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pjbs55 07-27-2007 07:58 AM

Ot Need To Vent!!!!
I want to say I am sorry before I even get started. For everyone who has been here since I started you know what I have been through with my son. Well now his dad is making my life just as hellish as my son did!!!!!
I had a good friend who was my lawyer and was doing it cheap for me, suing my son, well my ex is my son's lawyer. He had my lawyer removed and now I have to pay for the new lawyer $150/hour. We are trying to get my ex removed and he is fighting it. He got to the Judge since now the judge is asking for all this BS from ME to prove I have no reason to get my ex off the case. He didn't have to prove anything to get my lawyer off. We were married for 17 years, he represented me when we bought houses, he did my will, he settled accident cases etc, and that isn't enough to remove him. My lawyer just had my son in muncipal court for a ticket and he had to step down. This is just so unfair. I HATE THE LEGAL SYSTEM TODAY!!!!!
Thank you for letting me vent. I needed someone to talk to and no one is home today. This is the only place I feel safe, to say what I feel and have people who understand what I am going through. I am sitting here crying, but I promise I will not allow myself to cry for to long, maybe 5 minutes than I will do something just for me to make me feel good.
Love all of you,

marle 07-27-2007 08:34 AM

Pam, Vent away. Sometimes life can be so frustrating and throw us some unexpected surprises. I hope things work out for you. Sending some prayers and hugs, Marle

ladyamalthea 07-27-2007 09:14 AM


I know exactly what you mean about the legal system... I too have little faith in it at this point.

I am so sorry he's giving you this kind of trouble. I can't say I know your whole story because I think I'm newer than that, but I can tell things are not going well at the moment. I just want you to know that I'm thinking about you.

*hugs and prayers*

bookmiser 07-27-2007 09:43 AM


So sorry for all that your going through.
Sending good thoughts that things work out for you as they should.
Your in my prayers,

Lovestoomuch 07-27-2007 10:36 AM


Wascally Wabbit 07-27-2007 01:18 PM

I know what you mean about his place feeling so safe. I am going through a terrible time with legal things too. It's so hard for us. But, here we have friends who understand, thank heaven.

krhea75 07-27-2007 01:28 PM

let it all out, hon. Don't be afraid to feel your feelings. (Can you tell i've been rereading Codependent No more again?) It's so hard when people we have trusted and loved hurt us. I know how scary money worries can be. Hang in there.

newblue82 07-28-2007 06:17 PM

Dang! Bummer! I'm not even sure what to say except that you DESERVE to vent and hell, throw some curse words in there next time, lol. All I can say is pray that things work out and that a judge will find it legit to remove him as your son's lawyer because it's definitely a conflict of interest. I'd probably even bring up the fact that your lawyer was removed without any legitimate reason and he didn't have nearly as much of a personal interest as your husband does. Something in the milk ain't clean. . .Good luck and hang in there!

nevergivingup 07-28-2007 07:57 PM

Just sending some love and (((hugs))).

Lobo 07-28-2007 09:11 PM

Pam, There have been a lot of tears going around here lately. It seems it must be catchy. SR is a great place to vent and let it all out. We can say what is on our heart and no one will judge. Here's hoping all things will work out to your advantage.


hope213 07-28-2007 09:29 PM

i do not think the legal system is fair at times either.i just don't get it, how & why did they make your lawyer step down? i am sorry about that & sorry for all your son has put you through.u have a reason to vent.prayers,

pjbs55 07-29-2007 06:50 AM

They made my lawyer step down since he represented my son one time in muncipal court. My ex's office made my will, he represented me when we bought homes and sold homes, when we were in car accidents. The judge said my lawyer had to go, but I have to prove why my ex has to be removed. Plus my ex gave me some of the things my son stole from me and will have to say how much he paid for them. She he will have to testify in the case. I was told that this judge is real shady, I will fight like HE** to get my ex off this case, I might even bring up charges on the judge with the ethics committee if I have to along with my ex.
I'm not crying anymore I am just PIS*ED OFF
Thank you all for letting me vent

hope213 07-29-2007 07:10 AM

i see why now. if your husband has represented you in anything i do not see how he can represent your son. i had rather be mad than depressed (i think).usually i can get over that by hard chores.being depressed i have no energy. i hope u have a better day today.hugs,

Momsrainbow 07-29-2007 07:18 AM

Not a legal expert here but have dealt with lawyers most of my life due to my past work profession. Sounds like you ex must be friends with the judge or someone knows someone. Sounds like the Chicago way for your legal system. I smell a "rat" somewhere. Sounds "fishy" to me. Does your "attorney friend" not have any suggestions? Just a suggestion-what about contacting your State Bar Association? Your ex is the one that should be removed-HE IS DEFINATELY A CONFLICT OF INTEREST!!!!!!

havehope 07-29-2007 07:22 AM

Just sending prayers that the legal system will do right for a change. You need this break. I would be mad as hell too. Keep venting if that is what you need. We are here to listen.

Lightenup 07-29-2007 10:49 AM

Sorry, Pam, for your current situation. It certainly seems to me to be so much a conflict of interest. Sounds like somebody in the old boys club is standing together, huh?

I hope you are able to get him off son's side, since he is obviously intent on hurting rather than helping.

Love to you,

greeteachday 07-29-2007 06:15 PM

Ahhhh Pam, it does suck...big time. The old boy network in the judiciary system is just so unfair. It isn't about right or ability...It is about who you know and what they owe you. I'm angry for you. Hugs!

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