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Horselover 05-18-2008 03:59 PM

This thankfulness is board is what I am thankful for and I MEAN it!!!

I am thankful that even though I crave a glass of wine my higher power is with me and will help me get past the craving.

I am thankful for our dinner my husband is preparing.

I am thankful for my son and my husband.

I am thankful for being useful to others.

I am thankful for love in my heart and the happiness I have been experiencing.

I am thankful for being sober for 6 days and


Rusty Zipper 05-18-2008 05:56 PM


and happy Birthday faith... birthday2.gif

Rusty Zipper 05-19-2008 02:57 AM

grateful for no hangrover monday morning!


ROFL 05-19-2008 03:38 AM

Grateful that when I come to this thread, not sure what I want to write about, I see such awesome and inspiring posts from the Grat Pac. I am SO grateful for all of you.

faith08 05-19-2008 03:51 AM

I'll tell you what I told my daughter when it rained on her tenth: "The angels are crying because they miss you so much! And they can go on missing you for another hundred years, my Love!”
grateful for you liberty, you brought a tear to my eye this morning :hug:
that is so precious - i feel so rich with the goodness of the people here on this board. i was thinking about this yesterday when i was driving to the store. i somehow was listening to this long list of ppl that the dj was saying to pray for and why (i'm not real religious just have a firm belief in God) and got all teared up over that. anyhoo what i was thinking... i get so teared up or emotional over things that are good and ppl doing good. the bad stuff usually don't faze me too much. i guess that kinda says something about the world we live in (i don't even watch the news anymore). so the good stuff gets to me and i'm grateful that i have the heart so that it does.
thanks rz--i'm grateful for all the bday wishes - it did my heart good :ghug2
much love ~faith

Horselover 05-19-2008 05:26 AM

I am thankful for the sun today.

I am thankful that when I woke up my son was smiling in my face.

I am thankful it didn't take 3 cups of coffee to keep up with him this a.m.

I am just very thankful to have made it one week sober and it couldn't have happened without the good people here and my higher power!!

Have a great day full of wonderful surprises people.

Lbad 05-19-2008 06:07 AM


Grateful for friends..... ;)

Rusty Zipper 05-19-2008 06:28 PM

ROFL, The Grat Pac!

love it!

Rusty Zipper 05-20-2008 02:57 AM

grateful for my abundance of riches today...

faith08 05-20-2008 03:24 AM

grateful for the grat pac :hug:
grateful for a good yesterday
grateful for a new haircut (back to short short)
grateful for 2 kitkats purring me awake this morning
grateful for chocolate milk (my new morning drink)
grateful for the rain (the rainy season seems to have cometh and gotten comfy enuf to stay for awhile!)

ROFL 05-20-2008 03:39 AM

Grateful for getting up early enough to lengthen my walk It is so good for the mind, body and soul.

Lbad 05-20-2008 05:15 AM

grateful my car is all fixed for now..., knock on wood!

Horselover 05-20-2008 05:30 AM

Grateful for living where we do.

Grateful for sunshine.

Grateful for time alone some mornings before son and husband get up.

Grateful for a good cup of coffee.

Grateful for friends.

Emily2002 05-20-2008 07:04 AM

Grateful to begin day 2.

Grateful for the friends here.

Grateful for music, birds chirping, the smell of rain on the wind, my dogs, my family. (Not necessarily in that order! ;) )

joeycutnurhair 05-20-2008 07:53 AM

:Val004::ghuggrateful that i am sober. grateful i have not had to relapse. grateful to god for all my blessings. grateful to spread the message

Rusty Zipper 05-20-2008 06:14 PM

new leaf, and joey.. welcome to the Grat pac!


it looks good in print, and it works! lol

IO Storm 05-20-2008 07:05 PM

Grateful for the Gratpac as well!

Me likes it, me likes it.....

Grateful for a wonderful sponsor named Faith with a whole lot of it!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow...lets me talk, cry, and then talks to me..and then prays with me.

Perfect....then tells (me) how grateful God sent (me) into (her) life!

Who woulda?

Grateful grateful grateful.......

Rusty Zipper 05-21-2008 03:26 AM

mis s

Grateful for a wonderful sponsor named Faith
wow, how could ya go wrong with one named Faith!

mines name, Big Foot!

grateful it aint Big Mouth!

he made 19 years yesterday!

Go Big Foot

faith08 05-21-2008 03:35 AM

grateful for sleep (i went to bed around 7 last nite and slept straight thru)
grateful for getting the garbage out on time (i usually miss it when i'm drinking)
grateful for good books
grateful the rain has stopped for the moment
grateful to be sitting here drinking my chocolate milk and reading posts from the grat pac :hug: it's a good beginning to the day

ROFL 05-21-2008 05:22 AM

Grateful that my heart soars when I read this thread. Grateful for new people posting and KNOWING the secret is gratitude. I LOVE you guys!

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