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Sadie12 07-06-2005 04:06 PM

Alcoholic's Compulsion to Drink?
I'm sitting here thinking (again) about the compulsion to drink once started.

I used to think i wasn't an alcoholic because even with that compulsion coming on, I'de drink maybe 7 at the most....that was then and this is now. I can easily put away 10 beers in one sitting. Anything over 2 I think is too much drinking for one sitting.

The compulsion that comes over me after that second drink is a mystery to me and is hard to explain....and then i have to have 4 more or so!

Can someone explain whre that "compulsion" to drink comes from after taking the first couple drinks????

Anna 07-06-2005 04:14 PM

In my opinion Sadie, I think it's something that we addicts are predisposed to and I think it has to do with brain chemicals being slightly off. What sets it off may be a combination of things, including stress. It is the obsession of the mind which makes us act compulsively, I think.

Love, Anna

lulu70 07-06-2005 04:27 PM

Hi Sadie. My name is Laura and I am a recovering alcoholic/pothead with a precious 16 months clean and sober. I have been following your posts for some time now, but haven't responded for a number of reasons, which I don't think I will try to get into right now. However, please know that I have been thinking about you and praying for you to find the power that can help you leave the alcohol behind for good.

As far as your question, I don't know where the compulsion to drink comes from, but I am VERY familiar with it. I am lucky I didn't completely destroy my life because of it. There are a lot of different theories regarding the alcoholic compulsion to drink. Some believe it is like an allergy, and some of us simply react to drinking differently than others. Some believe it is a disease, where the outcome is again, that we react to alcohol in a completely different way than normal people. I don't know what I believe, but I know that whatever it is, I have it. I will NEVER be able to drink like a normal person. When I finally accepted that fact, I stopped fighting and started recovering. Unfortunately, it took alot for me to accept that.

I could not do it on my own. I tried. Many, many times. Not only could I not do it on my own, I had to change everything about my life and the way I was thinking. I started going to AA, among other things, and so far, it has worked. I would highly suggest finding some kind of face to face support for yourself. Even if AA is not for you, there are other options.

You are not alone, Sadie. I have been where you are right now. You can do this, but you have to be willing to go to any lengths.

Keep posting and keep working. One of these days you will stop "trying" and start recovering.

Sadie12 07-06-2005 06:08 PM

I know Laura.
I feel like perhaps I shouldn't post until I get a month or so of sobriety under my belt.

tyler 07-06-2005 06:21 PM

Sadie, you dont' have to stop posting, sharing is one of the most important things you can do. Please dont' stop posting.

Anna 07-06-2005 06:28 PM

Sadie, we're here to offer support and encouragement to help you stop drinking. Posting here is good for you and good for the rest of us, so please keep posting and reading.

Love, Anna

In memory of miracle 07-06-2005 06:33 PM

(( Sadie ))
Don't you dare stop posting! We are here to give and get help.If you have questions ask away. I believe the obsession to drink is in the mind and the compulsion is awakened when we put the drink in our body. It is called an "insane compulsion" in the BB of Alcoholic's Anonymous. The book explains it very well. I suggest you pick up a copy.It will teach you a great deal about alcoholism. When I think of compulsion the saying "one is too many, and a thousand never enough" comes to mind.

Sadie, don't be afraid of AA if you desire to get sober. I have met many warm and wonderful people there, people who are also waiting to help you. Stick around. I am pulling for you.
Bless, Trish

lulu70 07-06-2005 06:57 PM

(((((((((Sadie))))))))))) Please don't go away. I am sorry if my post came off as harsh. I have been in kind of a funk lately, and I just wanted to help. I wasted so much of my life and sometimes I wish someone had just kicked me in the butt and told me how it was. I read posts like yours and it makes me so angry at this disease. Not at YOU--but at the disease of alcoholism. I can see how much you have to offer. Again, please don't go away. We need you here. I need you here.


perbear 07-06-2005 07:18 PM

hi all I have always heard is the old saying of "One is too many and a thousands not enough" that has also been my experience!

2dayzmuse 07-06-2005 07:28 PM

Can someone explain whre that "compulsion" to drink comes from after taking the first couple drinks????
I think there are a number of reason we are compelled to drink. Different people drink for different reasons. I think I drank out of boredom, habit and for entertainment. I thought it was fun. It is so socially accceptable. It is everywhere. Then it quit being fun and became a mental crutch. I felt I couldn't accomplish any task without a few drinks in me. I believe in the allergy theory. I believe my body is allergic to alcohol. I react differently then people who are not allergic. I break out in red blotches and hives after just a few drinks of alcohol. The whole nine yards. It just seems to make sense that I would react physically in other ways as well. Such as: insane.

JWill 07-06-2005 09:57 PM

i wonder what the reasoning is too. my wife told me that she was going to limit herself to 1-2 and then turned around and said that once she has a couple, she just wants more. she said that she likes the feeling of being drunk. her intentions are good but then the alcohol gets ahold of her.

tenK 07-07-2005 06:28 AM

gosh... I've thought about this one many times. All I could figure out was that my judgement was compromised by the alcohol after 1 or 2. All of a sudden, reasonable thoughts turned into WTF...

I could write myself a note before drinking that said "Don't drink more than 2. No matter what. This is you talking. Don't drink too much!" And, after two I would say screw it and chuck the note. The reward was immediate, and the penalty was far enough away to ignore.

Andygirl 07-07-2005 07:11 AM

Originally Posted by tenK
The reward was immediate, and the penalty was far enough away to ignore.

You sure said it there. That verbalizes what I've thought so many times. I guess finally that penalty started getting closer and closer.

michaelj 07-07-2005 09:41 AM


I must repeat what others have said above and urge you not to even think about not posting here. You have every right to post as often as you care to.
As to the compulsion to drink, I think it is summed up in the saying "one's enough, two's too many, three's not half enough".
I believe that I am addicted to the first hit from an alcoholic drink, my brain and my body enjoy that initial buzz and want to experience it again. Now for most people, normal drinkers if you like, they too enjoy the buzz but are content to accept it in small irregular doses. We addicts want it to hit us again and again. Of course the law of diminishing returns begins to kick in and no matter how much more we drink we can never gain access to the initial buzz.
The normal drinker recognises that he / she is in a no win situation but the addict fails to recognise it and piles in to the bottle.
I realised that to defeat the urge to keep drinking I had to avoid the first drink. If I can keep away from the first drink I am safe.
I hope that this helps.
All the best

idunavailable 07-07-2005 10:08 AM

sadie keep posting , It helps to see this especialy for the people that are thinking the same thing and do not post.

like the saying goes " its the first beer that "gets" YOU DRUNK". I relate to you if I have that first one its all over and theres no comming back, thats the beauty (or rather beast) of alcoholism. From my side I will never know what moderation is, I wished I did but I just dont. Once again keep posting It does help me to know that someone else is thinking about the same thing.
good luck

BroTrouble 07-07-2005 10:29 AM

Hiddy Ho Sadie...

Dammm, I was sober for almost a week. I'm back to day one again too!!!.

Wish I had the answers. If only I was stronger.

If "IF'S" and "BUT'S" were candy and nuts, we all would have a merry Christmas.

NoMoBeer 07-07-2005 10:49 AM

Well, first off -- posting and reading here may help you get to that one or two months sober, so stay close!

My view on the "compulsion" -- I personally believe the 'allergy' theory presented in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. The BB tells me I have a compulsion of the mind, and an allergy of the body. My compulsion tells me it's OK to drink, or I can control my drinking, or whatever -- somehow it makes me WANT to drink. When I am just separated from alcohol, with no program to deal with that compulsion, it will always be there and the switch will always be on. With my program, I can be 'spiritually fit,' and let the complusion kind of lay at rest. For me that's the only way it works. Now, if things were to go awry, and the compulsion should get the best of me and I take that first drink -- I believe that's where the abnormal make up of my body takes over, and the phenomenon of craving is activated. Once I get alcohol into my body, I don't process it like 'normal' people. I want more and more and more. For me, I used to drink until I passed out. Period. It's the only way I knew how to...

Hope that helps, even just to know that there are others who experience the same thing... I believe this is why we need a recovery program. If we didn't need to actively recover, than just separating from alcohol would be enough. Most of the times it's not.


jeremy 07-07-2005 11:52 AM

hello. i think after taking the first drink or second drink the feeling i get satisfaction i gain the relief i get the sensatiom triggers something in my mind it tells me i want more i need more more is better.obsession kicks in and takes over my thoughts my clear thinking wich is also being distorted by the alcohol, so now the obsession has taken over and the alcohol has to my thoughts are not being controlled by me my addiction has now gained the upper hand CUNNING, BAFFLING AND POWERFULL. I also can start to obsess on trying to figure out my addiction i try to accept that i just have the compulsiveness i have and obsession you remind me that im just like you an alcoholic addict all the same remember thow CUNNING BAFFLING AND POWERFULL

this must be a god thing i was just donig the same thing tring to figure it out thnx for yrrrr ? it gave me my answer
you've got to roll with it take you time........

Sadie12 07-07-2005 12:34 PM

I really enjoyed reading all your all's feed-back and appreciate it.
Yes, I enjoy just being Drunk; plain and simple. I enjoy going a little crazy and that isn't such a good sign for an alcoholic.. he he.
After that first or second drink I know i feel a little tired sometimes and I would want to drink more to keep the initial buzz UP but it just seems to go down from there doesn't it?
I too, lose my witts about me and my judgement goes right out the window.
Like I said before, I'm afraid to drink anymore because I'm sure my liver, brain and nervous system are a bit worn from me over drinking when i drink.
I guess i can sit here and try and figure out WHY i'm an alcoholic or i can just try and learn to ACCEPT it (which has been hard for me to do... pride? I dunno what it is) and get out of denial here. I don't really think i'm in denial about it but i keep challenging it and fighting the fact that i can't drink and i keep trying to drink ---- sure i can drink normally for a while but never fails that big drunk is waiting around the corner.
i knew when i was 19 that i drank differently than normal drinkers.. i over did it as a teen even!!!!!! Now in my late 30's it's time to really really do it and change.
Anyone know of any great books on people's alcoholic experiences and recoveries??? I LOVE Sober for Good and the Big Book I need to find in my house to start reading. I've read Happy Hours, I have referred back to Under the Influence off & on. But I wish there was a book with people's stories like on this site... the alcohol problems and what it finally took for them to recover and their stories.. anyone know of any?
Thanks y'all.
Sadie :)
Day 2 today and feeling better than ever, thanks to you all for not pushing me away:)

Rowan 07-07-2005 01:31 PM

Hi Sadie
I'm Rowan, and I'm an alcoholic too. I'm really glad that you started this thread, and wanted to say thank you. I have nothing particularly profound to share, only that I tried really hard to disprove the allergy/compulsion theory. You know what? All I know is that when I begin to drink, I want MORE, and like TenK so aptly put it, the consequences were too far away to think about. I loved to be reckless and crazy when drinking, but alcohol just didn't work anymore. I suspect it isn't working for you anymore. You're in a good place with people who will love you conditionally. Very proud of you for working at staying sober a day at a time. Don't give up!
Love, Rowan

Rimmy 07-09-2005 06:50 AM


Like you, I am having profound difficulty giving in to the fact that I am an alcoholic... which is bizarre because when I used to party with friends and be drinking rediculus amounts, I remember saying to myself, "Damn, man, your a friggin alcoholic"... now, I don't want to admit it... peculur stuff.

Regarding what you said about how after that second drink, you might feel a little tired.. I think this is where "normal" drinkers go, "whoo, that went right to my head. Time to stop 'cause I gotta drive home". On the other hand, I would go, "wow.. feeling a bit tired... if I slam down two quick, I'll catch a buzz again" because I don't feel two drinks, I feel four.

I guess my answer to the thread topic at least for me is more along the lines of, "I know what it's like, and this is a tease." I guess I'd use the word CONDITIONING? My mind and body, because of my own abuse to it, have been conditioned to handle more than 2 beers, so once drinking even a bit, the moderation point becomes mute because I am a vessel made for 10 or 15 or 20. You wouldn't send a cargo ship out of port with 1/2 the cargo holds empty....

Well, that's my irriversable logic that kicks in...

Keep writing too !!! you silly

KarenOskie 07-09-2005 12:52 PM

I don't understand it, but it was like a light switch for me. I went from wanting to have just a drink, maybe two, to forgetting all that and drinking as much as I could. I use to try and handle that by only having a few drinks at a time in the house. I would stop on my way home from work and buy a half-pint. Sometimes it made me mad not having another drink after that was gone, sometimes depressed, but it always left me craving more and very uncomfortable. Then I got so I would go out to the store after the half-pint was gone and get more. That was dangerous, so I stopped buying half-pints and started making sure I had enough in the house. That's when I really got sick. I'm only comfortable if I'm not drinking at all. A few leaves me wanting more, and more leaves me sick and blacked out and stupid. I hate it, wish it wasn't that way, but there it is. I have to learn to accept it and move on with the other things in life. I've surely given alcohol enough of my life.

lulu70 07-09-2005 01:22 PM

I'm only comfortable if I'm not drinking at all. A few leaves me wanting more, and more leaves me sick and blacked out and stupid.

AndrewBeen 07-09-2005 01:24 PM

Alcoholics experience the alcohol differently from non-alcoholics. The non-alcoholic experiences primarily a sedative and disinhibitory effect.

For achoholics like me, the alcohol is processed by the liver more quickly, it turns into something called acetyladehyde, which manages to travel to the brain where it turns into something called THiQ (tetra hydra iso quoline), which as it turns out is much like morphene. This gives alcholics a different and far more addictive experience.

That powerful feeling we have after the first 2 drinks is (I think) the THiQ build-up in our brains. "Normals"don'texperiences this, and are more able to turn off the switch after a couple. I know that I am not able to do that.

Pernell Johnson 07-09-2005 06:41 PM

Obsessive/Compulsive Drinking
I'd just like to add, it has been my experience that one drinks leads to oblivion drinking. I'd also like to add something I came across in A.A.'s Fourth Step;

We thought "conditions" drove us to drink, and when we tried to correct these conditions and found that we couldn't to our satisfaction, our drinking went out of hand and we became alcoholics. It never occurred to us that we needed to change ourselves to meet the conditions, whatever they were.

But in A.A., we slowly learned that something had to be done about our vengeful resentments, self-pity, and unwarranted pride. We had to see that every time we played the big-shot, we turned people against us. We had to see that wen we harbored grudges and planned revenge for such defeats, we were really beating ourselves with the club of anger we had intended to use on others. We learned that if we were seriously disturbed, our first need was to quiet that disturbance, regardless of who or what caused it.

Can you hear me now?

Just for Today---------------I am Sober and Clean


In memory of miracle 07-18-2005 05:07 PM

Where are you ?

jpeace 07-19-2005 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by Rimmy

Like you, I am having profound difficulty giving in to the fact that I am an alcoholic... which is bizarre because when I used to party with friends and be drinking rediculus amounts, I remember saying to myself, "Damn, man, your a friggin alcoholic"... now, I don't want to admit it... peculur stuff.

Regarding what you said about how after that second drink, you might feel a little tired.. I think this is where "normal" drinkers go, "whoo, that went right to my head. Time to stop 'cause I gotta drive home". On the other hand, I would go, "wow.. feeling a bit tired... if I slam down two quick, I'll catch a buzz again" because I don't feel two drinks, I feel four.

I guess my answer to the thread topic at least for me is more along the lines of, "I know what it's like, and this is a tease." I guess I'd use the word CONDITIONING? My mind and body, because of my own abuse to it, have been conditioned to handle more than 2 beers, so once drinking even a bit, the moderation point becomes mute because I am a vessel made for 10 or 15 or 20. You wouldn't send a cargo ship out of port with 1/2 the cargo holds empty....

I feel you, Rimmy....the whole time Sunday I was doing shot after shot desperately trying to drown out the pain I was feeling I was thinking....this is SO NOT healthy, this is....wait....INSANITY! Addiction = insanity. Man, these muddy waters are getting clearer and clearer...and I am not liking what's at the bottom of the pond.

I was doing what you said too, and do almost every time I binge: "damn, I'm starting to come down, that's no good, better go get another shot. A whole drink will take too long to work." Now THAT, my sick thinking. :(

michski 07-19-2005 03:42 PM

I drank a lot because MY glass was always half empty instead of half full!
I had a warped perspective then. Now I've learned to keep that cup filled with gratitude!


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