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Michael22 05-08-2006 11:39 PM

Introducing Myself - Hi ! I'm new here
Would just like to introduce myself - my name is Michael. I just stopped drinking for 14 days - and I feel GGRRRREAT!!!!

What a wonderful feeling to have my freedom. Freedom from the living hell I've been living. Its like I've been given a new lease on life. I can go out and visit friends - drive my car at night - wake up not shaking. Its wild.

Of course its 2:30 am and I cant sleep - but thats ok. I also am free from caffein - but still having a hard time with smoking.

I just wanted to introduce myself and maybe make a few new friends.

Thank you
peace and love

best 05-08-2006 11:44 PM

Welcome Michael

I am sure you will find the people here a wonderful support and very friendly.

best 05-09-2006 12:02 AM

Seeing where you list yourself from, I am reminded of where I was when I made a firm commitment to stop drinking. I was living in Westbrook at the time. Lived there for just over a year. I have been back in MA for 24 years now.

Michael22 05-09-2006 12:14 AM

Hey Best
Cool - westbrook - I drive thru everyday. Small world. Thanks for your response. I'm making new friends!!
peace and love

Cathy31 05-09-2006 01:47 AM

WELCOME and well done on you 14+ days!!! I am sure that the fog is now lifting and you are really able to see how beautiful life can be when it's not through a fog!!! I don't miss those hangovers - or blackouts!

For me, I use AA to *keep* me the past I often would get confident/cocky/complacent after a few days and then 'try' to drink normally...AA has been a miracle for me.

I'm glad you are here...this is a great place for support.


Music 05-09-2006 02:56 AM

Welcome aboard Michael. Hope to see more of you.

CarolD 05-09-2006 04:55 AM

Good for you! :)

Keep in touch and keeo moving forward.

Peter 05-09-2006 05:09 AM

Welcome Michael. Good work on the 14 days.

undertow 05-09-2006 06:06 AM

congratulations on you 14+ days, keep up the good work :)


doorknob 05-09-2006 06:35 AM

Welcome Michael! Like you mentioned, we're cruzin' in parallel. Day 16?

Doorknob (Paul)

leviathon 05-09-2006 06:39 AM

Welcome Michael and good on you for 14 days. I trust this is only the beginning!


daddysgirl29 05-09-2006 06:40 AM

Hey Michael! Welcome and congrats on your sober time! Keep up the good work - lots of people here to talk to if you ever feel the need!

Hope to see more of you!

Grasshopper 05-09-2006 06:49 AM

:c009: and welcome!!!!

Michael22 05-09-2006 12:23 PM

Thank you all for the warm welcome
peace and love

amymarie 05-09-2006 12:25 PM

Hi Michael!

Welcome to SR, and I hope you continue on this path! (trying to stop caffiene as well)...

Michael22 05-09-2006 03:27 PM

Thanks Amymarie
I'm caffeine free also - been drinking decafe coffee - tomorrow I'm gonna try tea instead - so I can stop the smoking as well. They all go together. What a trip huh?
I stopped drinking and caffeine and smoking for 10 days - still alcohol and caffeine free ( 15 days) - its the smoking thats a bit of a challenge.

peace and love

debsjsu 05-09-2006 03:53 PM

WOW Michael, what an accomplishment.... You r a better man than me. I struggled for a long time with the alcohol. Never have given up the coffee or ciggs. But they don't get me put in jail so at least Im better than I was, progress not perfection for me. Congratulations You have truly done an amazing thing. Just remember if you did without it yesterday you can do without it today. If you ever have a craving you can tell youself that. It seems to help me if I ever crave alcohol. Later in life your health will be so much better b/c you are not polluting your body with those harmful chemicals. If you find you need help there are many friends here I have found. Also might want to check out some recovery meetings in your area, they can be very helpful also... Love Debs

brigid 05-11-2006 12:49 AM

Hi Michael, great to hear you are going so well and enjoying the freedom of no drugs.

I have been alcohol free for years, but just recently managed to get rid of cigarettes, pot and am now down to one cup of tea a day on the caffeine trip.

A hypnotherapist helped me with these couple of tips:
when I get an urge I say "Compulsion cancelled" ... like anything that is cancelled it is no more
"My mind is stronger than my body" and touch my head and then my chest.

Both helping me a lot. I get a craving once or twice a day (in the evenings) for a cigarette and I can ignore it pretty easily with these two things.

Love Brigid :)

"Hugs not Drugs"

Michael22 05-11-2006 03:25 AM

Thank you All

Thank you Brigid!! - I am working on some anchors and triggers - and one is pounding my chest - LOL - my mind is stronger than my body.

17 days - no alchohol - and I feel GRRREAT!!!

I did have caffeine coffee this morning - after 2 weeks of no caffeine.

The smokes are a little more of a challenge than I expected - 1/2 a pack yesterday - down from a 4 pack a day ( yeah!! - really!! ) habbit!!

positive energy to all to all

Peace and Love

c'est la vie 05-11-2006 03:35 AM

It's great that you are trying to turn your habits around. Your body will love you for it. Be careful about eliminating everything at once and having it all spring back at you. You can probably get some support on your quitting cigs in the "quitting cig" forum (or whatever it's called).
Keep posting your progress.

BSPGirl 05-11-2006 05:25 AM

Welcome to SR & congrats on the sober time! :hug:

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