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HeadLump 08-20-2014 01:52 PM

Grateful for a phone call from an old friend

Grateful for meditation

Grateful for love

EternalQ 08-20-2014 04:36 PM

Grateful I found something online for my dogs allergies and am having it shipped asap. Hoping it works as another visit to the vet for this could break the bank. Lol Meanwhile he is practically chewing his back legs off from the itching. Poor him and poor me as neither of us sleep.

Grateful I am trying to keep steady about news at work that would add to my commute. I was furious but I am letting go, and trying to use the frustration as fuel to motivate me to get out entirely.

Grateful for tomorrow off.

eddie z. 08-20-2014 06:09 PM

Grateful for my not-quite stepsister looking after my dad and keeping me informed today. I am sad that he's not doing well, but glad that his girlfriend's daughter and I are connecting to make sure he's taken care of.

And grateful for avocados. Mmmm...

Love and hugs,
Eddie :ring

Rusty Zipper 08-20-2014 06:12 PM

prayers blasted out for pop's miss z

and grateful for guacamole

Alysheba 08-20-2014 07:05 PM

Grateful to turn in kind of early tonight. I am very tired.

Missy7 08-20-2014 08:39 PM

I'm grateful that I have lots of time in the summer, even though it gets me in trouble due to depression and boredom.

Still, I'm grateful that I went in to work today and felt like Fall won't kill me.

I'm grateful to know that eventually, I will begin to track all that was going on before Fall and/or during various mental incapacities.

I'm grateful for finishing Day 7 sober and

I'm grateful to be confident I will get 30 days this time around.

Marcher13 08-21-2014 04:28 AM

Like Aly, grateful to go to bed early.

Astro 08-21-2014 05:53 AM

Grateful my wife got a midnight call from another alcoholic she's reaching out to.

Raggletaggle 08-21-2014 11:31 AM

Grateful that mouth ulcers are healing
Grateful for oven baked chicken thighs.
Grateful for the health of my friends children

freein14 08-21-2014 01:27 PM

Grateful for a fabulous yoga class, I feel soooo good.

Grateful to be reminded that's it's better to focus on giving rather than receiving, especially in close relationships.

Grateful that I now have four days off work, yippee!

HeadLump 08-21-2014 01:34 PM

Grateful to be going off for a warm bath soon and to meditate

Grateful to have a lovely clean house today

Grateful for my partner

EternalQ 08-21-2014 04:17 PM

Grateful my dog's med came in the mail and seems to be helping him, which helps me.

Grateful to lay around cause I don't feel well and a storm has threatened all day.

Grateful for plans this weekend. Keeping busy is much better for me but I never believe it till it happens. Lol

eddie z. 08-21-2014 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by Rusty Zipper (Post 4851152)
prayers blasted out for pop's miss z...and grateful for guacamole

Thanks, P!! I put some avocado in my hummus and it turned out pretty good. I call it guacammus. Tastes better than it sounds.

Grateful for a nice FAcebook chat with my YouTube friend & GISHWHES partner in crime. Grateful for her, David Tennant's Companion on YouTube.

And really grateful that my ex caught himself today, said he was being a ******** and apologized for chewing me out. :c029: Glad he is growing, too.

Love and hugs,
Eddie :herewego

Alysheba 08-21-2014 05:40 PM

Grateful to read a good book today and to get to bed early again. I've just been incredibly tired lately.

Rusty Zipper 08-21-2014 05:45 PM

"guacammus" god one moss z!

i bet it's great too

grateful to be able to take life as life comes on by

zanabanana 08-21-2014 06:08 PM

I'm home and sober. However, my heart is heavy because I lost my grandma early this morning. It's going to be a tough few weeks ahead, probably longer.

Missy7 08-21-2014 09:35 PM

I'm sorry Zanabana. I hope you find your way through this.

I'm grateful to be finishing up Day 8 despite having gone out to dinner...Applebee's, who always seat us near the birthday children so we sat in the bar. So I get extra points!

Grateful for a clean mammogram followed by a lovely pedicure.

Grateful for what my daughter called "Lady Day."

Grateful, as always for SR.

HeadLump 08-22-2014 05:11 AM

Originally Posted by zanabanana (Post 4853153)
I'm home and sober. However, my heart is heavy because I lost my grandma early this morning. It's going to be a tough few weeks ahead, probably longer.

(((((zanabanana))))) I'm so sorry. Thinking of you :hug:

Astro 08-22-2014 05:29 AM

(((zanabanana))) Prayers and peace to you.

Grateful we can come here for comfort and understanding.

freein14 08-22-2014 01:12 PM

Grateful for a day on the beach with my cousins.

Grateful that the weekend has started.

Grateful that the local vet is open tomorrow morning, I need some advice about my foster cat.

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