 8+ hours a day.

I hear you OB, in todays economy I'm grateful to have a job and as you said there have been times when my job was the only structure I had in my life. It's good to have somewhere to go and pull my own weight.

Originally Posted by steamvessel (Post 2209891)
I just can't seem to focus and have very little energy, especially with trying to solve tasks. I feel like I am really out of it, I have no idea if this has anything to do with drinking/not drinking or just a residual effect of laziness/depression/bad habits.

In short, I am feeling very confused and scatter-brained and am not sure what to do about it.

I was where you are just 33 days ago. I new my thinking was messed up and I was stuck so I decided to just listen to my sponsor. He is a friend that I trust has my best interests in mind. He really does care. It is easy for him to step back and be objectionable about what I am doing at times when I'm in the middle of it and can't think strait long enough to see the right direction in which to move. The only thing I had to do was trust him and follow through with what he suggested until my head finally started to clear. I know you don't do AA but my point here is finding someone you can trust who will tell you strait up and honest what you need to here. I know how scattered brained it can be where your at right now and I think it is a combination of the above that you suggested, not that it really matters right now. Your just stuck. Do you have someone you trust?

Take is easy and keep it simple while you are in early recovery. No need to rush anything right now. Give yourself time for the fog to lift because it will.

We are pulling for you man. :ghug3

Congrats to everyone here for another day sober.

electrickery 04-29-2009 06:24 AM

Day 9 today.

Welcome bohemianzen - I love your avatar - it reminded me that I haven't gotten around to getting one for this forum yet. I'm glad you love this board already.... me too!

Steam I can totally relate about living the dream. I write and often if I get out of the habit I forget all about it until the next time it hits wham! - that's right I haven't written for a month. I find it hard to keep the focus going. I am hoping clarity and focus will come if i keep going for it.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

CarolD 04-29-2009 11:40 AM

Way To Go Everyone........:cheer

I bought my first ever ...gasp!....rake.
I also purchased a shaker can of assorted wild flowers.

The idea is to break up a small strip of dirt back yard
with the rake......sow to seeds....tamp down ...water often.

:laughing: I usually buy flats already growning
but '09 ...I'm trying something different.

Farmer Carol is still exploring things of interest.

danog 04-29-2009 06:38 PM

Keep Focused
Let's keep our heads together and look forward to how good we are all going to feel!!!!

Day 3 for me. ( I'm a poet and I didn't even know it! )


danog 04-29-2009 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by OceanBound (Post 2210568)
Going into double digits today, day 10 for me. Still exhausted but other withdrawal symptoms got much better. Scared about what my life will be like sober, whether I'll find the strength to deal with my problems productively. But a little excited too.

Maybe I'll graduate from this thread in 1 try??? :dance8:

Don't be afraid to be excited. We should be looking forward to feeling good physically and mentally.

I'm on day 3.

Keep strong and focused Oceanbound!!


danog 04-29-2009 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by OceanBound (Post 2208935)

I had a variation of the dream in the weeks before I decided to get sober. But it was more like I was waking up after I passed out from drinking and was terrified because I couldn't move or scream. I felt like I was paralyzed for several very long seconds before I could move again. And even that didn't make me want to stop, well, not initially.

The dream hasn't returned so far since I stopped. Hoping for some better dreams now.

Good luck with your journey!

I am having the opposite reaction. I never dream when I'm drunk but I am dreaming crazy s**t now!!

Getting all of the crap out of my body I guess.

CarolD 04-29-2009 07:15 PM

:wave: to Dan
Well done on your fresh start
Good to see you here with us.....:yup:

Dean62 04-29-2009 08:39 PM

9 days is great electrickery! So much better then those first 72 hours.

Welcome to SR Dan. I like your attitude.

Originally Posted by danog (Post 2211668)
Let's keep our heads together and look forward to how good we are all going to feel!!!!

Together is right on Dan, there is a guy in my homegroup meeting that is always saying "I drink, we recovery". AA or not we do this together. Just the opposite of our selfish drinking daze.

CarolD 04-30-2009 04:11 AM

Since I quit my absolute knowledge
26 people I knew have died from drinking alcohol.

Please read this link.....I shared on SR
it in the hope of saving someone from death.

No one need die from alcoholism.

electrickery 04-30-2009 09:24 AM

10 days!!!

I think this early milestone is worth getting an avatar (finally) to celebrate - the dragon has always been my symbol - well a new sober one is hatching!

I feel good today. Positive. Which is nice after the past few days of glumness.


Thanks everyone for being around.


bohemianzen 04-30-2009 05:01 PM

electrickery luv ur new avatar :)

im at the end of day 4 - started to think forward into the weekend a little bit ago and had to make myself stop. i hope i can make it thru my first weekend. not worrying about that now.

OceanBound 04-30-2009 08:39 PM

Bohemianzen, I was very nervous and afraid last weekend, my first sober weekend, that I won't make it. Almost ran out the door to get booze but then turned on the computer and started reading about other people's struggles with their cravings. And I stayed in. You are not alone. I plan on being here tomorrow night because I can already tell I'm gonna need the support. Join in!

OceanBound 04-30-2009 08:40 PM

Electrickery, love the avatar too!!!

CarolD 04-30-2009 08:49 PM

Good to read your shares....Thanks Everyone

I did return to drinking...many times...after I decided to quit.
Each time least 2 of the elements of HALT were in place. very aware of not allowing yourself to become overly


hope this helps....:yup:

CarolD 04-30-2009 09:02 PM

:)....About cravings

In early sobriety....
I timed my cravings.

They were 5-7 minutes in duration.
Not too long too endure discomfort
Soooo....I took action.
Walked...Brushed my teeth... Drank cold water...Hard candy
Danced around the room...A bubble bath

Within 2 weeks...the lessened in both time and intensity.
By 2 or so months .... they vanished....:yup:

Now...were they mental or physical?
Darn if I know. Nor do I care.....:no:

Forward we go...side by side

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