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VanillaSugar21 08-02-2004 02:46 PM

Anybody been on klonopin?
I been taking klonopin for a few months now and I don't really see any difference but my doctor just keeps increasing it. I'm up to taking 0.5 mgs 4 times a day. My mom is starting to get worried. They also have me on Lamictal and they just increase it to 300 mgs once a day and I get sleepy and stuff 2 hrs after I take it so I'm slowly taking myself down to night time so maybe I'll actually sleep. But my main question is how many ppl have been on klonopin (clonazepam)? If they were on that high of a dose or higher?

MootPoint 08-02-2004 03:32 PM

These are doctor or pharmacist questions. I call my pharmacist with tons of questions and she doesn't seem to mind. Please give a mental professional a call with your concerns.

madmag 08-02-2004 03:36 PM

I was on it for awhile, only suppose to be .5 mg at night. But, I abused it and xanax and took them both like candy. Klonipin works, I know that. It is benzo that stays in your system longer than xanax or valium. Which I think is better because the fast acting ones like xanax are more addictive.

All I know is it works. Don't be a dope like me and abuse them. Getting clean from benzo's is one of the hardest things I have ever done. It made my experience getting clean from booze like a walk in the park. And I HAD to go into a detox.

Good Luck.

madmag 08-02-2004 03:37 PM

I totally agree to ask your pharmacist or doctor.................



MootPoint 08-02-2004 03:50 PM

and I totally agree with Magmag (Ooooooooo we have a fan club going). Don't fall into abuse! This is a hard drug to get clean from..... I've done it and am only taking what the dr. prescribes me now.

VanillaSugar21 08-02-2004 05:50 PM

well as of right now I don't have a doctor and the ppl at my pharmacy have everything mixed up. I just found out the reason why I have been having such a hard time breathing is because of the increase of klonopin and I don't think it helped me at all. I am asking my PCP to call the behavioral health center that I am supposed to be going to but my doctor left and see if he can get me into see one of the other doctors faster. I can't wait until 9/24 to see a doctor. For weeks I thought it was my asthma so I didn't let anyone smoke in or near me and it didn't help. I have a med book and look every medication up. I seem to know more about my medications and my diagnoses then the nurses or doctors I've been too. I don't want on klonopin I WANT OFF. I've gone times without it and have been fine. It's making sh*t worse for me then better. I went from only my hands shaking to my entire body. All I have to do is get a lil upset or anything really. And I am sorry I asked such a question on here and I won't again!!!

MootPoint 08-02-2004 07:05 PM

Don't worry about asking questions here..... questions never hurt anybody and are welcome.

9/24 is a bit of a way off. When you talk to your PCP, tell him you want off Klonopin. You'll probably have to taper off slowly, like I did.

I can relate to knowing meds better than the "professionals' because I do my research too. When you talk to your PCP, tell him/her what you have learned and explain to him why you want off.

I have never heard of trouble breathing from Klonopin, but it might be some obscure reaction. I know about obscure reactions vis a vis Risperidol.

When are you next due to speak with your PCP?

bushleaguer 08-02-2004 09:39 PM

In response to your initial question - I was put on Klonopin a few weeks ago due to panic attacks. I started out on .5mg 3x a day. After my initial visit with my doc I had two 'minor' panic attacks, so on my next visit he told me to up my dosage to .5mg 4 times a day. In one sense this dosage is "a lot," but I recently spoke to someone who has panic disorder who, at one point, had to take a total of 4mg a day to get his panic attacks to abate.

I knew nothing about Klonopin when I started taking it, and after doing research on the internet came to realize what a dangerous drug this can be. I've read a lot of posts on message boards where people became addicted and went through hell trying to get off of them. In almost all of these cases, however, the drug was apparently being abused (taking more than was prescribed). So of course you don't want to do that.

I tried the .5mg 4 times a day regimen for two days, but stopped because it made me tired all day. I go back to the doc tomorrow and I'm going to let him know I am going to give .5mg twice a day a try, as I have noticed some cognitive impairment. Of course I don't want the panic attacks to start up again - if they do after the drop, I'll probably go back to 1.5mg/day. I also want to discuss his long-term plans in regards to my treatment. I don't want to be on Klonopin for the rest of my life.....but I am grateful to be on it right now. The panic attacks were terribly debilitating.

Like the others have said, talk to your doctor. If you are adamant about getting off the Klonopin, then by all means do so. But do so under his supervision - do NOT stop them on your own. From what I have read, you must be "weaned" off of them or you could face some harsh side effects.

Best of luck, and I hope you find a treatment that works for you.

madmag 08-03-2004 04:23 AM

Yes, you need to be "weaned" off them. I had tried to stop Klonopin and Xanax by myself cold turkey and had a seizure. I was told this was the reason.

God Bless!

VanillaSugar21 08-03-2004 09:39 AM

Well I'm sorry that I no longer feel comfortable asking questions here but I took .5 three times a day for a good bit then a lil over a week ago they increased it and since then I have been having a hard time breathing and the doctor's office just keeps passing me on to someone else's voice mail because my doctor left. Usually my MH/MR caseworker would help me with this but she's left too. And they won't talk to my mom so my next choice is my therapist. And if that doesn't work I'm going to have to change where I am going because they are suppose to be there. I've called a few times liast week and 2 times today and ppl just keep sending me to another voicemail. I CANNOT BREATH THAT SHOULD GET ME A REAL PERSON NOT A MACHINE!!! My mom is very concered and wants me to go to my PCP and have him wean me off of it but I want a doctor that specials in it last time I left a PCP touch my mental health medications I ended up in the hospital. No thank you! Ok I'm done b*tching for now!

madmag 08-03-2004 10:40 AM

Why don't you feel comfortable asking questions? We gave our opinions, just wanted to make sure you also checked with a pharmacist or doctor is all. Its only because we care!!!

Be Well!

Morning Glory 08-03-2004 09:04 PM


Try to calm down. If I were having the problems you are having I would head down to the emergency room for an evaluation.

That's really the only safe way to handle this. Try to remember that the breathing problem could also be anxiety and coming from the fear of taking the medication. The only safe way to be sure is to go to the emergency room for an evaluation.

Please leave that option open.


BLUESMAN52 08-04-2004 04:12 AM

Get second opinion on clonazapm

Originally Posted by VanillaSugar21
I been taking klonopin for a few months now and I don't really see any difference but my doctor just keeps increasing it. I'm up to taking 0.5 mgs 4 times a day. My mom is starting to get worried. They also have me on Lamictal and they just increase it to 300 mgs once a day and I get sleepy and stuff 2 hrs after I take it so I'm slowly taking myself down to night time so maybe I'll actually sleep. But my main question is how many ppl have been on klonopin (clonazepam)? If they were on that high of a dose or higher?

I have been on and off klonopin for years. It takes time to relieve the anxiety, but i'll tell you this much.....It is absolute HELL to get off.
It is one of the most addictive drugs around, and if it is not helping you, I would ask my doc to taper me off asap.
Better off with xanax or valium. That's my opinion. I am not a doc, but I have to stay on klonopin forever because I can't withdraw from it.
Good luck and feel free to PM me or post here with more questions.
P.S. I have SEVERE anxiety and depression and I am also Bipolar II and I am only on 1/2 mg 2X a day.
Increasing it is the worst thing to do. Again, my opinion

VanillaSugar21 08-04-2004 05:52 AM

Ok so I did what MG said before I even read this. My therapist called me yesterday cause I didn't show up and I told him that I was having troble breathing but nobody over at the Mental health place would talk to me. They kept passing me from voicemail to voicemail. So he called and got a Dr. to talk to him and the Dr. said for me to go to the ER that I'd have more luck there because of the psych Dr. and the last time I let a PCP mess with my medication landed me in the hospital for 5-6 days. So my mom went with me and I spent 4 1/2 hrs there for me to be smart then the Dr. they gave me. My mom was upset and didn't want me to have that Dr. because a lil over a yr before he put her bf's life in major harm and she just didn't want him near me. Buuuut we didn't get a choice. Dude hooked me up to all the machines everything was normal and I don't think he liked it when I said duh. Sent me for an x-ray that I didn't need. Told me that was normal. Then came back and said I dunno. All I could think was omfg I'm smarter then the doctor. He had to get out his lil thing and look up my medication when I had just sat there and told him everything he had just read. I spent 4 1/2 hrs sitting there for him to say I dunno. When I asked 5 or 6 times to have Dr. Stevens come down because one of the nurses said he was still there but nobody ever listens to me. So I took myself down to .5mg 3 times a day. I called my Dr.'s office as soon as I woke up and told them everything and they said it was fine but they still most likely wouldn't get me into see a Dr. until Sept. OH GREAT! I told them that no matter what he said I want off the klonopin. I'll deal the my disorder with out any form of anxiety med before I'll let them put me back on that again. Blues I'm glad it works for you but it has made things worse for me. I'm starting to feeling better but I still think some Dr.'s are idiots. I had a better chance of staying home and just taking myself back to 3 times a day cause all the ER Dr. said was he couldn't tell me what to do with my medications but if I felt that strongly about it then ya know whatever. He wouldn't just say yeah go ahead take it back down to 3 times a day since ya only been on the 4 times for maybe 2 weeks. I could have don't everything they did to me in there to myself at home. Well other then the X-rays. Sorry just a lil cranky.

BLUESMAN52 08-04-2004 06:04 AM

Hi Sugar,
I hope you get it all under control, I really pray you do.
By the way, the Klonopin doesn't work for me. I still get very bad panic and anxiety attacks. It's just that I stay on it cause I can't come off it. The pain of withdrawal is too much. At least for me.
Best thing for you to do is work VERY closely with a psych doc when you come off the klonopin. Will you do that for me?
Good luck, and prayers coming at ya!

VanillaSugar21 08-05-2004 06:10 AM

I will work with my doctor. I have never went against what any of them say but if I think something I'ma be loud and clear. I'm getting a new doctor because mine left. My mom wants me to change to a different place but I wanna stay and see how things go. I have to click with my doctor and feel like they are actually listening to me. Letting me have a say in what I am gonna be on and what I won't and I don't care what I gotta go through and I will tell this doctor either he takes me off klonopin or I will switch to what my mom says are "better" doctors because they have less of a patient load and they work with my therapist. I just wanna give the new doctor a shot. He's not new new he's just new to me and to a lot of other ppl. Now that she is gone I have to find a doctor that will make me feel like they are looking out for me and my health not just adding money to their pockets. I've had that happen! A doctor kept uping my paxil until I was at the max dose and it wasn't doing any good and I called and begged for help. I told my mom something was wrong. I told the school nurse. I told everyone and anyone and nobody listened and 2-3 days later I ended up in the hospital. I won't just anyone play with my medications. Only reason I took myself back to the dose I was on 2 weeks ago is because I couldn't breath. I was only on 4 times a day for 2 weeks. Sorry but breathing means more to me then anything. I'm getting head aches and stuff since I cut back but I call and talk to the nurse over at my doctor's everyday and I will keep doing it until I get to see him. I check my pulse and blood pressure and tell them. I am too into having to know what's going on. I been caught reading my files already. It's my file! I know the terminology... so why not. Don't worry blues I will be ok! I'm a tough lil cookie and a smart one when it comes to medications and anything related to my health. Well I gotta go this lamictal makes me sleepy. Lucky I don't do anything where there'd be a chance that anyone could get hurt myself or others. I'm going to take a cat nap before I start my cleaning.

But I promise :yup: I will work ever closly with my doctor/and his office!!

BLUESMAN52 08-05-2004 07:19 AM

Good job Sugar.
It took me 6 psych docs till I found one that will listen to me.
Ya know? Last night I had an attack where I couldn't breath well, so I got up and I had to take an extra 1/2 of klonopin, then it went away.
You seem smart, and I know you'll be OK in time. I am working closely with a therapist now, and hopefully, one day i'll be off all meds.
Have a nice day!!!

VanillaSugar21 08-06-2004 09:46 AM

I'm hoping for the samething blues!

BLUESMAN52 08-06-2004 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by VanillaSugar21
I'm hoping for the samething blues!

You said it....don't ever lose hope. That's all we have to get us through each day, Faith and Hope

eveie 08-08-2004 07:50 AM

I am taking klonopin, dont really care for it! I asked my doctor to go back to taking ativan.. the side effects seemed less with that. I also take, Neurontin, Topomax, Trazadone, Seroquel ( these 2 for sleep.HA, whats Now a water pill, cuz retaining so much water just call me let me just put it all in order for this to make more sense:
In the morning I take... .5 klonpopin( yuck), 600 mg Neurontin, water pill, name is so long , if needed will post, and a vitamin
At night, I take: 2 .5 klonopin, 600 mg Neuontin, 50 mg Topamax, 50 mg Seroquel, 100 mg Trazadone
I am Bipolar( mild form) and a form of social anxiety disorder.. I also have my ativan to take for severe anxiety attacks, and my next appoint am going to talk to my Physchiatrist ( sp?) about NO MORE klonopin, I too have read about some nasty things about it. I was on 100 mg of the Topamax, but had some side effects, so now just take at nights, I find that just a good night sleep helps more then anything... hope this helps!

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