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DesertEyes 06-28-2011 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by transformyself (Post 3016748)
... And sticks his nose on me. Please, anyone, explain this to me? I do not understand Cat Behavior and this one especially is bizarre to me. That, and him sitting right in front of my face, oh at 4am, purring loudly with his eyes swirling round like he's totally tranced out. WTF is THAT?

He luuuuuuuvs you, doncha know? I've had _lots_ of cats that do that. Then they curl up into a ball and fall asleep on my chest. Oh and the eyes swirling round? He's dreaming with his eyes open, some cats do that.

[ thread hijack off ]

Mike ;)

transformyself 06-28-2011 05:53 PM

Thanks Mike

He's dreaming with his eyes open, some cats do that.
Some people do that too. We call it Spirit Walking. But I've not seen any drool whilst doing so...
end T/J

Impurrfect 06-28-2011 06:44 PM

((Mike))) - awesome recovery!!!

Oh, and to further hijack, after getting shredded trying to put cats into carriers, I learned to set the carrier on end (open side up), pick cat up by nape of neck and put them in feet first. No shredding, no scars, no almost needing to go to the hospital for stitches.

Just like my codie recovery, sure took a long time to figure THAT out! Funny thing is, they'll RUN to the carrier at the vets:(

You've handled things great...I'm glad she's admitted and that you are staying away.

Hugs and prayers,


Fandy 06-29-2011 06:18 AM

the cat likes to spread his scent on you through saliva....he is "marking you" as his of my cats likes to rub his gums on the edge of the laptop and the dog's crate.

always hold cat's back feet firmly in one hand, wrap your other arm around the body into the upended carrier...close the door fast or they shoot out like a rocket.

so the wife threatens suicide...then wants you to bring her clean clothes and a toothbrush?....glad you did not enable her...maybe she will think twice about creating more drama if she can't brush her hair or have clean's ridicules that she keeps expecting you to drop everything and do the fetch and carry...

Wanna bet she asks for the cats back next week?????

Carol Star 06-29-2011 06:42 AM

Threatening suicide is a form of abuse. I think I read that in the Lundy book. As far as the bringing a brush and clothes- we know better- we do better. Progress over perfection. I think you are doing good.

Thumper 06-29-2011 07:36 AM

Cats and crates - Yikes.

The vet showed me a wonderful trick

Cats automatically back up when they don't want something so put the cat in the crate butt first. Easy Peasy. They know something is up, so automatically back up with great force and resolve - right into the back of the crate, lol. I've never had a problem since. :)

StarCat 06-29-2011 09:23 AM

Mike, you are doing great!

Originally Posted by m1k3 (Post 3016498)
Thought I might need the hospital my self after trying to stuff two cats into their carriers. I actually had to dig chunks of claw out of my arm! Both daughters of coarse laugh when I'm describing this and then say all you have to do is pick them up with a towel and it's real easy. I think I might get some cool scars out of this though.

You don't even need a towel.
Cats will always do exactly what they want to do, so all you have to do is convince them that they want to do what you want them to do.

Leave the carrier out in an out of the way place that's easily accessible to the cats. This way it's an everyday thing to see it. Leave a towel or sweatshirt inside so that it's comfortable to sleep in. Put a favorite toy inside, every once in awhile.
Throw an occasional cat treat into the carrier, sometimes a couple at a time, so that they get used to going in of their own free will. Sometimes let them see you throw it in, then shut the door once they go inside, and slide a few more cat treats through the slots while the cat is inside.
Then it's easy.

For me now, I just put the cat carrier on the bed and Peaches jumps right in, curls up happily, and starts to purr. If I don't start shutting the door right away, she actually pokes her head out again and starts meowing until I either start to close it, or pull out a toy to bribe her back out again.

She also loves going to the vet.
Probably has something to do with stopping at KFC on the way home each time.
Spoiled kitten.

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