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servicejunkie 11-13-2004 07:19 AM

Interesting update on my brother
Hopefully some of you guys remember a couple weeks ago when I told you I had my brother arrested for robbing my mother and violating his drug court parole. He is also locked up with another old friend of mine in recovery. Anyway, he will be going to the local Salvation Army for a 7 month treatment program this week. The thing that gets me is that This is my Current H&I commitment for tuesday nights!!! I have been carrying this meeting for about 6 months now and it will be up at the end of the year. The think it will be VERY awkward carrying a meeting in there with my brother in the facility. I think if will also be difficult if not impossible to treat him as "just another patient" and give him EQUAL attention to everyone else. I mentioned it in the subcommitee and nobody said anything, they were like "cool, sounds neat". It also suggests in the world H&I handbook that we not go into facilities that we have friends or family members in. My sponsor thinks I think to much and am projecting and that I really don't have any clue how I will feel when it comes up. He compared it to me chairing a meeting that he is at, which I have done before. This is different because I will be speaking sometimes and I can't spend time talking to him or bring him anything. My sponsor said he will switch tuesday night commitments with me (grudgingly) if things don't work out. What do all of you think about this?? Anyone ever been in a similar situation?? Does the H&I handbook suggest the panel leader not going into facilities with friends or family members as patients or does your local subcommitee have policy against doing this?? A little clarity would be greatly appreciated. Love & Respect, Mike

Gooch 11-13-2004 08:04 AM

Mike ... you know what to do.

You've allready done the homework and know there are suggestions about it.

Have you contacted the facility to let them know your concerns?

I think you can do it in the meantime (and look for someone else who won't need to begrudgingly do it)and as long as you let your bro know that you can offer him no special consideration during H&I, your doing the right thing for the right reasons.


abtchonamission 11-13-2004 12:23 PM

Remember too, your HP won't put anything on you that you can't handle.
Even if it seems that way.

godsonmyside 11-13-2004 04:57 PM

Do Make directories of outside meetings available to residents.
Do Clarify the rules with whomever you bring into the facility.
Do Start and end on time!
Do Emphasize that NA recovery is available to all addicts regardless if drugs used.
Do Clearly state that Narcotics Anonymous is separate from the facility and from other fellowships.
Do Involve residents with the meeting, especially those in long term facilities
(readings, etc.).
Do Obey the dress code, exercise common sense.
Do Screen all panel members, speakers, and chairpersons.
Do Attempt to get all agreements in writing
Do Adhere to the security regulations at all times.
Do Ensure that a clear NA message of recovery is carried by all panel members.

Don't Attend H&I facilities alone.
Don't Emphasize "using days" while sharing an NA message of recovery.
Don't Give anyone within the facility your address or telephone number.
Don't Use excessive profanity
Don't Break another person's anonymity.
Don't Debate any issues involving facility rules, regulations, programs, or other felowships.
Don't Get involved in discussions on outside issues, remember why we are there.
Don't Discuss conditions within the facility.
Don't Discuss facility staff members with inmate(s).
Don't Wear flashy jewelry and don't carry excessive cash.
Don't Show favoritism to any resident(s).
Don't Take messages or carry letters in or out of the facility.
Don't Bring an NA member who has friends and/or family in the facility.
Don't Ask what type of crime an inmate has ben convicted of, or discuss guilt or innocence.
Don't Accept money or gifts from, or give money or gifts to any inmate.
We hope these excerpts have been of help. For more detailed information, refer to the Hospitals & Institutions Handbook. If you have questions or need more information, please contact the WSO H&I Project Coordinator at the World Service Office: PO Box 9999, Van Nuys, CA 91409 or call (818) 773-9999

This is the simple does and don't pamplet we agree to before we committ to a facility, right now I think your concerns are very fair, of course that's just one opinion. If you don't feel comfortable and it could put the NA relationship in jeperody, you need to be responsible about it, even if it pisses your sponsor off, he will get over it and life will go on. What do you think is best?
Todd J.

servicejunkie 11-16-2004 06:58 AM

Yep, those are the same Do's and Don'ts I have seen myself. I have already decided that I'm going to go ahead and move on. I've almost completed my commitment to the facility and will just take on a different facility. My sponsor is not really one to agree with and always follow guidelines (I know not exactly an asset or in line with the 2nd tradition), and I think it is the right thing to do at this point. You are also right godonmyside, if I did continue to do the meeting there, it could put our relationship with the facility in jeopardy. I really appresiate all the experience and guidance on this one. Love & Respect, Mike

servicejunkie 11-16-2004 07:00 AM

I have a meeting there tonight (may be my last one), so I'll go ahead and talk with the people at the facility and see what they think

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