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winnie12 07-23-2009 08:41 AM

AS is on his way to Boys Ranch
just found out this a.m. actually was called at 8:30 and told to get more meds down there because he wa being transported but no one would tell me where. sent me on a little codie tailspin - i basically went down there and kept talking to people till they finally told me he was going to the Boys Ranch.

They let me see him briefly - he's sad but not fighting it this time - I hope he stays and makes the most out of it. Since they've changed their minds so many times this time i waited in the parking lot until he was actually in the van and pulling out to go. I just wasnt going to believe it until he was gone this time.

I guess this is what was meant to be. Still sad because it will be a very long time time there. I knew he was going somewhere and knew he wouldnt come home but he realization that he's really gone is different than knowing he's going somewhere. I am very thankful that its not YDC for 9 months because that would have just made things worse.

outtolunch 07-23-2009 09:01 AM

All things considered, this is probably the best outcome. He's in a safe palce and has yet, another opportunity to learn, if he chooses to do so.

Let's hope he does.

You have some well earned peac coming your way. You have done the very best you could. The rest is up to him.

MsPINKAcres 07-23-2009 09:08 AM


Sending out thoughts of comfort and prayers for his HP's very best for him thru this experience!

Remember you have us here as a shoulder to lean on if you need us!!


BBD 07-23-2009 10:07 AM

Wrap yourself in hugs Winnie and know that this is probably the best thing your son will live through. Positive energy flowing your way. Relax and enjoy the quietness in your heart now. Smiles, Bonnie

Chino 07-23-2009 10:23 AM

You've gone through so much and fought so many battles that have literally been life and death.

1 a: a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b: an illustrious warrior c: a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d: one that shows great courage

That's the definition of a hero, winnie. That's you. Heroes cry too.

Ann 07-23-2009 11:21 AM


His HP goes with him and all will be well.

Take a deep breath, and know that life is exactly where it is supposed to be right now.

Big Hugs

rose 07-23-2009 12:27 PM

Oh Winnie, you have been on one ride. But now you know instead of maybe this maybe that. Give yourself some good quality time. I see you have a little bit of PI in you (LOL)!


Serenity Bound 07-23-2009 01:48 PM

(((Winnie))) Have a good cry. Then take the time to realize that HP has him just where he needs to be right now. You my friend are a wonderful, strong, resourceful woman. Take the time to pamper yourself.


Seren 07-23-2009 02:17 PM

Hey Winnie.....


I'm so relieved to hear it and will pray that he takes full advantage of this learning opportunity. Get some extra rest, fix you favorite meal, cry if you want to......

Hugs and prayers,

Impurrfect 07-23-2009 03:43 PM


It seems like a million years ago that you first heard of this ranch and thought it would be a good idea for him to go there, doesn't it? I know you certainly never intended to go on a continuous roller-coaster ride in getting him there.

I'm glad he is on his way and you now KNOW where he is going. I, too, pray he takes advantage of it, though I have an idea he may resist it at first. Why? Just because..he's a boy, a teenager, and an addict:)

Now's the time to take those deep breaths and start the process of accepting that you and dd can relax...something you two haven't done in a very long time. AS is far enough away that it's not a matter of "dropping by to see him", so how about focusing on what you and dd want to do for a while? He's being taken care of and I'm sure you will still be hearing from him and able to contact him when you're ready.

Sending you lots and lots of love, hugs and prayers!


Callie 07-23-2009 04:04 PM

What a ride Winnie! It's now over - take the time and RIP that he's where he needs to be. Spend some quality, UNSTRESSFUL time with your dd and pamper yourselves. You've been through a war, it's time to heal those wounds! You've been a trooper and handled yourself with grace through it all. I'm so glad for your family, especially your ds because he'll be getting the help that he needs instead of being locked up with the key thrown away. Hugs to you!

Maggiemac 07-23-2009 07:09 PM

I am so glad he has a chance to clean his mind and soul. I have been praying for him and you my friend its time for things to go right.

Your friend

dorton 07-24-2009 08:28 AM

I am so glad he is in a safe place now. I know it must have hurt as well as been a relief to see that van pull away. Make things about you and your daughter during this time. Prayers are with you.

laurie6781 07-24-2009 10:01 AM

Now's the time to take those deep breaths and start the process of accepting that you and dd can relax...something you two haven't done in a very long time. AS is far enough away that it's not a matter of "dropping by to see him", so how about focusing on what you and dd want to do for a while? He's being taken care of and I'm sure you will still be hearing from him and able to contact him when you're ready.
Boy is Amy right on this one.

You can breathe again, normally. lol Stat doing some nice things for you and DD without guilt, know AS is in a safe place, where he will be supplied 'tools' that if he chooses to accept and use, will make his life pretty darn good.

No guilt for you. You have done EVERYTHING and more to help your child. Now it is up to him, and Mom and DD can get on with their own lives.

Is DD over being mad at kitty? Are you? and is DD allowing kitty to again sleep on her bed? lol

You know, the more I thought about kitty's gift, I realized that maybe just maybe, kitty was sensing the increased tension from all the 'jerking' around you were getting and was doing what kitty's do to make you happier. I know I would see the 'gifts' increase when I was really 'stressed' out.

Anyway, I am very happy that he is in a 'safe place' that can help him if he allows it. I am very happy that our dear Winnie can now start leading a less stressful life and do some things for herself and her DD.

Love and hugs,

winnie12 07-24-2009 10:16 AM

Oh the kitty! we havent seen him since wed night. I'm hoping he comes home soon - she's going to be devestated if he doesnt come home. Been looking for him since yesterday. He roams around but never been gone this long - just trying to remember that this is what cats do.

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