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shutterbug 08-29-2007 09:20 PM

so sad, so needing someone, everyone, anyone.

seems everyday boss piles more on my he expects of me. Today before he went to lunch i asked what the big story for the day was...he said one of the two that's been in the works by the reporters for a while now, but which i've been given little about what kind of image to secure for. Both big packages, both all day work projects for me either way, but when he said either will go i wanted to shoot him.

somehow he just expected me to do all the art for both big packages in about 4 hours time and with nothing to go on as to what the stories/packages were really all about. He took about 10 minutes to give me the gist of one and then i told him if things changed i'd need him to do that kind of summery/info all over again for the other package. He left for lunch or something.

That new copy editor came in and suddenly she's telling me it's between not 2, but 3 story packages. I grumbled about boss not telling us which and then she informed it was her perogative. Whatever she said is what was her matter-of-fact, know-it-all, i'm-the big-boss, warped way of hers.

I said, "so tell me which one YOU want to run". She continues her nonsense and then tells me.

Mannn...everything is like pulling freaking teeth and boss doesn't realize i've got 3 special pub deadlines breathing down my neck right now too.

And that's just work stuff.
Life stuff is a whole different story.

This weekend, one that many will spend resting, partying and/or vacationing....i will be stressing out every day of it.

Friday i will be shooting the last-minute wedding gig i wasn't planning to work
Saturday i will be shooting a last-minute portriat session i wasn't preparing to shoot
(both paying gigs tho so i can't afford to say no right now)
Sunday step-brother vacationing so the family truck is available for me to move the rest of my stuff that has all been waiting on the use of that truck
Monday is a big country singer performing locally that i have access to shoot from right in front of the stage so i don't want to not go to it.

Then Tuesday....back to work and the ass of a copy editor again for another 4-straight days of hell.

tears, tears i tell you.

historyteach 08-30-2007 03:45 AM


I'm sorry you're feeling so overwhelmed.
Carry on as best you can.
Know that you are loved... :hug:

Tuesday, I go back to work, and don't know where I'm going! :no:


shutterbug 08-30-2007 05:23 PM

sometimes it awes me that when i need a pick-me-up the is there...just wating. Last night i discovered another of my images had been printed in a large, national publication and as most people do on myspace...i sent a little note out (as mine is primarily a business it's great advertising to do such). Anyway...2-3 people in the office are listed as friends and one saw it and sent a paper-wide email to everyone telling them!! i hate that i need such praise, but i do....and is probably why i'm in this career actually. It's the only kind of attention i crave and truely suffer in times of none over a long period. Gosh, i just hate that about myself. was so nice to come to work today and have an e-mail box full of congrats from people all over the paper....after dealing with all those emtions and hurts when i left last night. (and the girl who sent out the email to everyone would have had NO way of knowing anything about last it made it really nice to have happen today).

well, a million things pounding down on me to do in preparation for work and the after-work wedding gig and then weekend in hometown straight from the wedding. goodness....isn't it suppose to be a HOLIDAY weekend!

shutterbug 08-30-2007 05:24 PM

Teach....still no success with that principal? Will they just tell you from day to day where you'll be or do they give you any kind of advance notice?

KatieRose 08-31-2007 05:51 PM


i'm praying for you.

historyteach 08-31-2007 06:48 PM

No idea, Jenna... :dunno


Live 09-01-2007 04:03 AM

Teach, you are so cool, you must travel on ice skates! :)

Jenna, I miss being in touch and want to talk to you about some things.
But we will be out of town and out of computer for the weekend.
Will run straight for the computer when we get back!

shutterbug 09-03-2007 05:16 PM

So was a true weekend of labor for me this holiday.

Friday = regular work, then wedding after
Saturday = portrait sitting with difficult teenager, and babysitting rowdy nephews
Sunday = cleaned sis's kitchen and helped cook for family dinner; shot concert and late night getting futon, truck and ready to move rest
Monday = moved trailer and truckbed full of last big items from old house.

napped after moving stuff today, now up and trying to talk myself into organizing even a few things, but that's not happening at the moment.

ugh....Is the weekend here yet???

Live 09-03-2007 06:24 PM


shutterbug 09-03-2007 08:14 PM

Hi was your weekend trip?

I'm now working on my "year 4" thread intro....and should be posting it before hitting the hay in an hour or two :)

shutterbug 12-04-2007 09:55 PM

This One Lost It's Beginning And Seems To Have Lost Most All Of The Rest Of It...:(

shutterbug 12-04-2007 09:56 PM

A Whole Year....whiped Out!

shutterbug 12-04-2007 10:03 PM

Oh....and NOW It Says It'S A Thread Started By Bozo Rather Than Me. Jeez.

PaperDolls 12-05-2007 12:59 PM

holy cow!

historyteach 12-06-2007 04:26 AM

I'm working on getting that fixed right now.
If you let me know of any specific problems, things that we can fix, I'd be happy to do whatever I can, to help ease this situation.


historyteach 12-06-2007 01:54 PM

Doug fixed it!!! :e058:

Again, please let me know if there's anything specific.
I can't promise anything, but, there may be things we can this.

When are you going in for the ECT again?
Please let us know how you're doing...
Jenna, you know we care. :hug:


PaperDolls 12-07-2007 09:06 AM

Jenna wanted me to relay this message:

"I am still on hold for my disappearing act, but i expect things to fall into place today."

PaperDolls 12-17-2007 09:27 AM

Oh, I see now on your other post that you did file a police report.....I'm going back to read more!

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