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happycampers 12-17-2016 05:51 AM

Dropping In
Hi guys,
I just wanted to leave something here that I wrote elsewhere this morning on another site helping others to quit also( the more help out there ,the better) , so here it is.

DON'T feel guilty over the past - that's just your ego trying to come in the backdoor to drive you back to where it wants you to go ! Don't feed it by allowing guilt into your mindset. Your journey is perfect so far - we ALL lose ourselves, not just addicts, ALL of us, executives, doctors, parents, EVERYONE along the way of Life loses themselves in some external manifestation only to realize that it didn't bring the fulfillment they were so desperately seeking . It's part of the journey of Life - you must lose yourself to find yourself. You must discover what you are NOT, before you can discover what you ARE. First, we lose ourselves in the world, then in the mind and after all those attempts have failed, we start the return HOME by going within, where the you finally FIND what you were always looking for - yourself - your TRUE self! So, all of it IS fine and was meant to be ! Now, instead of going without , seeking to find yourself in the world, in the conditioned thoughts and corresponding emotions , turn it around and go within. There, in the vast stillness within, you are meant to meet yourself- your REAL self ( it may be a bit unnerving at first because it's unfamiliar). It's the Return Journey HOME - embrace that journey and you'll find your way. You will no longer be "seeking", but instead will have "found " and just going deeper into that which you know is TRUE ! There is no greater journey , in my opinion ! One major vehicle to give you a glimpse and starting point is to find a float centre and go float ! You will discover a YOU you never knew was just waiting for you to come ! If you don't have a float centre near by, meditate daily ( floating is meditation on steriods). Commit to a month - if you like help look into MUSE as a help ( headset/brainwave monitor to help guide you into the "space" ) - but replace pot with a positive - meditate daily for a month and see what happens. Start small - five minutes at first and then slowly increase it every few days.

Also, I would recommend Eckhart Tolle's Power of Now

Remember, everything IS OK - and your pot experience is part of that ! It's NOT you , never was, it was JUST an experience ! And this is from a 30 plus year ex-smoker ! No guilt here, just joy that I've found mySELF - now, it's just a "deepening" of that awareness. No need to " seek out there" for lasting fulfillment where it can never be found! Be grateful you're now closer to discovering that BECAUSE of your pot experience ! It was all meant to be.

Merry Christmas To ALL !

happycampers 12-17-2016 06:24 AM

And once you have discovered the "inner you", you won't take the "outer you " so serious ! It's a balancing act between inner and outer and all meant to be. Embrace it and find your Joy !

happycampers 12-17-2016 08:07 AM

the continuation of my conversation at the other site ;

Willpower is definitely one aspect , for sure ! And research now shows that like muscles, willpower gets "tired" and you can become low in willpower, hence in a weak spot for pot to start dancing in your thoughts again. Quitting requires many tools - grounding yourself is another. By having a number of tools at hand, you can learn to use which ever one is most obvious. Make a list of "tools" to acquire and you'll be victorious !

Dee74 12-17-2016 02:40 PM

Glad to hear from you HC - thanks for the valuable tips and Happy Holidays :)


happycampers 12-17-2016 05:31 PM

You too, Dee ! Great to see you still holding the fort down ! You're definitely going to get one of those shiny halos on the way out !!! Merry Christmas, good man !

Lorax1981 12-18-2016 11:40 PM

Hi HappyC!

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