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gonzo51511 09-25-2015 10:12 AM

AD and AA
Hi guys.. just curious if anyone had any experience with anti-ds. Reason i ask is cuz im working the steps and prey a light.. looking for this awakening.. i quite drinking 2 months ago for the first time in many years. I was honest with my doc and was prescribed anti-d because i was very depressed and going thru major crisises at once (still am).. so i guess im worried bout if by taking these pills will it block the experience i may have??

Coldfusion 09-25-2015 10:23 AM

I have been sober for almost three years. I take an AD, and feel that I have had a spiritual awakening as a result of working the Steps. I know I have had an awakening because so many of the promises are coming true.

I hope your sponsor is supporting you.

gonzo51511 09-25-2015 10:27 AM

Thanks cf.. yes i am working with my sponsor.. he basically has no opinion on ad.. he basically says if i start getting loopy he will point it out. Congrats in your sobriety and awakening. . I hope i get there one day too. I hold on to the promises closely

ScottFromWI 09-25-2015 11:02 AM

Perhaps you could get a second opinion from a therapist or counselor if you are not sure if it would be OK to take? All drugs have potential side effects, but if your doctor prescribed it based on your true situation there is probably a reason for it.

gonzo51511 09-25-2015 11:10 AM

Well ive been taking them for over a month and starting to feel better.. but i guess im not sure if its the pills the steps the fellowship not drinking all of the above lol.. my life is still a mess but im feeling better.. just would be a bummer if its chemical

ScottFromWI 09-25-2015 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by gonzo51511 (Post 5572570)
Well ive been taking them for over a month and starting to feel better.. but i guess im not sure if its the pills the steps the fellowship not drinking all of the above lol.. my life is still a mess but im feeling better.. just would be a bummer if its chemical

I misunderstood, sorry about that. If they are helping you feel better then why not continue? DEFINITELY don't stop taking them without consulting your doctor though.

tomsteve 09-25-2015 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by gonzo51511 (Post 5572570)
Well ive been taking them for over a month and starting to feel better.. but i guess im not sure if its the pills the steps the fellowship not drinking all of the above lol.. my life is still a mess but im feeling better.. just would be a bummer if its chemical

i would say all of the above.
give it T.I.M.E.

12th step:
having has a spiritual awakening as a result of the steps........

gonzo51511 09-25-2015 11:31 AM

Awesome!! If aint broke dont fix it.. i didnt drink yesterday do....i will do what i did yesterday :)

Holds1325 09-25-2015 12:04 PM

yeah what scott said, do not stop them at all without advice from a doctor,

I should probably be on some type of anti-depressant but I'm doing this without them and lots of support. That is my choice though and obviously everyone is different.

Doctor, therapist both said, they aren't a cure and shouldn't be treated as such, rather as extra help. The side-effects sort of scared me is why I never did start them, also its just my personal preference not to at this point in time. Maybe in the future if necessary.

Good luck

teatreeoil007 09-25-2015 02:31 PM

Don't know about anyone else here, but I was treating underlying depression and insomnia with alcohol. My doctor who knows what's going on with me prescribed medication that I probably should have been taking a while ago. It's really helped.

Dee74 09-25-2015 03:20 PM

I've taken anti-ds for a long time now - I've never abused them and never felt high from them.

Unlike the drugs I used to take, they add to my life, not detract from it - they help me live my life the way I want to live it :)


Gottalife 09-25-2015 04:14 PM

Back in the old days , Big Book points out, we alcoholics were almost never completely honest with our doctors. As a result they has a lot of trouble helping us. It's very hard to treat something when the patient is not telling the truth about the symptoms.

But, of course in this enlightened age alcoholics are much more honest with doctors that they used to be. And that is the key.

In my experience, those with a genuine mental illness can and do recover if they have the capacity to be honest. It may be a little more difficult, but treatment of the illness does not seem to be a barrier to a spiritual experience.

Then, as I heard a young woman share recently, when she was taking medication to avoid the pain of recovery (pretty much all spiritual and emotional growth involves pain) she found she had only postponed the pain, and avoided the growth. All the things she should have felt in the first few months began to make themselves known as she came of the meds. Of course, she explained, she had not been honest with her doctor. She blew us away with her honesty in the meeting.

Soberwolf 09-25-2015 04:22 PM

I take a anti anxiety/anti depressant I am also currently in therapy to help the meds help like D said take as prescribed do not abuse & be honest with your Dr if your not sure get a 2nd opinion at first I felt shame for needing help but I realise I'm being more pro active etc so no more shame

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