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Lilya 10-03-2007 01:10 PM

How about sharing what we do for exercise and then try to really stick to it?

I think we had one thread, but I cannot find it. Anyway, I think it would be a good idea to write about what we do or plan to do and then follow it up. :)

Exercise does really work, and even 10 minutes of powerwalking can relieve anxiety.

I have decided to swim four times a week as I usually do, but I stopped during my trip and have been too tired to go, except yesterday I did go.

It“s refreshing, it makes you feel good, it burns up extra calories and it removes cellulite. Ever seen a fish with cellulite? No, because they swim all the time. ;)

I hope I didn“t spoil someone“s dinner...?

Then I want to continue practice my oriental dance. It tones the body and makes me feel good about myself.

That“s it, I“m on my way to do 40 minutes of dance.

I want to hear from you. :)

Love and light,

Emimily 10-03-2007 01:14 PM

swimming is amazing! i love it, it's my very favorite solo activity. i'm going to make much more use of my Y membership and hit the pool at least once a week. i love yoga, too. it makes me feel long and beautiful.

lately, my main passion has been tennis. i just started playing, and i've been having SO much fun.

so, that's me. for now, anyway. :)

bluenena 10-03-2007 08:56 PM

I have three kids 5, 7, and 9 years old. I go outside with them every day. Sometimes we walk and sometimes we ride bikes. Last weekend I took them to the park and played on the jungle gym with them. The next day I took them to the State Capitol Park and we walked around a lot. This next weekend I am planning to take them to walk around the zoo.

Lilya 10-04-2007 07:00 AM

Hi Emimily and welcome.

Yoga is great and I“m going to add it to my dance program.

I didn“t do so well yesterday as the phone bothered me when I started dancing. When I finished, it was too late to continue, but I“m going swimming today after work.

Three kids, Blue! Vow. :) You get a lot of exercise by doing things with them.
It will be great to take them to the zoo next weekend.

Have you tried iceskating? My nine year old loves to do that and I have decided to learn it!

Love and light,

DaVinci2 10-06-2007 09:42 AM

Not sure if people can stick with this, but here's what's important:

Stick to a 3 day a week program, and leave 1 day between each session. This is called a 3 day split. There is a specific way to balance a good exercise program, but unless you know what you're doing, don't just randomly jump to anything. What I do is a full-body routine (Sounds more difficult than it is).

Day1: Squat, Bench, Row
Day 2: OFF
Day 3: Squat, shoulder press, deadlift
Day 5: Squat, Bench, Row

This is a 5X5 routine (Google Bill Starrs 5X5 to see how to stack the weights)

No routine should last more than 50 minutes. Mine will take anywhere from 30 to 45 depending on how many people are in the gym. Machines are not good (Unless you have an injury and can't place pressure on a certain part of your body) So stick with the free weights).

During off days, you can do some light cardio or HIIT (Google it if you're interested) for health purposes etc. DO NOT do it after you've done your routine though. Be sure to get your diet in order. 90 percent of the battle of weight loss (Or muscle gain) is done in the kitchen. Understand that all macronutrients (protein, fat, carbs) play an important role.

Yoga and similar exercises are great for balance and relaxation in my opinion. Walking is cardio, do it on your off days. It's great to get some fresh air. Stretch when you can. DO NOT over stretch before you hit the weights.

There are several other routines out there. This worked the best for me because it was a full-body. I wasn't happy with splits that focused on certain muscle groups one day, and then others another day. BUT that all depends on the person. Be sure that squats, bench and deadlifts are part of your routine. If they aren't, then it's not a proper routine.

I could write forever BUT...things might get boring. I can post more or you can PM me.

Lilya 10-06-2007 10:32 AM

Thanks, Davinci2!

Great. Keep posting on this.

ItĀ“s great for anxiety. I just came back from powerwalking outside of town. Wonderful fall colours, good for spirits and heavy hearts. :)

This exercise routine sounds great, but is it good for women? I donĀ“t want to become muscular. I do some weightlifing for my arms at home, just to keep them toned.

I havenĀ“t been dancing. CanĀ“t get into the routine. Once IĀ“m there, I know I will dance every day.

On the other hand, I have been doing yoga. I agree, itĀ“s the best thing for anxiety, although IĀ“ve heard several other Eastern techniques are great.

Keep posting. Any ideas about weightlifting tips for women?

Love and light,

scarlati 10-06-2007 10:04 PM

Weight lifting is fine for women. You shouldn't have to worry about bulking up and looking masculine because most women don't have high enough testosterone levels to really bulk up. So find a program like DaVinci described and work at it for a while. If after a few months you start feeling like you're getting too bulky you can always cut back or lower your intensity. One thing to watch out for, though, is when you start lifting you'll probably find yourself feeling hungry all the time. You'll need to increase your caloric intake to make sure you have plenty of nutritious food on hand, particularly things with plenty of protein and fiber as those tend to be more filling.

Personally I'm taking a break from weight lifting. I do tai chi and marathon running and, on the advice of my therapist, just took up boxing. Now that I'm in boxing I'm probably gonna cut out the distance running and kick up the intensity by working on my 5K run time and HIIT to condition for boxing.

Lilya 10-07-2007 06:04 AM

Thanks Scarlati.:)

There is a good gymroom where I swim, so IĀ“m going to try some weightlifting, although I will skip "the deadweight". LOL I wonder what thatĀ“s called in French, but I guess itĀ“s a bit too much for me. :rotate:

I know about being hungry after intensive exercise, but they sell protaindrinks at the canteen where I swim. IĀ“ve heard they can make you gain weight?

IĀ“m going to try this as a supplement to my swimming and I must be harder with myself and start dancing again. The dance offers many varieties of movements with arms, and when I did them, my arms became really toned.

Marathon, boxing and tai ci. Impressive, Scarlati. I did some kicks when I studied self-defence based on Kung Fu.

Love and light,

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