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smoke gets in my eyes 05-02-2002 01:32 PM

They couldn't turn the boat around so he doesn't get to see the doctor until next Tuesday.

(oh sorry, reality reared it's ugly head.)

Ann 05-02-2002 01:53 PM

Then, as Dino was finally settling down, Rev
led the entire raft in singing "Michael Row The Boat Ashore...Halleluja!! And the next thing you know, the storm settled and a small gust of recovery wind started the boat moving again..but to which shore?

Jon, The Good, and Jon The..well, you know..started arguing. Ducks singing,Jons agruing and Smoke standing on shore holding a water lily called out and said....

smoke gets in my eyes 05-02-2002 01:55 PM

"Do any of you ducks out there happen to know why my Home Depot account has been charged for a flowerpot?"

margo 05-02-2002 01:57 PM

"Hold on a second. This is Thursday, which means it's all about ME today...." and then...

margo 05-02-2002 02:03 PM

Whoops! Double posting again! Let me try that once more.

"Wait a second. This is Thursday, which means it's all about ME today." And then....

Ann 05-02-2002 02:03 PM

Oh Great...Now I lost my wormhole?? I think we need a Wormhole Recovery Board

If you see my post twice...I'm not nuts

If you see it once...I not nuts


Ann 05-02-2002 02:06 PM

LOL - It's a Canadian thing Margot

I leave wormholes everywhere

to continue...

Ogly 05-02-2002 04:09 PM

Now all this time - Ogly is getting more and more pissed because have you EVER tried to repair wadders with duct tape with BIG PINK FUZZY PAWS!!!! did anyone fail to notice - the silver strips that have joined my ears together and how the hell am i going to get the wadders off??? I want them off!!! I want to go defend my rabbit hole from possible marauding ducks.....And does anyone know where we stored the bactine for when the duct tape rips off all my fur and i looked like a plucked bunny?

Where's Jon - I am going to get him for giving me this duct tap....

(ps - you guys are hysterical - i almost peed in my pants reading this)

Roven_Rev 05-02-2002 06:56 PM

And while Ogly was preoccupied with trying to untangle herself from the Duck tape, a faint sound off in the distance, not too far from the rabbit hole was heard, could it be...?? "quack"..."quack"...and suddenly a duck appeared...a orange metalic substance was hanging from his bill...and then another..."quack"..."quack"....and another duck appeared..with what looked like Q-tips in between his web feet...and...

smoke gets in my eyes 05-02-2002 07:02 PM

No one will ever know what Smoke yelled, because just at that moment, OGs screamed in fury at having taped her paws together and flung the roll of ducktape, hitting Smoke in the head and rendering her unconscious.

Ann wrung her hands. She had only just installed Anonabella into Jon's abandoned lawnchair, and now there was another anon prone on the beach. Morning Glory looked at Ann and shrugged.

Just Tired was strolling up the beach holding a can of Bactine. "Did somebody need this?"

smoke gets in my eyes 05-02-2002 07:05 PM

(oh oh... I thought ducks ate worms...)

And... she tripped! On a q-tip! where could that have come from? She turned and saw the sloppy duck weaving it's way out of the trees.

Ann 05-02-2002 07:43 PM

AHA!! "Look Morning Glory" called Ann jubilantly. I know what they're up to...those sneaky ducks. They want us to use these to clean our ears so we can again listen to the Quacking!!! We won't be fooled. Find Smoke and get some of those dry tissues, I'll find Ogly and get some of her used ducktape (hair and all) and we'll tape the tissues in our ears. Those ducks must have some mighty loud quacking in mind and we MUST prepare ourselves. Ask the Rev to say a prayer...maybe something about "hear ye not the call of the wild"...I know he's been practicing some REAL good ones this week. Just then, Ogly staggered over..ducktape and rabbit hair flying everywhere.."Has anyone seen Ex?" she hissed..."we better get the net ready.."

Just then, from behind her and not far from the "Sale at Home Depot" sign, came the pitter waddle of duck feet....IT'S DINODUCK..who came to warn us (but was it a ruse?) DINO was ready for a nap, but first he panted something that sounded like....

smoke gets in my eyes 05-02-2002 07:54 PM

"We're all washed up." Meaning, of course, that after the storm, the sailors and the duck commandos had beached nearby.

Ogly 05-02-2002 08:31 PM

There is a sale at Home Depot? You know what - i think those sneaky ducks bought super glue and manipulate my duct tape and I swear I saw a can of Pam for my skillet in Dino's hand....

Now I mad..... but uno momento - I just noticed behind the palm tree - a tv advertising - the hair club for bunnies... I must go find my wallet and place an order!!! Wait - where is my wallet??? Ah found it.... Wait - why is it full of Qtips and note saying I borrowed your money to go get ice cream to cure my cravings......

What are those ducks comandos doing running into my hole.... Sound the bunny slipper alarm....Annabelle - get your butt out of that chair...... Anns - I must request that you allow your slippers to be drafted...EX - stop playing with that net!! Find smoke some smelling salts - just in case I loose control of my paws again.....


Ann 05-02-2002 08:42 PM

That was "Hare Club For Bunnies!!!" ANOTHER DUCK RUSE!!

And Ogly - you will realize when you read my post, that i gave YOU the bunny slippers for your birthday this weekend...

When you said CHARGE...I saw Dinoduck heading to Home Depot again with Smokes credit card.

So lets sidestep the wormholes and find Just Tired, she's resting here somewhere (probably just tired) and....what's that Ogly? You said WHAT?....

smoke gets in my eyes 05-02-2002 08:44 PM

Dino kept rolling the can of bactine along the beach, realizing that Og's had mistaken it for Pam. "I wish I still had my "Hell's Ducklings" jacket. When we do right, no one remembers. When we do wrong, no one forgets."

Ogly 05-02-2002 09:18 PM

My batteries are drained - HYE DINO - come back here with my bactine.... don't make me put super glue on this skillet.... damn - who took my skillet...... Ex - what is that in your net?

And jon - what re you doing back in that chiar.... Don't you have any control over these ducks?

And Anns - You know - I was so obsessed with getting this duct tape off of my furs - I just told the postman to put my birthday presents down in my hole... OH NO - is that what the comandos are after.....Dear lord - I must rescue my bunnies!!!

smoke gets in my eyes 05-03-2002 02:24 AM

Dinoduck abandoned the bactine can. Ogs had clearly gone off the deep end and he was no longer enthusiastic about delivering it. He waddled quickly to hide behind Ex-E, who was poised with the net, just waiting for someone to tell him "when".

Jon in the meantime, had gone to offer Smoke some sunblock. He had spied her lying in the sand, and thought she was doing some kind of spartan survivalist sunbathing. As he approached, she was just coming to. She muttered something that sounded like "no, I rarely eat shellfish."

annabella 05-03-2002 03:38 AM

Anonabella, who was swept away by the peacefulness of no quacking, didn’t even realize it was back. She had let her guard down, as she sat in her chair sunbathing with a piece a foil she found to reflect the sun. She was awakened by Ogs yelling for her to get her butt out of the chair. But it was too late, she was already engulfed in the quacking and could not hear anything else. Ogs yelled to the gang “We need to call on FATCAT, annonabella is in trouble”……

fatcat 05-03-2002 04:07 AM

However, calling FATCAT was indeed a grave mistake because cats and ducks do not coexists.

The feline's amber eyes lit up at the sight of so many ducks, LUNCH!

However, she thought she'd give it a miss this time as ducks for lunch always did wreck her diet and she needed to cut down.

So she..

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