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dmajor7th 06-19-2005 04:20 PM

Lamotrigine (Lamictal) Meds for Borderlines?
Hello, I've mentioned in other posts that I have severe depression and anxiety, but forgot in my benzodiazepine addled brain that I have also been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder three times in my life by three different doctors. Anyway, I certainly fit the profile of a borderline and find it difficult to stay in therapy (I REALLY like the therapist, then they say something that hurts my feelings -something absolutley harmless-and I don't like them or trust them anymore so that's that.) But I need help anyway, I've just this minute discovered a drug on the internet Lamotrigine (Lamictal) has anyone used it? Will an antidepressant do enough or should I have a mood stabilizer too? The more I read, the more I think I should. I go through moods like socks. (Actually I'm too depressed to wear socks) Anyway, if anyone has any information about treatment for this condition or experiences they would like to share, I would be very grateful. I'm phoning mental health again tomorrow and if I can get in to see a shrink-I'd like to try to start out with as good a try at the right medication as possible. I've read up on the SSRIs and stuff but know very little about other types of drugs. Thanks.

eddie z. 06-20-2005 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by dmajor7th
I REALLY like the therapist, then they say something that hurts my feelings -something absolutley harmless-and I don't like them or trust them anymore so that's that.

Yeah, that sounds like borderline stuff to me, too. And the changing moods like socks also. I have been diagnosed with many things, including both borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder, in the past. So I was on mood stabilizers for several years. Of course, I was also self-medicating with all kinds of other stuff, too.

I don't think the kind of mood swings one has with borderline are as easily treated with meds as the sort you get with bipolar. Personality disorders are better treated with therapy than meds generally. Although I do find that meds that work on serotonin seem to make me less hypersensitive. I think though that what's helped me the most with my borderline tendencies, though, is education and work on the Twelve Steps.

I hope this helps a little. Best wishes in your recovery and feel free to PM me if you like about meds or whatever!

Love and hugs,
Eddie :brain

dmajor7th 06-20-2005 11:30 PM

Thanks so much for replying eddie z. I know I need therapy definitley. But I'm pretty sure I need some kind of meds for depression as I don't even leave the house anymore.
So the mood stabilizers didn't realy help you then? Because I was wondering about trying those, but frankly, the less drugs for me, the better. So for you a serontonin antidepressant helps? I have a hard time trusting doctors. I'm quite concerned about the weight gain issue, as I'm already 60 pounds overweight. It's a really tough choice-I'd like to meet someone nice-but I won't find one laying in my room either. ;)
Thanks for replying eddie z, I realy appreciate it.

Oh, you mention hypersensitivity-I assume you mean feelings wise-like easily hurt, etc. I am like that too-like a walking wound. But I also am hypersensitive to sound and smell and bright light-it drives me into a rage or extreme anxiety when someone makes a loud crash or talks too loud at me-It feels like a physcial assault.

eddie z. 06-21-2005 03:19 AM

Originally Posted by dmajor7th
But I also am hypersensitive to sound and smell and bright light-it drives me into a rage or extreme anxiety when someone makes a loud crash or talks too loud at me-It feels like a physcial assault.

Now, to me that sounds like hypervigilance which is often a symptom of PTSD. That would make sense, too, because borderline personality and PTSD often go hand in hand as a result of trauma. One of the newer antipsychotics might be useful for this as well as acting as a mood stabilizer, then again they can cause weight gain also.

No, the mood stabilizers didn't help me much, but I think that's because a) I was using at the time, and b) I wasn't really bipolar, so I didn't really need a mood stabilizer.

The Lamictal is supposed to have good antidepressant properties as well as being a good mood stabilizer, so that may be a good option. As far as antidepressants go, the serotonin ones do help with that "walking wound" feeling, but the tradeoff is possible weight gain.

Love and hugs,
Eddie :brain

dmajor7th 06-21-2005 12:25 PM

Hi Eddie Z, thanks again. I appreciate your knowledge in these matters. Yes, I've had more than my fair share of trauma-as I imagine many people here do.
I'm going to my GP tonight-he's known me for years, knows about my addictions, etc. I'm going to talk to him about all this. Then go from there. I'll ask him about the Lamictal or an antidepressant. Thankyou.

eddie z. 06-21-2005 02:55 PM

You're most welcome! Just let us know how things go, OK?

Love and hugs,
Eddie :brain

dmajor7th 06-23-2005 12:21 PM

Just an update. I got a prescription for Zoloft today-50 mgs. I found a depression support group meeting today, so I'm going to try to brave myself to head out to that.
I couldn't get an appointment with mental health-the shrink- until July 13th, hence the visit to the GP. Now say it altogether now: NO WEIGHT GAIN !

Oh yeah, and that it works.;)

eddie z. 06-23-2005 12:25 PM


And I hope it works for you, too!
Love and hugs,
Eddie :kitty:

dmajor7th 06-23-2005 12:38 PM

Thanks eddie z. I really appreciate it. This place is great.

eddie z. 06-23-2005 12:58 PM

You're most welcome! And this place IS great!

Love and hugs,
Eddie :brain

shutterbug 08-03-2005 12:13 AM

Just found your thread and I can relate to so much of what you are saying. I'm a rapid cycling bipolar and have PTSD and some anxiety issues (SAD-social anxiety disorder).

I absolutely cannot stand when people talk loud! Even if it's not directed at me or even just someone at another table at a resturant. It does feel like a physical assalt. My body switches into fight or flight mode and I'm just tense all over as my anxiety mounts. The urge to get away from the loud voice is almost over-whelming sometimes. I guess this is from the PTSD, but it's gotten a lot worse since I've been in this major depressive episode.

I've been dealing with this episode (the 2nd in my life) for nearly a year now and is just now starting to show signs of relief. I am all too familiar with isolating myself - for weeks at a time and not having energy to put socks on (I'm lucky if I can get up off the couch before dehydrating).

I'm on Lamictal for my bipolar, but I don't know how much good it's done me. I've started coming to the belief that nothing truely works for a major depression except ECT (electro shock therapy) - which sounds scary, but it's really pretty safe and if I still had medical insurance, I would have done it months ago just to get some relief.

Lately, I've started wondering if I have borderline personality disorder. I don't know much about it, but I have always been overly sensative to other people's words (and moreover, their actions or lack of). Getting my feelings hurt has been a life-long norm.

I don't know that I have any advice to give. I just wanted to say that I can relate to you in so many ways. I hope you are doing better. Check in with an update if you can.


Erratic 08-03-2005 12:26 AM

i dmajor i just saw what your posted about. im on amilsulpride ( solian)and it really does help with moods and anxiety to lots of other things .. its a anti pychotic drug which also helps when on low amounts with depression. i havent heard of the drug you mentioned.

good luck in your search for a drug that will help, there is many out there. the one im on hasnt many side effects.

not sure if i answerd your question properly or not.. (i prob didnt)


remeber im BPD also

eddie z. 08-03-2005 07:48 AM

Jenna and Erratic,
It's funny to me that bipolar and borderline share the acronym BPD because I think they are often confused with one another.

Jenna, one reason your Lamictal may not be helping so much is that you may be more borderline than bipolar and that would account for rapid mood swings and a lack of response to medication. ECT is an excellent option if you've been suffering for a year and no meds seem to be helping. Neither PTSD nor borderline is very responsive to medication unfortunately.

Hope this helps and if you have any other questions, feel free to PM me!
Love and hugs,
Eddie :brain

Erratic 08-03-2005 08:55 AM

sry eddie but my medication has worked for me, its calmed me totaly down being on anti psychotic medication. im not psychotic at the present time but it dumbs any mood swings , anger, anxiety, negative moods and so on..

your right about bi polar and BPD they have pretty much the same traits aswell as PTSD aswell is a shorter version i feel in what BPD is.

eddie z. 08-03-2005 09:12 AM

Originally Posted by Erratic
sry eddie but my medication has worked for me...

NO need to apologize! LOL. That's fantastic, Erratic!

I just think that with PTSD and borderline PD "talk" therapy is an important part of the treatment, too. PTSD and borderline often go hand-in-hand as a result of trauma and I was just noting that meds don't USUALLY work as well in these conditions as they do for, say, bipolar. If meds are working for you, then that's super! I think my husband is borderline also and meds seem to help him, too. I still think he should be in therapy, too, though.

Have a great day, or should I say evening?
Love and hugs,
Eddie :brain

Erratic 08-03-2005 09:24 AM

yeah your right about therapy ...

therapy is important which many BPD and that need psychotherapy to relearn skills in dealing with there emotions and so on.. me the medication is there to assist with the therapy and calm me down to a extent that im not obsessing over certain things..

with trauma which i guess made me BPD is that the medication stops the emotions which come from flashbacks or repeated behaviour which im proan to do when triggerd. so medication can be good for that.

hope i made sense there....

and yeah its evening :) and you have a good day too eddie :)

eddie z. 08-03-2005 10:16 AM

:yup: Made very good sense to me. And thanks, Erratic!!

Love and hugs,
Eddie :brain

dmajor7th 08-03-2005 10:28 AM

Jenna wrote: "I absolutely cannot stand when people talk loud! Even if it's not directed at me or even just someone at another table at a resturant. It does feel like a physical assalt. My body switches into fight or flight mode and I'm just tense all over as my anxiety mounts. The urge to get away from the loud voice is almost over-whelming sometimes. I guess this is from the PTSD, but it's gotten a lot worse since I've been in this major depressive episode."

Yes, that's exactly it. I HAVE to get away-if it's somewhere I can leave. If it's in my apartment (there's NO soundproofing in this building-I can hear people talk in normal voices in other suites) and it continues -or when people in the hallway continously slam doors and it gives a me a heart attack, well I've yelled at people-banged walls, screamed down the hall- which of course freaks people out and makes me look really bad. Anyway, the zoloft was too speedy went off it. I'm now starting my 4th week of xanax taper-it wasn't helping anymore and in fact was making me crazier. I actually have more control to not freak out since I started the taper. And am less depressed. Don't feel very good, but I expected that. Thanks for the med recommendation, Erratic! And I'm glad you are doing well on it. I'll certainly keep it in mind. For me, I think it's going to come down to me attempting to change my behaviour, but also take more action to make myself well, without meds-unless I go through a severe episode of some kind. Every med I try seems to make things worse. Anyway, thanks everybody.
Sincerely, Cate.

eddie z. 08-03-2005 10:46 AM

You're welcome, too, Cate! I'm so glad things are going well with that taper! Keep us posted, OK?

Love and hugs,
Eddie :brain

Erratic 08-03-2005 11:03 AM

have you ever tried a anti psychotic drugs dmajor?

like eddie said yeah keep us posted, me im in same boat in trying to get better.

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