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AlericB 05-06-2017 03:41 AM

That was my time for my first 5k park run this morning. I ran with my dog for moral support and was beaten into 224th place by a short head by a young woman running with her baby in a pram. Still, I enjoyed it and it was DEFINITELY​ not something I would have done if I was still drinking!

D122y 05-06-2017 04:09 AM


That is awesome. I quit drinking to try to become a BJJ Masters World Champion.

So far, I had to stop the BJJ because of injuries, but I love being sober now . I still work out though. My goal is to transform myself into a strong, flexible, cardio grand pa.

It is like a whole new world. Words like confidence, integrity, passion, family, love etc etc,all have taken on a whole new meaning.

Congrats! Stay clean.

AlericB 05-06-2017 04:15 AM

Thanks D122y, and congratulations on your blue belt!

Wholesome 05-06-2017 04:31 AM

That's awesome! Good for you :) It's amazing how all these new possibilities open up by giving up just one thing. Addition through subtraction.

AlericB 05-06-2017 05:01 AM

Nicely put zenchaser. And I think this is where trust comes in. In the early stages of giving up, life can appear to be very flat and nothing really seems enjoyable. After a while though things pick up and you can find interest again in more healthy activities.

PhoenixJ 05-06-2017 05:15 AM

Good for you- print off this page- frame it and use it for positive self talk.

Maudcat 05-06-2017 07:46 AM

Congratulations, Aleric. Give yourself and the pup a pat on the back. Love to read posts like yours.
You have made my day.

puddlejumper70 05-06-2017 09:19 AM

If I calculate this correctly, you maintained just under 5 MPH for a little over 3 miles. That is pretty good. If properly rested, fueled, and warmed-up, I can do that for about 2 (on a treadmill) and that is pushing it. Outdoors is more difficult as well with wind and inclines.

Great job, I need to find a local run to prepare for and participate.

Linz805 05-06-2017 09:37 AM

Great job! I love running also :) Not all the time but I have been consistent over the years. The funny thing though, i am slower now that I am sober... But I don't care :)

Outonthetiles 05-08-2017 10:56 PM

Great job, Aleric. Running is fantastic. That's a good time and you should be very happy. I LOLed about the lady pushing the pram...I've run 10ks and marathons for years and I've been beaten by some pretty memorable people. I remember one guy in the Royal Victoria Marathon in British Columbia who had CHANGE rattling in the pockets of his running shorts and was easily 30 lbs overweight... He would walk, I would pass him, and then he would sprint to get ahead of me by a couple hundred yards, and then walk again until I passed him at my slow but steady pace. This went on for five or six miles, and eventually he sprinted and beat me by a few steps at the finish. I never lived that one down and I'll never forget the sound of his change rattling in his pockets.

Soberwolf 05-08-2017 11:37 PM


Done4today 05-09-2017 02:14 AM

Originally Posted by AlericB (Post 6445358)
Still, I enjoyed it and it was DEFINITELY​ not something I would have done if I was still drinking!

One of many life's challenges given to us when we stick to a recovery plan. Congratulations AlericB!!!


KES06 05-09-2017 02:29 AM

That is so awesome! I need to start working some activity into my lifestyle. I envy runners! I MIGHT be able to run at a fast pace for a quarter of a mile........IF I'm being chased by a giant wine bottle. (snort). `Great job, AlericB!

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