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Amanda930 04-25-2007 01:47 AM

News For Me
Hello everyone, Well to start off I must say I have been outta work since Jan. 1st of this year. I didnt like my job so much and the people I worked with. My girlfriend was the one that thought it would be a good idea and we both thought I'd just get back out there a fined a job. Well it is now almost May and I got one. I'm going to working with my girlfriend at her current job for a company called AVI. I think that working with her and someone I know will help with my panic and other such problems I have. Alot of people have been telling me that working with your significant other could start problems in your relationship because you would be seeing to much of that person, but my girlfriend and I dont look at it that way at all. We both think thta we dont see each other enough. Monday thur Friday she works 2-10. We go to sleep by 3 waking up at noon to spend time with each other before she goes to work she'll leave round 1:30 and wont be home till about 10:30 then we stay up till bout 3am and go to sleep and to the same thing all over again. On Saturday and Sunday we spend the entire day together but were also mostly around people. Friends or family. I dont think I could ever get sick of her the way people think we're gonna get.
*moving on*

I have a doctors appointment on Friday to talk to my primary doctor about the lexapro I've been taking for a month now. He wants to see if it's helping or what. I dont think it's doing much. I''m not sure what he'll do. I'll have to talk about how I went to see a therapist and tell him how I have an appointment for a psychiatrist, adn see what my doctor says. I'll also as him about the ringing in my ear. Yes I've been having a ringing in my ear for about a month in a half now. I'm praying its nothing serious considering thats all I think abotu when something is wrong with me I think its something horrible such like a tumor. I'm praying I just need to get my ears drained or something. I'd rather that happen then surgery. One thing I am terrfied of. I dont think I could ever go into surgery. It's the most scary thing. I've never had it done but I could just image.

Well all please keep me in your prayers. I'm trying so hard to get through this.

Spacecat 04-25-2007 06:57 AM

Dear Amanda930,

Firstly I would like to ask, (if it's okay with you, as I don't mean to pry)what type of medicine is Lexapro? Is it an Anti-Depressant or a Benzodiazepin(tranquillizer)? Why am I asking this, Amanda? Well besides the fact that I am a curious person, I am searching for a new medicine to treat my Anxiety/Panic Attacks, & a suitable replacement for what I used to take, which was Zoloft, a type of Anti-Depressant.....
I stopped taking Zoloft because of two reasons:
1/ The side-effects e.g. Loss of Libido, Weight Gain, Insomnia etc....
2/ An allergic reaction I was experiencing which was caused by this medicine, because it didn't agree with my body chemistry e.g. Mania or HypoMania, which is a serious sign of an allergic reaction to this medicine....

I will pray that God will comfort you & I will send you positive thoughts my friend....

God Bless....

Amanda930 04-25-2007 11:29 AM

Lexapro is an anti-depressant. Maybe you could talk to your doctor about it. It doesnt really work for me but that might be because there 10mgs yea.... thanks for your positive thoughts.

Codieneaddict 04-25-2007 10:49 PM

Congrats on the new job! :) I think it will help working with you gf. Me and my hubby work together and it is much easier. We've actually worked at two jobs together. Going on 2 1/2 years of workin' together now. Best of luck to ya!

Amanda930 04-26-2007 10:32 AM

Codieneaddit thanks so much for ur reply. I hope it does work out. I dont think we should have any problems seeing each other all the time and I know I wont get sick of her. I think it depends on the couple.

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