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WaterOx 03-08-2019 06:18 AM

Grateful for Friday mornings
Grateful for coffee
Grateful for my beautiful river neighborhood
Grateful for my SR friends

Hevyn 03-08-2019 06:50 AM

Numblady is at 70 - while we are at minus 5! Grateful it will soon improve. :)
Grateful that I no longer feel like I'm missing out when Friday rolls around.
Grateful for a ride into town today - the beautiful scenery never gets old.
Grateful there will soon be flowers & butterflies. Clocks ahead this weekend. :)
Love is going out to all of you - have a satisfying day. :hug:

Deserto 03-08-2019 07:20 AM

Grateful to be sober.

Grateful it's Friday.

Grateful Henry appears to have made a strong, full recovery from his knee surgery. He's hopping around like a goon. Two more weeks on leash and then he can run free!

least 03-08-2019 09:49 AM

Grateful to wake up sober. :)

Alysheba 03-08-2019 10:19 AM

Grateful for a good appt with my doctor yesterday!
So grateful for all of you that share your wonderful grats and make this such a great thread. ♥
Grateful for a lovely day.
Grateful for an appt at my sister's hair salon today and then maybe a ride into Berkeley with her. I haven't been over there in a while or spent much time with her in a while, so I'm kind of excited.
Grateful to wake up feeling at peace today.

Mags1 03-08-2019 10:33 PM

Grateful to wake up sober
Grateful for all the grats.

Daisybelle 03-08-2019 11:05 PM

Good morning lovelies, so glad to be back, I didn't get chance to post the last couple of days, I've been busy helping my daughter start moving into her new house. I've really missed posting here and reading your posts. xxx

Grateful to be up early, hangover and guilt free.
Grateful to be up alone whilst the rest of the house sleep on.
Grateful the mornings are getting lighter and the birds are singing.
Grateful that my little fat cat is so pleased to see me in a morning.
Grateful for coffee.
Grateful my husband has work to go to this morning.
Grateful that my g.son has slept through, not a peep out of him last night.
Grateful to read about the difference in temperatures, it's cold here at 6c.
Grateful for a warm house and warm clothes.
Grateful Deserto's Henry has made a good recovery.
Grateful Aly had a good appt with her doctor.
Grateful to be useful
Grateful to you all for your kindness and support. xx

Numblady 03-09-2019 04:57 AM

Grateful Daisy is back! Know people come and post when they can and don’t when they can’t but I am so used to posting right after (and at the same time as Palmer :) ) it threw me for a loop!
Grateful my sister is in town and we have no particular plans.
Grateful to be able to try and remember things with others are very rarely about us. Last night my son’s two best friends were again going home together and they wanted him to come but the mom wasn’t up for that many kids (understandable). This has been a pattern (the other two arranging sleepovers and he not being part of the plan) and he was so devastated, crying hot tears down a dusty face from all the rocks on the playground, kicking the rocks on our walk to the van, kicking the seat in the van and yelling. My heart hurts with him but I know it’s not permanent and that it could reflect better planning on other people’s part as much as anything.
Grateful it’s at least sprinkling and it sounds like we may get some real rain later next week.
Grateful I don’t have to go anywhere near the nonsense and traffic of South by Southwest.
Grateful to be getting more experience tending plants. Ironically this is enabling me to give up on some of them sooner and to not feel like I am murdering them.
Grateful to be here with all of you in this sweet almost sacred space.

Lascaux 03-09-2019 05:00 AM

Grateful for the daffodils (or are they jonquils?) popping up all over the place, as are my brand-new basil seedlings. There will be pesto!

Rusty Zipper 03-09-2019 05:07 AM

grateful to go out for a'pizza last night with band guys and not desire a beer

Anaya 03-09-2019 05:20 AM

I look forward to reading what's shared and am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this forum.

I am grateful that my pouty attitude has changed up somewhat with getting a restful night's sleep.

Look out! We're "losing one hour" of sleep tonight...however, it is the beginning of the longer days -- something I'm really looking forward to. :)

Spring has almost sprung. It will be great to get outside and get to walking more.

WaterOx 03-09-2019 05:50 AM

Grateful for more rain lol :)

Fearlessat50 03-09-2019 08:27 AM

Grateful for the reliability and consistency of this forum and for our friendship
Grateful Daisy’s back
Glad Alys appt went well
Numblady, I’ve had the same experience with my son and his friends, and it rips my heart out to see him sad and feeling left out, even when his friends don’t mean it.
Grateful for my awesome new running music playlist. It’s raining today, but tomorrow on Spring forward day it’s not supposed to be, and I am getting out there. Thinking about signing up/training for an event. We will see. For today I’m happy with my treadmill
Grateful for things in bloom! I’ve got to plant some basil. Pesto sounds good!
Grateful for my sunny mood this am

Hevyn 03-09-2019 08:46 AM

I'm grateful to see Daisy back too. :hug:
Numblady - I remember how that felt - I'm glad your son has you to help him through these times.
Grateful for the beautiful deer who came into our yesterday for a snack of shrubs & apple tree branches.
Grateful to be able to make plans & know I will keep them.
Grateful for the sunshine on this frosty morning.
Grateful for your friendship.

least 03-09-2019 08:47 AM

Grateful to wake up sober on a sunny day. :)

Alysheba 03-09-2019 10:04 AM

Grateful to be going out early to get errands done.
Grateful Daisy's back! ♥
Grateful to be sober.
Grateful for all of you and these wonderful grats.

least 03-09-2019 01:03 PM

Grateful it's warm enough to walk Billie. :)

bandicoot2 03-09-2019 01:12 PM

Grateful that I chose to shift priorities today and check in with my sobriety.
Grateful that SR is always here any time day or night. :)
Grateful for my internal compass that allows me to chart a better course.
Grateful for sobriety and recovery!

Mags1 03-10-2019 12:08 AM

Grateful for being sober
Grateful for everybody here, sharing their grats.
Grateful for my home.

Daisybelle 03-10-2019 12:14 AM

Good morning all and thank you, I'm glad to be back too though I'm never far away. It's part of my morning ritual to post here and it's the best start to my day, it doesn't feel quite right when I don't get to post. xxx

Numblady, I'm so sorry about your son, I really felt for him when I read your post. Kids can be cruel sometimes without even knowing it.
Wish I could send you some of our rain, we get more than our fair share in the U.K.

Grateful to be back here posting sober and present.
Grateful for a bit of a lie in this morning.
Grateful to be in a better mood than I was last night.
Grateful that my biggest trigger didn't trigger me.
Grateful for a half decent nights sleep.
Grateful for the fuss my little cat makes of me in a morning.
Grateful to hear my g.son tell me he loves me.
Grateful for his hugs, his are the best.
Grateful for coffee.
Grateful for your kind words and ongoing support.

Lascaux 03-10-2019 03:50 AM

Grateful to hear the peeper frogs at 5 in the morning (excuse me, 6 in the morning now that we've sprung forward). Spring is coming!

Purplrks3647 03-10-2019 04:35 AM

Grateful to be up early on a Sunday morning, knowing that the day won't be spent with my face in the toilet :Val004:

Numblady 03-10-2019 05:42 AM

Grateful for all of you and the kindness here. Sometimes I don’t think I’ve got a thick enough skin for the other forums. All the support here and kind words, especially about my son, well, I’m just really grateful.
Grateful that I’m at least up early in the pre-time change hours.
Grateful my sis is an amazing cook and she made dinner for us last night, which we enjoyed outside in the beautiful weather.
Grateful it’s warm but it has been cold recently so all the mosquitos and other critters weren’t going full force.
Grateful I went to a brewery yesterday with my sister and some people she knows who were visiting and the brewery had MULTIPLE flavors of kombucha. And there were two brewery owners at our table (my sis being one of them) and I got to share how cool it is when breweries have things like kombucha or sparkling water or nitro coffee or whatever available, and it seemed to really sink in.
Grateful I signed up for a yoga class so I won’t work all morning.
Grateful that I get to come here to start each day.

Anaya 03-10-2019 05:46 AM

Grateful to get home safely last night.
Grateful to awaken to a new day, knowing it will be light outside longer and that I won't have to drive home from work in the dark anymore :)

FBL 03-10-2019 05:58 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

Rusty Zipper 03-10-2019 06:54 AM

grateful for a fun time at open mic last night

WaterOx 03-10-2019 07:29 AM

Grateful to be sober on daylight savings :)

lyddie 03-10-2019 07:56 AM

Grateful to be looking forward on this Spring Ahead Day.

Fearlessat50 03-10-2019 08:28 AM

Grateful that when I made a mistake trimming my bangs too much (just couldn’t wait for my hair appointment next week), my son said “you still look like a fashion model, mom.” It’s amazing what we see through love colored glasses! My husband said something similar years ago when I tried coloring my own hair and it turned green.
Grateful for fedora hats for bad hair days
Grateful for Spring forward
Grateful that the rain continues despite the prediction today would be a clear day
Grateful that the drought CA has been in since about 2000 is finally almost completely gone
Grateful for my treadmill
Grateful my son has a play date today. Since it’s not close by, grateful for the local coffee place with WiFi where I can get some work done after I drop him off
Grateful to reflect on what I am grateful for, and to read all of your grats as well

Hevyn 03-10-2019 09:52 AM

Grateful for the things we share here - it is a kind group. (I know what you mean, Numblady.)
Grateful that the snow was only a few flurries.
Grateful that optimism has overtaken my negativity.
Grateful to share smiles & pleasantries when in town yesterday.

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 07:27 PM.