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bahookie 06-16-2005 06:30 AM

this is the most bizarre thread i've ever seen! I love conversations like this :)
Yes, Sophia please bring chocolate cake. Piles of it!
Oh, you can have the rain too because my garden is all nice and wet now. I'll sneeze and see if the chaos effect brings you rain. Either that or it will snow in the Sahara lol.

equus 06-16-2005 06:37 AM

Originally Posted by cwohio
holy moly - you guys are WAYYYYYYY over my head this morning - even with 3 cups in me!!!! :fright:

You know for all I get diagrams - technical demonstrations, small experiments and can ask questions as I go along - I SO know how you feel!!

Originally Posted by equus
And peoople wonder why my head hurts!

To neatley bring the thread back to where it began I've had some coffee hungry mornings after D attempting to teach me some new concept at 1am in the morning!! The problem is me not understanding he thinks is his problem - so he hunts to find a better way to make it sink in. The thicker I am the less sleep I get, but unbelievabley I even miss my lectures at the mo :(

closethippie 06-16-2005 06:42 AM

equus,my head hurts now.
Could use a piece of that chocolate cake. Maybe a good Gypsy Tart would be good to. Now I am hungry. :) :) What a way to spend on ones day off. This is fun.

susane1408 06-16-2005 06:50 AM

The sun is out !!
Might not need the sheep after all :)
Bahookie, you and your sheepish suggestions stared all this.
I love it!!
Equuss, you're boggling my mind:)
Afternoon tea anyone? cucumber sarnies with the crusts cut off or scones and jam with Devon clotted cream?

bahookie 06-16-2005 07:03 AM

Chocolate cake, chocolate cake, chocolate cake!
Em, please...

You know, I remember my first physics lecturer saying to me that if I thought I understood something well enough to sit an exam then i should toddle off and try to explain it to my mum. If I could make it understood I'd know that I was ok with it.
You think maybe D met him? LOL! If so he's got a lot to answer for, as a trail of bored and geeked-out relatives will attest to.

Aww sorry you're one of them! It's different on the other side, you always think you've got a really interesting thing to bring into someone's life, after all it's just blown your mind, obviously this person would love to hear it lol!!!

Still, chocolate cake, eh?

walkingtheline 06-16-2005 07:04 AM

Moors, dales, sheep...and here I sit in the middle of the city yearning to be where the hills are green, the air is fresh and sheep mow the lawn.

For the record...Columbian here, ground it this AM, 2 mugs -yes I admit it's a BIG mug with a little sugar and some fat-free half and half. (How is THAT for an oxymoron???)

Good morning everyone!

minnie 06-16-2005 07:14 AM

Oh you poor thing. You won't want to hear about all the trees, fields, sheep, the donkey, the horse and the goat that I can see out of my study window, then? And the 2 pigeons that have been sh*gging outside my window all morning.

Gets a bit lonely though.

equus 06-16-2005 07:18 AM

And the 2 pigeons that have been sh*gging outside my window all morning.
What is it with pigeons??? I'm not joking - all they EVER do is tart it about! They turn city centres into speed datathons! I'm surprised they haven't all gone blind!!

bahookie 06-16-2005 07:29 AM

LOL yes, but where are all the baby pidgeons?

equus 06-16-2005 07:34 AM

Not fair!! I so didn't want to imagine a pigeon condom! I'm blaming that thought on you Jane!

walkingtheline 06-16-2005 07:39 AM

A dumb pigeon story for you.

My oldest daughter went to a high school for her freshman year where pigeons had become a problem--too many, health hazard ect.

The school district called in an "expert" who recommended adding something to ground corn that would make them sick. He then said they'd eat just a little, they'd get sick, and then leave and go somewhere where there were better things to eat. They paid him a tidy sum to do just that. Well....seems the pigeons LOVED this new flavor in their corn. Ate it until...yes....they died. Suddenly, during the school day, dead pigeons were dropping from the sky, piling up on the rooftop, on top of cars in the lot-anywhere and the extent that the students were walking about with their books on their heads to protect their themselves from the dropping birds.

Some of the students elected to "drop a dime" and called the Animal Protection agencies.

The school was closed for over a week because of the health hazard. The cost of removing all the birds was staggering and they were fined -- seems the regulatory agencies found it hard to believe that well educated people would listen to such a crazy idea from a self-declared "expert".

It was almost twenty years ago...and she STILL talks about her day with THE BIRDS and she always refers to that school as the "dead pigeon school".

cwohio 06-16-2005 07:46 AM

from sheep to pigeons to chocolate and somehow the conversation always seems to digress! pigeon condoms - what next! lol

equus - poor D - what a sweetheart he seems to be - wanting you to "get" whatever it is he's explaining.

closethippie 06-16-2005 07:46 AM

Pigeons,don't like them. They are a rat with wings,as my son would say.
My husbands aunt was going down High Street in Rochester when a pigeon pooed on her head. she thought at first it had started to rain,then realized she had a mass poo,down her hair and on her new outfit. She was headed for a lunch out with a friend, in a new outfit she had purchased. She was so angry. Had to go to the nearest public loos. Which many of you know,here in UK they are few and far between. But to continue on with story. She washed her hair as best she could. Went into the nearest clothing store and bought a new top and headed off for her dinner. But any time we are going to lunch she always brings an extra change of cloths with her. Thinking of pigeons makes me think of a recipe for pigeon pie.
Now pigeon condoms. New one on me! Wonder if they are carcinogenic.:mischievo

cwohio 06-16-2005 07:50 AM

closet - for real? pigeon pie?

Aquiana 06-16-2005 07:51 AM

Morning! Hee hee, physics and pigeon sex. What a mix! All this talk about coffee made me think about chocolate covered coffee beans. My favorite! Two of the best things on earth rolled into one. Can't really eat em' right now, too much caffeine I suppose but mmmmmm. I have a big piece of chocolate brownie in the fridge with whipped cream and sauce that is slowly looking like breakfast.

I'm glad Sofia likes the rain. It's been raining here all week and I've been the only one secretly going yay! The pregnant and the heat is not a good mixture. It could rain all summer this year and I bet I'd be the only one celebrating. Sun in the a.m. and rain the rest of the day would be fine with me. Sorry guys.

My sleep wasn't as good last night. Abf was sawing logs in the bed again last night. Two words though, EAR PLUGS. Whoever invented ear plugs deserves one of those Nobel Peace Prizes. I'm thinking of bringing them in by the truckload.

Bahookie has an interesting point, where are all the baby pidgeons?

bahookie 06-16-2005 07:56 AM

LOL I do apologise :)
anyway, it's seagulls I don't like, they have even bigger bowels. On holiday in Scarborough one year my sister had to leap off our hired bikes and hide in a souvenier shop from a rain of seagull poo. it was not nice, we had to get back on and cycle back about 5 miles, slightly whiter than we started and streaky to boot.

equus 06-16-2005 07:56 AM

equus - poor D - what a sweetheart he seems to be - wanting you to "get" whatever it is he's explaining.
I have to confess - while I don't get it I hate it, but when I do I love it. He doesn't explain anything the way anyone else does - he puts things in my hand, draws stuff, or builds things so I can see it. It's almost like I get to feel it before I can think round it. Everything ends with more questions and I never really think I have it properly but I see fractals in nature now, in fern leaves and mountains. It feels like everything is physics and each bit I understand makes everything look different. Of late I miss him getting all excited about me learning something new - dare I say it? I even miss it at midnight despite the number of times I groaned and pleaded that my head won't work after midnight!

It is beautiful.

closethippie 06-16-2005 07:57 AM

cwohio,pigeon pie recipe for real!


4 or 5 pigeons
8 ozs. short pastry
8 ozs. stewing beef
peppor and salt to taste

Joint the birds into two breast joints and two leg joints each and stew the rest of the carcassses in a little water for the gravy.

Cut the beef into small pieces and line a pie dish with these, lay pigeon joints on top, cover with water, add seasoning, then cover the pie dish with greased paper or foil, place in a moderate oven and allow to simmer for one hour.

Remove from oven, have ready short crust pastry and cover pie with this. Brush top with beaten egg, put back into oven and bake until the pastry is golden brown.

Make a gravy by mixing a dessertspoon of cornflour with a little cold water, add a half pint of hot bone stock, allow to thicken, season and add to the pie before serving

minnie 06-16-2005 07:59 AM

(Can I just say that I'm sorry I mentioned the pigeons?)

bahookie 06-16-2005 07:59 AM

you forgot the bit about picking the shot out.
that was my mum's domain, never going there!
bleh again!

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