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Don W 11-21-2005 07:55 PM

Support Systems
Please read my post on Recovery ie; "Support Systems" Give me some feed back please. Didn't have time to post on both boards but, I think some might apply to both boards.

shutterbug 11-22-2005 11:28 PM

Don, would you mind copying and pasting your other post in this thread? Or providing a link to it?

Sorry....I'm just kinda too lazy to go looking for things these days...

Hugs ;)

historyteach 11-23-2005 05:12 AM

Don W 11-23-2005 07:42 PM

Thanks History. Shutterbug, the last time I tried to split a post I lost poor Amy's post. Speaking of which I've PM'd her with no response. And she hasn't been on line. Hope she's OK.

shutterbug 11-23-2005 09:54 PM

Yeah, i've noticed she's been gone for a while too....i'm sure she's okay. I know she was thinking about a move to Cali and about getting into realistate so let's hope she's off making her dreams come true :)

I don't know anything about splitting posts, but if you open up a new window on your screen ( so that you have two different internet windows) then it's easy to do what historyteach did above. All you do is open the new thread in one window and the thread you want to link it to in the other window. Then....say in the thread where you wrote everything: copy the address of that page from the address box near the top of the screen. Then switch over to the new thread and go to Edit and then select paste.

That's all there is to it. Then peeps can click on the link and go directly to the spot you are referring to....make sense? There's no way to delete a thread by creating a link to another thread or page.

Let me know if you hear from Amy and how she's doing....

Hugs and Happy turkey day tomorrow

shutterbug 11-23-2005 09:58 PM

....or you can do the same with the text itself.....

Here's what you wrote in the other thread

Originally Posted by Don
Support Systems


Lately I've been up and down. There are alot of things happening in my life. There has been good but, sort of like the Patriots, it's been win one lose one. All of a sudden I've noticed a dangerous pattern in my thoughts. I'm fighting them but, maybe I should expose them. I've been thinking of isolating but, I now believe it's something else. I've been wanting to sever my support systems. Have you ever thought of this. I want to tell the VA I'm OK now, drop meetings, fade away from SR etc. The problem is I think it's my alcoholism driving these thoughts. If I look hard, it is all the things that watch over me. Things that help keep me sober. I've taken reading back up to help divert my brain from destructive thoughts. Hey, maybe I'm over reacting to some difficult times. My 92 year old mother is sick, some family members not talking to others, my wife and daughter not speaking after argument on vacation. My wife might be out of a job. One of the lawyers is moving south. My manager at work is getting unreasonable at work. My former employer has offered me a good job to come back. The Holidays are here and my family is fragmented. For the first time in along time I need to keep repeating, " I will not drink no matter what." The crazy part is I feel good in a way. Strange but, being in control and not on alcohol is a relief. So I can't understand why I'd want to stop what got me here. I feel a little silly even saying it, I mean I have almost 3 years. You'd think these thoughts wouldn't return. Do you ever feel like you need a pep talk? Should I need one at this stage? I'm just a little lost, and don't want to choose the wrong path.

Although peeps will still have to visit the actual site to see all the responses from others cus i'm not in the mood to copy and past them ALL over to here....LOL...

luv ya:)

shutterbug 11-23-2005 10:16 PM

My response is this....I bet even Christ needed a pep talk every once in a while when he was on earth and living in human form! We all need pep talks...we all need support...we all need to feel like we are doing okay and that other people can see that in us - as validation to prove to ourselves that we REALLY are doing okay and that what we are doing is still working so therefore we need to keep it up.

Do "I" ever feel like blowing off my support systems....OH YEAH...all the time. I need them desperately so I know i can't, but that's a double edged sword. I absolutely hate knowing and realizing how dependent upon others I am. I feel like I should be strong enough to do it on my own (and this is the kind of deceptive and false thinking that gets me in trouble every time). I have to tell myself that it's not only okay to depend on a support system, but it's really a necessity to every human being. We are social creatures and we were born this way. We depend on others. We decide what kind of person we are and how successful we are in our lives by seeing and percieving the responses of those people in our support system. They are like our true life mirrors. (rather than the mirrors we use to look into for know...those fun house mirrors that distort the truth and make us appear to ourselves to be fat or short or every shape except our true beautiful shape).

When we step into aware recovery in our lives...i believe we all kind of take an unspoken oath to stop looking into those fun house mirrors and start searching for only the truth and to do that we HAVE to have our support system in place and to continue to nurture that or else our thinking will return to that distorted picture again. And it's so easy to go back to that warped mirror b/c it's familiar to us, it feels like an old friend, but it's not. Those mirrors may even make me look 10 pounds skinnier (and I sure would love to believe that I am), but that's not the truth and unless i look to the truth then I will never be successful in becoming the person I truely want to be.

And yeah...sometimes I often get tired of seeing the truth, because the truth is painful, but IMO not as painful and harmful as avoidence and denial can be - which can destroy the life i've been working so hard for.

Don't know if any of this makes sense....just my thoughts at the moment...

Hang in there. I think it's wonderful progress that you recognized this. You seem to be so over-whelmed that you looking to run and hide....bury your head in the sand, but that never helps anything b/c problems never go away. We have to deal with them sooner or later. Stress relieving things would be a super good idea right now i think. You know drinking is not the answer and that's awsome....don't let those fun house mirrors convience you otherwise.

shutterbug 11-23-2005 10:18 PM

oh....and i don't think it's ever to late in the game to learn something new! I hope I'm still learning about myself until the day I die.

And reading to take your mind off...good idea...and you know they say that keeping your mind stimulated also helps ward off demensia and alzhiemers and such in later happy're doing some REALLY great things for yourself!

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