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Rusty Zipper 07-04-2020 03:53 PM

grateful for all of you!

happy 4th :bbj:

Mags1 07-04-2020 09:35 PM

Grateful for sobriety and independence. :yup:

FBL 07-05-2020 04:38 AM

Grateful for a few quality hours of sleep, after the fireworks ended.

Grateful for another day sober.

Numblady 07-05-2020 05:01 AM

Grateful to stop in very briefly. A lot going on and my son very likely has Covid. My dad, who is diabetic, is the one who tested positive after feeling sick for quite some time. We’re not sure if he’s just otherwise sick and the covid is a new thing and he hasn’t really gotten symptoms yet — or if it manifested itself in strange ways (GI issues) to the point that multiple docs didn’t think he needed to be tested (my sis and I did).
Grateful this too shall pass. Even if the not normal normal gets even more disrupted for a while.
Grateful to know this safe space And all you kind souls will be here when I can get back to it.

PalmerSage 07-05-2020 07:10 AM

Grateful that NL stopped in - thinking good thoughts for your sweet family, my friend. :grouphug:
Grateful for my family and their (relatively) good health.
Grateful for the joy of my nieces and nephew yesterday.
Grateful to be of service to my parents.
Grateful that everyone had a good time on the holiday, and also grateful that the utter chaos is over.
Grateful to reconnect with some of my former, lovely coworkers last week - I miss them.
Grateful that I'm working to reduce all my negative self-talk.
Grateful that my husband has not mentioned the fact that we are supposed to have 3 couples over tonight - hopefully it's cancelled. ;)
Grateful to be sober today, and for SR.

sunpengwn 07-05-2020 07:27 AM

Grateful for everyone that watched the fireworks last night..we saw so many in our area that should not have been set off and a fire down town.....:e076:
But that is life in a small town.... all will learn maybe... I think.... and others will not.......

Grateful my house is still here with other neighbors...
Grateful to have a house roof over my head...
Grateful to have SR here.....:angel:
Grateful for the walk on the beach with God holding my hand....

Fearlessat50 07-05-2020 08:00 AM

Have a nice trip, Hev. We will miss you too!
Numblady, been thinking of you and thought something was going on since I’ve been missing your posts. Glad you were able to check in. So sorry for what is going on in your family. Hoping your father and son are back to health soon and that no one else gets sick. Yes, this too shall pass
Grateful to have slept better and woke up feeling better than I have in two weeks! Woot!
Grateful for the Sunday morning show
Grateful for coffee even though I’ve now gone to decaf
Grateful this new lifestyle diet I’m on seems to be improving my symptoms. Unfortunately, I have lost weight, which I don’t need. Fortunately, nuts are good on this diet and high in calories, so I will eat some more 😊
Grateful to have time to do some cooking and baking today and maybe go for a hike
Grateful for all of you

courage2 07-05-2020 10:13 AM

Numblady, I hope your son and father recover soon.

Grateful for good neighbors.

least 07-05-2020 12:42 PM

Grateful for a nap with Billie this afternoon. :)

NL, hope your son and dad get better soon. :grouphug:

Rusty Zipper 07-05-2020 03:31 PM

grateful for all the love & support i'm getting

Mags1 07-05-2020 11:02 PM

Numblady, best wishes for your father and son and all your family. :hug:

Hev, we’ll miss you. Take care. xx

Grateful for all of you.:grouphug:
Grateful I don’t yearn alcohol anymore. (So grateful).

Daisybelle 07-05-2020 11:50 PM

Thinking of you and your family N.L. Sending lots of love. xx

Grateful for a sober start to the week
Grateful to be up and dressed early and to have printed off work for today.
Grateful that I didn't pack all my warm clothes away for the summer, it's like winter out there.
Grateful for morning coffee.
Grateful to give Mr D.B a lift to work this morning.
Grateful that my little Lulu cat was inside all night.
Grateful to be here with you all. xxx

FBL 07-06-2020 03:56 AM

Grateful for air conditioning.

Grateful for another day sober.

Numblady 07-06-2020 05:26 AM

Grateful for all your kind words and thoughts. My sis's family had tests that got expedited and she is positive (her husband and son are negative).
Grateful I have given up on not using my work computer to post here. My son commandeered my ipad so it's all i have left.
Grateful we made it home from the road trip.
Grateful the house was in good shape and the pets seemed happy.
Grateful my son did better yesterday.
Grateful to be here with all of you.

Fearlessat50 07-06-2020 06:39 AM

Thinking of you, Numblady
Grateful that even though I didn’t sleep AT ALL last night, it’s a slow Monday, Mr F is home and I will be able to get a nap and meditation in at some point
Grateful to change my vocabulary. “Worry” is no longer a part of it. I think I’m going to replace this word with the serenity prayer every time I think it
Grateful to think about how I can be useful
Grateful my brain still works pretty well

NewChapterJan18 07-06-2020 07:13 AM

Grateful to be sober.
Grateful for family and friends.
Grateful for all of you 💜

NL sending positive thoughts and hugs for your father and son.

Take care, all :grouphug:

sunpengwn 07-06-2020 08:41 AM

Grateful for the coffee...
Grateful I did some shopping at 7am this morning...
Grateful for SR.... :grouphug:
Grateful for Serenity.....

least 07-06-2020 08:42 AM

Grateful to wake up sober. :) Grateful that the first thing I see when I wake up is Billie's sweet face next to me. :)

courage2 07-06-2020 10:54 AM

Grateful to my brother for making me laugh.

Deserto 07-06-2020 11:13 AM

Grateful to have had a relaxing holiday weekend. Henry and I spent all day in the river on Friday but avoided it on Saturday. Henry says the 4th is amateur hour for beachgoers and best avoided.

Grateful to have passed 800 days sober on Friday.

Grateful to start the work week feeling refreshed.

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