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jphendrix83 06-18-2016 06:46 AM

Why is the urge so strong?
In March my husband got so drunk and said he was gonna shoot himself so my sister called the cops and they took him to the hospital, and then sent him 2 hrs away for about 3 days, he then signed an AMA and came home. We didn't drink for almost a month and a half. Our Anniversary was on May the 5th so we went camping and decided it would be ok to get some liquor just for that one weekend. Well, It was like I got right back where I was before we had stopped drinking.
Then on May the 30th, I had gotten so mad at my husband (I was really blistered, had drank a liter) I called the cops on myself, and ended up going to the hospital, being I wasn't gonna hurt myself, or anyone else, I was voluntary. I stayed at the hospital all day that Tuesday, ( they said I had to get my blood alcohol level down, it was 274, if I didn't have a tolerance to alcohol, I probably wouldn't have been concouse) and was suppose to go to detox when I left, but by then I had decided to just go home. We keep drinking. Then on June the 5th I made up my mind I was tired of drinking and feeling so bad all the time, but knew if I didn't get help I wouldn't stop. So I called our local treatment place and got a bed on June the 6th, hadn't slept at all the night before. Drove myself over and voluntarily went through the 7 day detox.
I felt so much better by the end of my week stay and didn't even want a drink, but, Thursday the cravings came back with avengence. The day was horrible, there was so much going on, so many kids, and so many triggers, all I really wanted to do was drink, I didn't I fought it. Yesterday was Friday which was an even worse day, all I could think about was going and getting a bottle like we always did, (it was my first Friday home) I knew it would be hard but didn't realize it would be this hard. Well I am happy to say, I didn't drink, and am very glad I didn't, because I fought it off and now don't have a hangover! I like feeling good when I wake up, instead of like crap all day. I know that if I had given in last night, I would want more today. That's not to say it won't hit me again tonight, Pray that I have the strenght I have had these past couple weeks. If I drink I will be right back where I started and that week detox would have just been a waste of time, that was hard to get through in the first place! Thanks for reading! I am 12 days with no alcohol!

calvin86 06-18-2016 06:55 AM

Congrats on 12 days! I still struggle to do 2 so your doing really well! :D

sg1970 06-18-2016 06:58 AM

Good job Jp. It won't be like that forever. Quitting drinking was the hardest thing I have done in my entire life. It is also the most rewarding. Hang in there.

jphendrix83 06-18-2016 07:02 AM

Thanks everyone! If I hadn't went and got help I would still be drinking or dead. When I get started I don't want to stop, until I pass out! One big factor to me making the decision to quit, is that I hated hearing my 11 yr old son say, if you drink I'm telling daddy!

Ariesagain 06-18-2016 07:07 AM

You're doing really's very hard when you have a drinking partner spouse.

It might be a good idea tonight to change up your usual patterns? If you usually buy a bottle and drink it at home, go to a movie, go out for ice cream, go for a long walk...anything that gets you away from the things that remind you of drinking.

It will get easier...

JeffreyAK 06-18-2016 07:10 AM

Congratulations on 12 days! :) Quitting is indeed really, really hard if you're a pickled addict, but it can be done and millions have done it. Do you have support groups you attend, of any flavor? Medical outpatient, or community-based like Smart or AA? If not, those can help tremendously.

jphendrix83 06-18-2016 07:11 AM

Thank you! It is, but he said he wouldn't drink either, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Problem is I drank when I did just about everything, cooking, cleaning, watching tv, I will prevail. I prevailed 7 yrs while taking care of my granny. Then the drinking started about 4 yrs ago.

jphendrix83 06-18-2016 07:13 AM

I am going to the local mental health here, so that I can talk to a counsler, my appt is Tuesday, and am considering going to some day meetings. But of course that want be until Monday.

gaffo 06-18-2016 07:16 AM

Yes, it will get easier. At least it has for me. The rewards get easier to appreciate. Your son will be happy. I know that being "there" for my kids has been one of the biggest pay offs for giving up drugs and alcohol. These 12 plus days have been huge and horrible but remember that you never have to live through these twelve days again if you keep on not drinking...

jphendrix83 06-18-2016 07:48 AM

I know. I will be very grateful when it doesn't bother me so much! I drank everyday before going to detox, but the weekends are the hardest. I hope I make it through today without getting any, then tomorrow I won't be able to, my county doesn't sell alcohol on Sundays. I will try to find out if there are any meetings Monday during the day. I have to much going on in the evenings, to go then.

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