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ROFL 04-12-2008 03:52 AM

Grateful for RAIN. I hope we get some and it cools things off - it's muggy here this morning.

Rusty Zipper 04-12-2008 05:28 AM

grateful i know i always drank to get drunk...

so how do i ever think i can have just one?

Lbad 04-12-2008 06:54 AM

(((arura))) be nice to the CA guy for me....... ;)

Grateful I am dead sober this morning.... ahhhhhhh

BUTTERFLY-7 04-12-2008 08:52 AM

I'm Grateful for a fun Loving posse, who with there "War stories of Strength and Hope" Keep this Butterfly Flying . . and Chance this on e is for you.

faith08 04-12-2008 11:57 AM

grateful to have today off
grateful for my computer (and online friends)
grateful for not drinking today
grateful to be sitting here on the couch enjoying my peace and quiet

least 04-13-2008 01:36 AM

I'm grateful for my 15 sober days!
GRateful I only have to stay sober one day at a time.
Grateful for my faithful dogs, who love me no matter what.
Grateful for my friends here and at AA.
Grateful that I can still walk where i have to go while the car is being fixed.

Rusty Zipper 04-13-2008 03:35 AM

congratulations least...

today, grateful i can see i wasnt responsable for what i did, and how i acted then...

today, i am grateful i have learned how to be acountable for it!

ROFL 04-13-2008 06:01 AM

Grateful for cool graphics and the people who use them!

Grateful for blog friends finding this thread.

Grateful for the wisdom of those with a lot of sober time under their belts. RZ - I think you're going to have to loosen yours!

Grateful for those newly sober and starters-over who despite slips find their way back.

Grateful for people who dance and love life.

Grateful for those who post here every day and keep gratitude in their hearts.

Grateful for gratitude and the grat pack.

Lbad 04-13-2008 06:58 AM

Grateful that I have everything I need and that it is enough.....

Rusty Zipper 04-13-2008 05:51 PM


RZ - I think you're going to have to loosen yours!
nah, not yet, stil pretty svelt!

ah, another yet!

grateful i took the suggested musts, and the musts, that were suggested!

faith08 04-13-2008 06:41 PM

grateful i made it thru the weekend.
grateful i gots my kittykats to go to bed and read with.
grateful I GOT MY TAXES DONE and only shed a spoonful of blood over it LOL
grateful for SR!!!
grateful that i talked to myself today and said, you made it thru the weekend sister and you didn't think about drinking very much did you?
grateful for God holding my hand the whole time (I know you were big Guy-thanks I needed it)
grateful that there is a little self-esteem coming back up to the surface... i do think i saw it.
grateful for whatever resources that seem to appear.
hell, just gr8 full.


Rusty Zipper 04-14-2008 02:59 AM

grateful that when i do the right thing, and the next right thing...

all the rest follows!

ROFL 04-14-2008 03:53 AM

Originally Posted by Lbad (Post 1737526)
Grateful that I have everything I need and that it is enough.....

So true! Me too!

Lbad 04-14-2008 06:34 AM


Grateful that my sponsor told me this,
"If you are doing something that is not working, doing more of it will not make it work better."

Arura 04-15-2008 02:51 AM

LOL....(((L))) good one ..:)

The guy was from Miami who did the main chair on sunday ...!
You talk funny ....:lmao
He mentioned the weather over there and got a funny reception from us Limeys ...!!!!

Grateful life is good today

Grateful a Good friend found me on the puter ...and were talkin again .

Grateful to have My ((Lola)) ...who is really lookin better and actin like she owns the gaff ..!
shes worked out when im on the puter im not concentratin!
so all hell breaks lose ...???

Just good Olde Fashioned Grateful ......:a122:

Rusty Zipper 04-15-2008 03:50 AM

LB, your sponsor and my sponsor must'a went to the same sponsor school! lol

grateful for Big Foot!

faith08 04-15-2008 03:53 AM

grateful for coffee (it's the thought of a hot cup that gets my lazy butt outta bed in the morning)
grateful for my cats (it's the little black one that gets me outta bed too)
grateful for the lady at the end of the street who will cut my hair tonite
grateful for other people who are at the same spot i am at
grateful for songs like "my daddy was a milkman" (an oldie that made me smile this morning) :D

Lbad 04-15-2008 06:21 AM

Grateful for moments of clarity

least 04-15-2008 10:10 AM

Grateful for my 17 days!:c029:

grateful for the company of my dogs on the bed every nite, keeping me warm and safe.

GRateful that my family is all relatively healthy.

GRateful my my wonderful neighbors.

grateful that the weather has turned warmer and I can walk the dogs every day.

Grateful that my Nikko dog still has the sight of one eye and can get around just fine

last but not least, grateful for my friends online and their support and love!!:ghug3

Rusty Zipper 04-15-2008 06:42 PM

grateful i'm not going through a divorce...

grateful i'm not way in the rears on bills...

grateful i haven't stolen anything in years...

be it, objects, or peoples emtoions...

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