A.H. - Law of Attraction

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Old 04-22-2019, 11:41 AM
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A.H. - Law of Attraction

There's been several members in Friends & Family who have posted quotes, info and references to Abraham Hicks. Does anyone here have input, tips or experiences with this?

Here's a description of Law of Attraction steps, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. When looking for this today, I found it on the Internet Way back Machine.

What's old is new again.

Until a few years ago, Abraham spoke of Law of Attraction’s Three Steps. Step 1 was “Ask”. Step 2 was “It is Given”. Step 3 was “Allowing”. Very simple. In the last two years, Abe has added two additional steps. There seems to be some confusion among Abraham followers over these last two steps, and it’s easy to see why.

Steps 1 through 3, as a group, describe the Law of Attraction process that recurs minute by minute throughout the Universe. Over and over again. It is how everything in the Universe creates and is created, whether you know about Law of Attraction or not. Step 4 and Step 5, on the other hand, describe levels of expertise at utilizing the Law of Attraction to your advantage. So, the Five Steps are a combination of (a) process and (b) levels of expertise.

Once you are aware of this distinction, the Five Steps are easier to understand. And this is a good thing, because Step 5 is a delicious place to be.

I will be quoting Abraham extensively while describing the Five Steps. These quotes are from the 2015 Phoenix workshop on 8/29/2015. This workshop was the best I have ever heard, particularly with respect to Step 5 and welcoming contrast.

“Step 1 is – Contrast helps you to define what you want. Wanting is born out of it. Clarity of desire.”

–Abraham, 8/29/2015, Session 1 ~ 22:35

Step 1 happens all day long, every day, to everyone. You can’t stop it. After you see, hear, or experience anything, you decide whether you want it or you don’t (i.e., you want it’s opposite). Abraham calls this “contrast”. It refers to conditions as simple as stubbing your toe or as complicated as a terrorist attack or global warming. The purpose of contrast is to provide a variety of options from which you will choose.

The moment you register that you want something, or want it’s opposite, that desire is registered in your Vortex. That means that Source and your Inner Being become aware of your preference. More than just becoming aware of it, however, they move immediately to Step 2 and become it.

“Step 2 is – Source begins right away, actualizing around what you’re asking for.”

–Abraham, 8/29/2015, Session 1~ 22:45

“Step 2 is – The Vortex gathers your inner beings there and there is a vibrational reality that is formed and so it is done.”

–Abraham, 8/29/2015, Session 3 ~ 9:13

In Step 2, Source and your Inner Being vibrationally become what you are asking for. If you want more money, the Universe literally provides more money. If you want to be a nicer person, you vibrationally become a nicer person. If you want a better home, a better home for you literally comes into being.

All the desires you’ve ever dreamed, big and small, have been given to you vibrationally. That means they are there ready to be manifested by you. That means that they are there, ready to be yours in the physical world if you will allow them in.

Whether or not you will manifest the desire that Source / your Inner Being have become depends on how you interpret that vibrational reality in the next step.

“Step 3 is – You have to find some way of getting in the vibrational vicinity [of your desires] so that vibration can begin to be realized by you. That’s how the vibration turns to the thoughts and the emotions and that turns to the things. That’s what the process is. That’s what the evolutionary process is.”

–Abraham, 8/29/2015, Session 1~ 22:49

“Step 3 is – You, in a moment, find yourself a vibrational match to what the Vortex is. So there’s no gap between your vibration and the vibration of the [Vortex*].”

–Abraham, 8/29/2015, Session 3 ~9:21

Once your desires have been vibrationally created by Source, you must allow yourself to see them. To do this, you must be a vibrational match to them. Your emotions will tell you whether or not you are a match. If you feel Joy, Love, and Appreciation when you are focused on that desire, you will be a vibrational match.

Step 3 is when you allow yourself, through belief and focus, to realize what you’ve created, i.e., to see it in physical form. Allowing can happen by accident, or you may purposely adjust your beliefs and focus so that you get what you desire.

The best way of doing this is to have feelings of Joy, Love, and Appreciation as often as you can.

You can’t stop Step 1 or Step 2 from happening. Life causes you to constantly see things and circumstances, you instantly make judgments about them, and Source automatically responds. With Step 3, you can actively increase the number of manifested desires that you allow into your life. You do this by monitoring your feelings, and making a point to feel good as much as possible.

Most of us have been taught it is polite or even virtuous to put up with things that don’t feel good — obnoxious people, boring movies, things other people decide we should do. The advice Abraham gives most often to new Step 3-ers is to avoid those things that don’t feel good. The first step, then, is to break those habits and form new beliefs and behaviors that promote our well-being.

At this stage, simply avoid what you don’t like. The act of choosing what you like accomplishes several things: (a) it develops the habit of noticing how you are feeling and (b) it demonstrates to you that you have a choice in how you feel and (c) you get used to feeling good, so you know what that feels like. Once you know what feeling good feels like, and you have made it a priority, you’re ready to mature in your use of Law of Attraction to improve your life.

Up to this point, you probably have perceived things as good or bad, i.e., peace is good but war is bad, health is good but illness is bad, wealth is good but poverty is bad. From Source’s perspective, everything is good. The variety available is there to give you choices. War and peace are two choices but neither is “bad”. You may choose that one is wanted and the other is not wanted.

So now, instead of running from things that don’t feel good, you start to soothe yourself on these topics by changing your beliefs and thoughts about them. You can’t push against something and manifest the opposite. Instead of seeing conditions as negative, you must learn to see that everything is a choice. It might not be your choice, but it is a choice available for those who want it.

Rather than reacting negatively to what you see, change your beliefs about that to beliefs that are aligned with Source. The ultimate goal is to be able to look at any condition and not react negatively to it. It is just a choice. If you have manifested a choice you did not intend, you know how to change your vibration to something else which will change the manifestation.
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Old 04-22-2019, 11:44 AM
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Law of Attraction, A.H. step 4 & 5.

“You have to give yourself the opportunity to find your soothing relative to every subject. And once you get really good at that, once you are good at finding that uncondition, that uncondition which is what we’re calling the emotion. The condition isn’t the way that you want it but you don’t need it to change in order to feel better.

“You’ve practiced well enough that you can feel better and so now you’ve mastered Step 4. You’re living unconditionally. You’re not needing things to be a certain way in order to feel good. So when you see a little contrast, you don’t see it as something that’s gone wrong. You see it as an opportunity of clarification. You see it as an opportunity for you to define or refine even more clearly who you are and what you want.”

–Abraham, 8/29/2015, Session 1~ 24:25

“Step 4 is just doing [Step 3] more consistently. By acknowledging that the condition hasn’t changed yet but that your alignment has. In other words, what Step 4 is is just a mastery of Step 3, which is a little spotty. Step 3 is more in the moment. Step 4 is more you’ve got it down, it’s become your tendency to expect positively and to feel good, and to care about how you feel , and to be able to focus around conditions that separate your vibration and into conditions that allow.”

–Abraham, 8/29/2015, Session 3 ~ 9:36

So Step 4 is when you have mastered feeling positive — no, not every moment 24 x 7. But in Step 4, your default setting is Appreciation. You know when you are off and it feels awful. You take action to pull yourself back into alignment because that is now your comfort zone.

When you have a negative response to a condition, you know that the condition may not change, but you can change your perspective so that you no longer have the negative emotional charge about it. You can change your emotion without having to change the condition.

You value what Abraham calls the “uncondition”. You value how you feel over any condition. You value how you feel and maintain your high vibration, no matter what the condition.

It takes some practice to be able to take highly negatively-charged conditions and see the positive in them, but those in Step 4 have that skill. When a Step 4 student sees or experiences a negative condition, they don’t turn away or ignore it. They choose to see the good, even if it means they have to examine and alter their beliefs and thoughts about this subject.

Step 5
“And now you’ve stepped into what we are calling Step 5. Now you are appreciating the contrast because the contrast doesn’t take you out anymore. It doesn’t make you vomit anymore. It doesn’t double you over with a knot in your stomach anymore. It’s just variety.

“Now you are solidly in Step 4 and then stepping every now and again into Step 5 where you’re understanding that contrast is a good thing. Contrast, variety, is the basis of the Universe. Contrast is the strength of everything that is. Without contrast, all wonderful things that currently are couldn’t have been if there had not been contrast that caused new desires to be born.

“Step 5 is the most fun of all and it’s an extension of Steps 1, 2, 3, 4.The way we want to describe Step 5 is that — Step 1 is contrast. Step 5 is welcome contrast.

“Step 1 is — stuff just happens which causes you to want. There’s no mastery in that, life’s gonna happen to you. And desire is gonna be born whether you’re very good at focusing or not. And Source is gonna satisfy that desire whether you even know that Source exists or not. Step 3, allowing, is where you start getting deliberate. That’s where you start focusing on purpose. Step 4 is where you’re so good at it that you can pretty much hold yourself in that place of feeling good. It’s where you’re not trying to serve someone else’s path. You’re not trying to make it better for someone else. You are understanding the value and the power and the importance and the rightness of your alignment.

“And then Step 5 just takes that further. Where you’re sure of who you are and you’re in love with this world of variety. And when a contrasting thing happens to you, you acknowledge it’s value for the clarity that it will bring. For the expansion that it will bring. For the evolvement that it produces. For the eternalness that it promises. So you’re way past ever beating up on yourself or anybody else. You’re just acknowledging ‘Hey, hey, here it is. There’s something here. This doesn’t feel so good to me. I can do something about this.’ You’re not beating up on yourself. You’re just making choices based upon that contrast. And blessing the contrast."

–Abraham, 8/29/2015, Session 3 ~10:14, 12:23
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Old 04-25-2019, 11:34 AM
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Struggling with LOA at moment. I don't seem to be able to attract or believe any of it. I expect this to be temporary but boy when one gets on a negative track it can't really pull you down.
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Old 04-27-2019, 03:27 AM
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Allowing can happen by accident, or you may purposely adjust your beliefs and focus.

The best way of doing this is to have feelings of Joy, Love, and Appreciation as often as you can.
Taking a few minutes outside in beautiful timing, a great horned owl's hoots were loud and clear, the last quarter moon was brilliant, stars bright and looking up directly over me there was a gray heart-shaped cloud.

I really like this life.

Looking at moon phase info, an interpretation of the last quarter moon is "time to release and let go".

The more attuned we are to the moon phases and how they affect us, the better we can harness the different energies, rather than wasting more energy fighting against them.
I don't know how this all works. I do enjoy feeling well, listening to my body knowledge and being at peace within myself.

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Old 04-29-2019, 12:02 PM
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"When it's time to find the answers." -- ad seen, just as "Can't Stop The Feeling" by Justin Timberlake started playing.


Posting this link to one of the videos, in honor of the 3 year anniversary of this song next Monday. Life is meant to be lived, enjoyed & shared.
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Old 05-01-2019, 05:05 PM
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If you google "psychology today law of attraction" you'll find a nice article that talks about this.

In a nutshell, positive expectations are a precondition for attaining goals, but not sufficient into itself to bring about expensive cars and the other things the LOA promise. And, if someone buys into the idea that thoughts alone can magically bring about millions, it can actually lead to depression as in that philosophy, the only reason you don't have millions is because somewhere deep inside you have the "wrong thoughts". Failure to succeed than becomes the fault of the person who isn't thinking positively enough instead of a philosophy that is missing some big pieces like education, competency, hard work, focus on goals, etc.

You might want to read that article for a full run down on what is sound advice and what is unhelpful about the philosophy.

Hope this helps.
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Old 05-01-2019, 05:26 PM
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i think people get the "attraction" part backwards.....it's not that if we think good thoughts, fed ex will show up with a truckload of good STUFF. it is about OUR perception of where good things lie.

let's say we buy a new car. the minute we drive it off the lot, what do we see? OUR CAR everywhere! prius, subaru, VW, doesn't matter....our attention is now drawn to this new thing.

we decide to add more produce to our diet and suddenly we notice how many vegetable options there are at our work cafeteria, the local subway shop, taco bell. WE have shifted our focus, it is not that all restaurants heard that WE wanted more fruits and veggies and adjusted their menus to appease us.

when i decided to make some real shifts in my income/budgeting/debt balance, i looked for positive, well vetted approaches. dave ramsey didn't roll up in my driveway.

where we choose to aim our attention is what we shall reap. glass half full, or half empty. whatever we think we want takes work and effort on our part. we have to do more than THINK about:
losing weight
getting sober
extricating from an unhappy marriage
eliminating debt
getting a job
creating a safe, sane and stable home for our children

all the above and endless more are possible, if we are willing to do the work.
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Old 05-01-2019, 07:28 PM
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Allowing good things to happen, being aware of how my focus helps in this and being grateful for these things are absolutely something I believe in.

I'm getting good at this, and it's good to acknowledge it!

Simply my experience, strength and hope.

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Old 05-02-2019, 11:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Troubledone View Post
...the other things the LOA promise.
There are a lot of people who promise outcomes or interpret the Law of Attraction, but the Law of Attraction only "promises" one thing: We get what we think about, whether we want it or not. The "promise" isn't that we will get what we hope for from time to time or that we will get whatever positive affirmation we incant into the mirror twice a day, it's that we get what we primarily think about - whatever we focus on and how we feel as we focus is what grows in our experience.

The Law of Attraction is what it is. Saying that it promises anything is like saying that gravity promises to pull objects toward the earth. A person can doubt that the Law of Attraction exists, just as a person can doubt whether there's a gravitational pull (and call it "just the way things are) but both are laws of the universe and both have a pervasive effect whether we recognize them or not.

All of the big pieces you cited fall under "What we think about and how." Education, competency, hard work, focus on goals, etc. are all aspects of our thought process and therefore are very much part of what influences our experience of the world, AKA the Law of Attraction.
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Old 05-02-2019, 04:18 PM
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this is rather misleading:
In Step 2, Source and your Inner Being vibrationally become what you are asking for. If you want more money, the Universe literally provides more money. If you want to be a nicer person, you vibrationally become a nicer person. If you want a better home, a better home for you literally comes into being.

i dont get what i think about without action. the universe doesnt magically produce money or a better home for me-theres work if i want that.

i dont become a nicer person because i want to be- there is action.

i may be misinterpreting this all. its way too complicated for how simple life truly is.
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Old 05-03-2019, 05:19 AM
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Originally Posted by tomsteve View Post
i dont get what i think about without action. the universe doesnt magically produce money or a better home for me-theres work if i want that.
It's impossible to read a few quotes and get this stuff. You're either drawn to listening to more or you're not, but reading a few quotes, it's all going to sound like complete BS. You actually do get what you think about, but it's important to recognize how you are thinking about it. And you are right that action comes into play, but demeanor and intent are key, not just behavior.
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Old 05-03-2019, 05:44 AM
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Originally Posted by FallenAngelina View Post
reading a few quotes, it's all going to sound like complete BS.
It's akin to someone reading Step 1 and walking away, saying "I'm not powerless!" There's a whole lot more to working a successful program than recovery slogan(s) or steps can convey.
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Old 05-04-2019, 12:25 AM
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Originally Posted by FallenAngelina View Post
It's impossible to read a few quotes and get this stuff. You're either drawn to listening to more or you're not, but reading a few quotes, it's all going to sound like complete BS. You actually do get what you think about, but it's important to recognize how you are thinking about it. And you are right that action comes into play, but demeanor and intent are key, not just behavior.
i read the whole thing a few times. i dont get what i think about. you might but i dont.
i understood all of the BS.
its just mumbo jumbo that has nothing to do with helping friends and families of alcoholics,imo.
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Old 05-04-2019, 01:08 AM
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Originally Posted by FallenAngelina View Post
It's akin to someone reading Step 1 and walking away, saying "I'm not powerless!" There's a whole lot more to working a successful program than recovery slogan(s) or steps can convey.
not quite akin,imo.
i have read AH before. didnt read anything other than a way to make big bucks by complicating something very simple.
i get it- i was there at one time. my pride and ego were out of control and i was running around learning evrything about everything and shoving what i learned down everyones throats without thinking the true motive for it. i hogged up time in meetings with my shares on mumbo jumbo that didnt have anything to do with the topic or recovery or anything for the matter.showed just how awesomely egocentric and pride filled i was by "sharing" all the crap i read in self help books(didnt see the ego and pride at the time), ran to people and told them how to fix their crap with absolutely no experience in that area....basically i was king know it all and everyone had to hear and read it! i wasnt thinkin about nothing but my own dam fool ego. i did a dam good job of masking it with," im helping others by giving them advise they didnt ask for!!! they need to hear this because it helped me!!! MEMEMEMEMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!"
more than once at meetings id drudge up a topic or thought from the past just to feed my ego,too. i can now see the looks on the faces of people at those meetings was," this dude is all ****** up.he shoukd shut up and listen."
the people in meetings got tired of my slefish,self centered,ego driven crap. attendence at my hg dropped. who wants to listen(or read) someone hoggin up time to feed their egos? not many.
thank GOD for people that cared enough about the meeting to step up and call me on my crap.it took a little time but eventually i saw my actions drove people away- both people wanting help and people with solid recovery.
their actions not only helped the meetings,but helped me ,too. i was able to make amends to my hg and truly,honestly contribute like God truly wants me to.
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Old 05-04-2019, 03:57 AM
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My intro to Abraham Hicks was through an old cd picked up at a 12 step meeting place. My Higher Power has a great sense of humor. I didn't relate to it at all and it wound up in the garbage!

How many Big Books are scoffed at by newbies? Right timing, right place. If something is meant for us, fine. If it's not, no worries.

Discuss coping tools, and learn basic recovery techniques for you, not the alcoholic. Please refrain from debating recovery methods,
My sponsor gave me the prayer "Please give me eyes to see and ears to hear." Later, "Strength to embrace the illogical" was added. Eventually Law of Attraction started to naturally make sense to me. Life is a journey.
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