SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

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Laci 01-12-2004 10:30 PM

Hey Everyone! This thread is really great.

I have intended to buy Under The Influence but just have not got around to it. Well, my sister just asked me if I had ever heard of this wonderful book Under The Influence because she just bought it to understand more about my niece (her daughter) and her addiction problems (which I knew nothing about) I was so surprised! I am going off to the bookstore tomorrow to get all of the books mentioned so I can start reading them and become part of the group here (if that is okay)

Mountaingirl, I really liked the analogy about building up muscles. This thought struck home as it really is like having to build up new muscles. The grocery store is a hard one for me to and I usually am not even aware of the liquor dept until I get to the area and get a few moments of panicking...just a few seconds and then I mumble incoherently to myself about heading past to the ice cream! It is a tough one but thinking about the building of new muscles is a great way to look at it.

I also became a bit down re some other threads but as a lot of us have said it is best to just click past some comments, or take whatever good we can get from the person and go on. The important thing to me is our sobriety!

Thanks for letting me join in! Off to bed and then the bookstore in the morning!!

Laci said the doggie in the avatar looked like your girl...what a gorgeous girl she must be!

Jayhay 01-13-2004 03:57 AM

Morning Laci!

Hope you get to the store today! We'd love to have you join in. You don't *have* to have the Recovery By Choice book though. But, it certainly has been good for me so far. The RBC workbook is only available online, however, if you want to get it.

Yes, my doggie is a beauty. Only in looks though! she's a wild thing, and loves to play and get dirty. You should see her at the dog parks - certainly no pride there with the other dogs!


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