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HJIK 04-01-2014 12:35 PM

Getting a bill for unwanted psychiatric treatment, how can this be legal ?
My story real short, went to the E.R complaining of anxiety... Got "Baker Acted" "5150"... transported like a criminal to psych hospital... Coerced strip search including squat and cough... Locked doors... The next day threats of injection for refusing "meds" (brain disabling drugs) including Haldol behind those locked doors. My reaction to this abuse charted as "speech is rapid" and was called a symptom that I was "sick" and "needed" there treatments.

To add insult to injury I received a bill for this horrible experience.

The conflict of interest is glaring, private psych hospital decides who is "sick" and who is well wile keeping "patients" prisoner with locked doors wile at the same time charging around $1000 a day.

I found one story about this abuse online Grieving mom is held against her will, but still billed

Let the discussion begin.

matt4x4 04-01-2014 07:14 PM

Just sue 'em, if the law is on your side. Its good to know the law, people, companies, and governments can do whatever they want, what it comes down to is it legal. Best to read up on the law, and if your in the right, cha-ching, You could probably get them arrested for kidnapping and extortion, and rake in a million bucks a day for your troubles. But I doubt it.

You dont tell the whole story, what did you talk about at the ER.

HJIK 04-02-2014 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by matt4x4 (Post 4564330)
Just sue 'em, if the law is on your side. Its good to know the law, people, companies, and governments can do whatever they want, what it comes down to is it legal. Best to read up on the law, and if your in the right, cha-ching, You could probably get them arrested for kidnapping and extortion, and rake in a million bucks a day for your troubles. But I doubt it.

You dont tell the whole story, what did you talk about at the ER.

I told them at the E.R I was having anxiety and my drinking was making it worse, I needed a little help with alcohol detoxification. I did not want to be locked up strip searched and "put on meds" (brain disabling drugs) for any alleged psychiatric 'disease'. I am not talking about meds for detoxification from alcohol, I am talking about those mood stabilizers and anti psychotics they push to go along with their fraudulent 'you-will-be-sick-forever' and need drugs diagnostic label DSM billing codes.

I understand that a DSM-IV diagnostic label was assigned to me, based on that doctor's subjective judgment of my speech, manner, and behavior during our meeting, which lasted approximately 10 minutes, that included my thoughts about the squat and cough strip search I was subjected to. My 'speech was rapid', a symptom of 'psychiatric disease'.

I understand that although that doctor said that I am sick or that I have a treatable illness or disease, he or she is just using a figure of speech and cannot establish, with any test or procedure known to medical science that I in fact "have" or had the "illness" implied by the diagnostic label billing codes.

Involuntary hospitalization or commitment is a violation of my civil rights under U.S. Code, Title 42, Chapter 21 § 1983, Civil action for deprivation of rights. Lawsuits for involuntary commitment have resulted in verdicts of $1 million or more against hospitals, doctors and other agencies and personnel:

Lund vs. Northwest Medical Center, (Case No. Civ. 1805-95, Court of Common Pleas, Venango County, PA, June 16, 2003), jury awarded $1,100,000 million in damages.

Marion vs. LaFargue Case No. 00 Civ. 0840, 2004 WL 330239, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, February 23, 2004), jury verdict of $1,000,001 in damages.

Dick vs. Watonwan County (Case No. Civ. 4-82-1.16, U.S. District Court, District of Minnesota, April 11, 1983), more than $1 million in damages awarded to plaintiff.

Sounds like a good case right ? Wrong, they LIED on my medical records and stated I was suicidal, apparently if you are labelled suicidal your civil and human rights are null and void. I did a little digging on that "hospital" and found these web pages,

Universal Health Services, (UHS, Inc.) in the news. UHS, Inc. is frequently in the news for substandard care, abuse, and fraud. Universal Health Services (UHS Inc.) - Failure To Care | Chronicling the abuse, neglect, and fraud of Universal Health Services (UHS, Inc.) | Chronicling the abuse, neglect, and fraud of Universal Health Services (UHS, Inc.)

This site is dedicated to all the people who were harmed or killed in UHS facilities. We speak for those who have no voice, to protect others from experiencing the pain they endured. About | Watching UHS

Anyway with all my research ect ect, I could not find a lawyer to take the case.

matt4x4 04-02-2014 04:19 PM

Hospitals, especially in America, have to be very careful in what they do. Otherwise they get sued, and their insurance premiums go up.

HJIK 04-02-2014 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by matt4x4 (Post 4566060)
Hospitals, especially in America, have to be very careful in what they do. Otherwise they get sued, and their insurance premiums go up.

People in the place I was in were constantly stating "I am going to sue this place" in response to the dehumanizing treatment. It is easier said than done. Try going to a lawyer and telling him or her "I was in a psychiatric hospital and they mistreated me". It is not so easy, these hospitals have there own lawyers and the ability to pay them very well.

KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa., Feb. 27, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Universal Health Services, Inc. (NYSE: UHS) announced today that its reported net income attributable to UHS was $124.5 million, or $1.24 per diluted share, during the fourth quarter of 2013 as compared to $135.5 million, or $1.39 per diluted share, during the comparable quarter of 2012. Net revenues increased 2.0% to $1.80 billion during the fourth quarter of 2013 as compared to $1.76 billion during the fourth quarter of 2012.

Universal Health Services - Investor Relations - Press Release

matt4x4 04-04-2014 10:04 AM

You dont need a lawyer to sue, most will take it on commission of settlement if its a good case. So if your case is so cut-and-dry, a gross negligence, then any 2-bit lawyer will take it on, knowing full well the government along with any major organization like a hospital has lawyers on salary. This is the way it works, I have seen it time and time again all across the board, from major tax evasion cases of multi-millionares caught red-handed to a joe-blow on some minor tax charge. They go after the minnows, and leave the bigger fish alone, lets give them the term whale. The "sharks" go after the minnows,leaving the whales alone, you can crawl into your corner and become a victim, or if this case is so cut and dry, stand up and fight. I can assume, that your version of events are quite skewed. Like any resentments in life, our part becomes so minor and trivial and the other person is 99.999% at fault. This is the way human nature is.

HJIK 04-04-2014 01:06 PM

I am still working on it, I am also thinking my order to take the max dose of 2 separate mind and body altering psychiatric drugs in the same class is a combined overdose therefor malpractice. The copy of my medical records did not include the drug orders, that tells me they want to hide that. I would hope making coercive threats of painful injections at patients malpractice even if it is standard procedure when it comes to people who refuse to get drugged into zombie oblivion in these places.

And they wonder why people want to leave ?!!!

matt4x4 04-04-2014 09:13 PM

All I am saying is I read up on the traffic law and code, and yet the cops still hassled me. Its a power trip thing. I knew more about certain laws then these 2 bit coppers, who joined a union and draw a salary that they deem appropriate at about $50K+/yr but they join for more then the money, they join for the power they have over the little fish, the minnow. These cops can do anything they want and know for a fact that they will still get a salary as the misconduct case goes through its motions. It is like your case, in many parts. The law is the law, sometimes its cut and dry, sometimes it can be cague and thats where the slick-lawyer talk comes into play. Knowing the law is very beneficial, because then you know exactly what your rights are in the eyes of the government who placed the law on the books. Its the way of the world my friend, you got the sniffles, heres a drug. Oh wait, you feel slightly depressed, well now they got a definition and a drug for that. The drug companies push whatever they want, and the doctors obey.

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