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-   -   Part 3 - Horselover's 10 nightly gratitude items. (

Horselover 04-11-2011 10:42 AM

Grateful to be back here.

Grateful for the nice salad I just finished.

Grateful for finishing the painting of the back end of our home and tomorrow or soon after I will begin the hallway and kitchen.

Grateful son only has 5 more weeks of school and then summer vacation.

Grateful that husband is still hopeful regarding job prospects.

Grateful we both know when we need to push on.

Grateful for having time with the husband and time with my mom this past weekend.

Grateful for having tea with a friend yesterday and seeing her painting job. Beautiful color she chose.

Grateful for the movies we got to see over the weekend. Thanks to Netflix and a few extra dollars to go to the real theaters.

Grateful for getting into this coupon thing. Saved a lot of money today and bought a bunch of stuff we needed.

Grateful for having a relaxing day today to finish housework that didn't get done last week.

Grateful for all my friends here. Grateful to watch their lives progress and the ways they deal with the bumps.

Love ya all! Have a great Monday!!!! xxx

Fandy 04-11-2011 10:47 AM

wow, only 13 days until Easter????? it's been a long, cold wet, winter.

grateful for some warmer temps to dry out the never-ending MUD here.

Fandy 04-11-2011 05:00 PM

Monday night gratitude

being healthy in my head at least for today
getting organized at work for the week
grateful for $15.00 of coupons plus a free can of fancy feast from Petsmart....(I can put that $$ into my might get me almost 4.25 gallons).
grateful for my loving pets that are very happy and healthy, loved and secure in their home environment.....Little Pookie is on night open window patrol....he is chittering at something i can't see....all the neighbors fed Sammy treats as we showed off his new haircut.
grateful for good friends (and those absent enemies that stay out of sight, out of mind)
grateful for the rules! we all know the numbers ....#62 and 32.
grateful for SR which is an important building block in my sobriety.
grateful for working through my obstacles and not falling back into old ways of coping which was to try to drink them away.
grateful for having enough finances to pay my bills and not stress.
grateful for secure employment and not stress.
grateful that spring is almost here...temps were 80s today and 50s tomorrow are much better than last week.

Fandy 04-12-2011 05:15 PM

tuesday evening grats:

grateful we are getting onto longer days and maybe at some point dry warm sunshine..i still live in the land of Mud.

grateful for having a good day despite the weather, paid a lot of bills and got a lot accomplished at work.

grateful that i am still striving for improvement...sometimes i get bored which might lead to trouble i can manufacture.

grateful i am letting go of some of my anger....i may have to get more physically active before i can release all of it.

grateful that I have enough $$ for what I need to do for the house and garden this spring...and being sober to not blow the budget.

grateful for the rules and following them.....

time to cook dinner...

Rusty Zipper 04-12-2011 05:39 PM


grateful for fands razz'n me

Sneezy 04-12-2011 05:40 PM

More Tuesday evening grats!
  • Fresh asparagus - yum!
  • Having my attempts to save money start to make a difference. Trying to go to the grocery store less often and just eat up what I have. I used to buy a bunch of fresh veggies and let them rot in the frig. Now I'm trying to eat lots of salads and also steam them. It really isn't that hard - duh!
  • This beautiful windy day. Didn't make it out until after work, and then got rained on (well, sprinkled on) but we had a great time on our walk.
  • Dreading a conversation I had to initiate today, but gathered my courage and doing it anyway. As usual, it turned out better than my imagination led me to believe it would.
  • Being able to give my friend some support the way she has given to me. So grateful for friends who are always safe to seek out and talk with, no matter what's on my mind.
  • An evening just to goof off. Thankfully I don't have anything pressing I have to finish for work tomorrow - ahhhh......
  • A great visit with my parents last weekend. They are both getting more and more frail, but they still know how to enjoy life and want to stay active. I'm learning about old age from them :)
  • My dog and this funny game we play together. It's a sit-stay-come game with her ball filled with kibble. She is so CUTE while she's waiting - her ears slowly start to rise as she stays so still :)
  • The fun I had with old friends this weekend. So nice to pick up where we left off!
  • This beautiful gift of sobriety. So good to see the support here at SR for living grateful, sober lives. :scoregood :ring
Sorry all squeezed together - I used the bullets option and it had me typing in this little box - and now I can't double space it. Oh well, live and learn!

Horselover 04-12-2011 06:05 PM

Grateful for getting the hallway painted today. Didn't feel like doing it, but pushed on and its done.

Grateful to know this funk I'm in will leave quickly. Didn't invite it and am asking it politely to leave.

Grateful for husband coming home each evening and throwing the baseball with son even when he's bone tired. He got a rejection today. Not from the place we talked about before, but just the same. . . Haven't heard from the other place.

Grateful for electricity, running water, coffee pots, indoor toilet, laundry machines, irons, ovens, refrigerators . . .

Grateful for my husband that I've been with for 25 years. Been with him longer then I've been without him. I met him when I was 20 years old. Wow! Just hit me.

Grateful for our son. Found an old diary of mine and read it to him. Told about how I felt the day he was born. He enjoyed that.

Grateful for God and the angels.

Grateful for my Mom and Dad.

Grateful for SR and the fact they don't kick me off when I'm feeling rather . . . um . . . chatty. :)

Fandy 04-13-2011 04:10 AM

steming brocolli in chix. broth makes it much more tasty and less boring.

i am guilty of the veggie rot too annoys me to be wasteful too.

i find that craisens (dried cranberry) make salads more exciting along with a few walnuts.

Reubena 04-13-2011 09:26 AM

Wednesday grats

1) Grateful to be able to :mowing again. I am going to wait one more day so the lawn can dry out a little bit.

2) Grateful for my kids & husband.

3) Grateful that I bought a few nice things for the house yday. Wasn't going to but I'm glad I did. Having an open house on Sunday. I've never been into Home Goods before, holy cow, what a great store.

4) Grateful for my nice life.

5) Grateful my aunt and I have become pretty close over the past year. She is crazy... Maybe that is where I get it from :)

6) Grateful for the warmer weather. What a difference it makes.

7) Grateful for Spring flowers.

8) Grateful that I am having fun looking around for some chairs and a table for our deck. I have the cushions from last year which are still nice. My color du jour is spring green.

9) Grateful that I can do other things besides obsess about this non-move. It's up to me though... I really have to focus on living in the now which is hard.

10) Grateful for SR, the grat threads and my grat buddies :c011:

Fandy 04-13-2011 05:07 PM

Reubie...great minds think alike...I have spring green outdoor stuff too...(along with rachel rays bubble & brown cookware in "spring green")!!

we have a HomeGoods/Marshalls across the street from my house...yes, they have fabuloso stuff....if something has a bitty defect and you tell them they will take additional $$ off...idk if i like the fact that i can buy both designer shoes and housewares all at once! i can spend $$$ too quickly there, they have th best stuff!

grateful for spring and the end of the Muddy season hopefully...i am so tired of rain and dark, clouds and gray skies...i am hopeful for sunshine and flowers, open toed shoes!

grateful that we are over the hump! tomorrow is thursday.
grateful for the wonderful doctor that I work with, we have mutual goals and she likes the way i run the department and manage the med students....and pretty much gives me free reign because she trusts me...
grateful for less anxiety and getting regular rest.
grateful that i can unwind in the evening
grateful for another sober day!
grateful for those RULES....appreciate the small things and don't take yourself so seriously
grateful for moving forward not backwards, and accepting my life not wanting someone elses.
grateful for my good friends and absent enemies
grateful that i am hopeful and that i care about others...but not a doormat.
see everyone for morning grats, coffee and hot fresh rolls with butter/jam...i am grateful that i love breakfast now!

Horselover 04-13-2011 06:27 PM

1. I am grateful for my son that has changed my life for the good 8 years ago. Watching him play baseball tonight was so great. I just love the little man he's becoming.

2. I am grateful for my husband and the fact that he came into my life 25 years ago.

3. I am grateful for God showing me how to change my bad habits and to learn from them.

4. I am grateful for being able to stay at home and to care for the family and pets.

5. I am grateful for the beautiful weather that has graced the southwest recently.

6. I am grateful for the positive energy the world is giving out today.

7. I am grateful that people are conspiring to create a better world for me today. :)

8. I am grateful for the opportunity to live in this school another day.

9. I am grateful that my son is learning coping skills in dealing with strong personalities at school.

10. I am grateful he still wants a hug every morning before he gets on the bus.

11. I am grateful for the buds that are showing themselves each day.

12. I am grateful for the love in the world.

13. I am grateful for the gifts - big and small - that are appearing each day.

14. I am grateful for my eyesight and hearing and my sense of smell.

15. I am grateful I have excellent health. I am grateful that I feel young for my 44 years. I am grateful that age is just a number.


Rusty Zipper 04-14-2011 02:44 AM


Fandy 04-14-2011 04:32 AM

"changing my bad habits and learning from them".....well said!!!

Horselover 04-14-2011 01:42 PM

Grateful for deciding to research Babe Ruth's position while playing baseball. Son was complaining about being a right outfielder and his icon is the Babe. Guess what position Babe played for the Yankees - yup! Right field. Not so bad anymore AND he was jersey number 3 and guess what jersey number son has? Yup! 3!!! He's not complaining so much now.

Grateful for buying him his baseball paraphernalia and finding a good deal on a warm up suit for him. He got new cleats, baseball socks, baseball pants, 1 sweat pant and a warm up suit. He's made out.

Grateful that when we need to buy things the money appears.

Grateful that my Mom stopped by with an anniversary card for my husband and I today and it had money for us to go out to dinner. Son is staying over with Grandma on Saturday and we will go celebrate our anniversary.

Grateful that celebrate has new meaning for us now.

Grateful for red and black jelly beans. I think I've eaten too many, but the season is almost over for them.

Grateful for Shirley MacLaine. She was on Oprah and Mom and I watched it together. What a neat lady AND she lives in NM!!

Grateful that husband was able to tactfully compose a letter to that company to try to find out if they were even going to fill the position. He was VERY tactful about it. Much better then I would have been. Will let you know when we hear back.

Grateful that my 2 dogs are inside and my cat and them are all sleeping.

Grateful that we all have shelter during this terrible wind. Really! This Spring wind is not the greatest thing in the world, but not the worst either. Will take it over tornados and earthquakes any day.

Grateful I caught our rubbermaid bin before it blew to Texas.

Grateful that I got the kitchen painted. I keep having to touch up spots that magically keep appearing, but its pretty much done. On to the hallway and living room next.

Grateful that I have time. Plenty of time.

Grateful for my health and being sober.

Truly grateful for being led to SR and the people that have become my family here.

Have a great night tonight and don't eat too many jelly beans. :)

Fandy 04-14-2011 01:59 PM

what's that song??? "They call the wind...Mariah...(carey)?

Sneezy 04-14-2011 05:09 PM

Thursday grats for:

1. Reading everyone's grats here and realizing even more how much we have to be grateful for.

2. That even though my dog broke out of her collar yesterday when straining to reach some ducks, she only thrushed them and came right back to me (with a gleam of satisfaction in her eye :) )

3. That my talk today went fine and I didn't sweat it too much.

4. Setting limits with a couple of people from work to preserve my personal time. Getting better at that!

5. Remembering that what others may think of me and my choices is really none of my business. That is one of my best learnings from SR. It's not that I don't care how my actions affect others, or what people who I respect may have to say, but that I don't have to obsess about it or pay it too much attention, especially if it's someone I don't know very well or don't have a lot of regard for. And even more, I don't have any control over what they think, nor should I.

6. Getting better at hanging up my clothes! That's one of those "little things" like making my bed that makes me feel so much better. They used to just pile up on a chair and elsewhere until I finally did a massive house pick-up/clean-up.

7. HL's story about son and Babe Ruth - that is really great! Maybe get him a kid's Babe Ruth biography, or see if there's one on Netflix?

8. Ice cream for dinner tonight! I know I said I was eating salads and steamed vegetables but ... uh .... well ....

9. A good day at work. Even the person who is generally crabby was pleasant today!

10. God's grace, SR and Grat Pack, and my family which of course includes my little dog. So grateful for you all!

:ring :ghug3 :scoregood

Fandy 04-14-2011 05:57 PM

thursday night grats.

springtime, nighttime and sobertime
a very productive day
feeling tired and unwinding by natural ways
the rules
the pets
the friends
the plants, the rockwall....
showing my rental property this weekend, i generated a group email and got lots of responses....need to keep the house rented until we can sell pays the bills and taxes...the old house has oil heat...enough said about how much that costs.

back in to morning for fresh coffee and breakfast grats...maybe some oatmeal!

Horselover 04-15-2011 05:18 PM

Grateful for a productive meeting at school today. Son has been having bullying problems and I do believe we have reached a resolution that should "hopefully" solve the problem and get us through the next 4 weeks.

Grateful for having a teacher that is so approachable and the same with the principal. He really is a prince-pal.

Grateful for the sunshine today.

Grateful for the full belly tonight. Veggie burgers, slaw, and oven potatoes. Good Friday night dinner.

Grateful for the fact that even though husband didn't hear back from "that" company he did hear from another one from the same area. Emailed his resume and 5 minutes later he received an email requesting a telephone interview and then he responded via email and 5 minutes after that he was talking to her. Has to fill out a test, but hey it just proves there's lots of opportunities out there.

Grateful for being able to pray for the family of the kid that's been bullying my kid. Found out his family is going through Hell and the kid is just acting out. Making my son actually pray for him too. The dad up and left them and they're about to lose their home. Compassion is the word of the day here. My heart breaks for what they are going through.

Grateful for my wind chimes that are singing a beautiful tune right now. I LOVE those wind chimes.

Grateful for my cat that is snoozing in the end of day sunlight.

Grateful for my dogs that are enjoying the late afternoon outside.

Grateful for sober days and sober nights.

Rusty Zipper 04-15-2011 06:21 PM

fingers crossed for Mr S

Fandy 04-16-2011 05:29 AM

Hope you get some good news S...and good for you on being so compassionate towards others....i hope your son and this other kid learn from the experience.

we want to protect our children, but they do have to learn how to deal with all kinds of people with different backgrounds and circumstances...your son's school principal sounds like he has experience with this.

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