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WarmBread 01-07-2012 04:56 PM

I'm new here and thought I'd say hi. Hi =).
I've been lurking these and other forums for a few days now and decided it was time to join in on the conversations. The support I've seen here is amazing.
I've been sober for 14 days now and I'm loving it. I've been a binge drinker for over 25 years and I feel I'm finally ready to put it behind me. ATM it's an emotional rollercoaster for me with depression being at the front. However today is a very good day for me.
I can't remember the last time I got out of bed on a weekend before noon but today I was up early after the first full nights sleep in ages. I went to the bakers and was the first one there. I got a fresh out of the oven warm loaf of bread (hence my username). This little thing made me so happy I came near to tears, it felt like I was on the right road to a normal life.

I'm hoping to stay on this road of sobriety and maybe help some people here with my experiences.
Thanks for reading.

Hevyn 01-07-2012 05:01 PM

Welcome WarmBread - what a lovely post. Isn't it wonderful to rejoin the human race? I was out to lunch for about 25 yrs. too. We never have to go back to that foggy world again. :)

stepping 01-07-2012 05:12 PM

What a great post! It's funny all the things we take for granted or don't care about simply because of a hang over and anger while we are drinking! This made me smile! I too can relate to simple things making me happy when sober. All I felt when drinking was anger, annoyance, anxiety, impatience, sadness, guilt, hurried etc etc etc. Stopping makes life slow down a bit in my opinion & we start to open our eyes and see things we never took the time to see before!!! Keep it up!

Sapling 01-07-2012 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by WarmBread (Post 3233428)
This little thing made me so happy I came near to tears, it felt like I was on the right road to a normal life.

Welcome warmbread...Good luck on your journey...It amazes me the little miracles that we miss during our drinking careers. I sometimes feel like I was walking through my life blind. These little things you can enjoy so much...And they were there the entire time. Blows my mind.

Bikeguy 01-07-2012 05:18 PM

Welcome Warmbread, great job on the 14 days, keep up the good work!

Dee74 01-07-2012 05:26 PM

welcome to SR warmbread :)


steelmagnolia 01-07-2012 06:55 PM

Thank you ...that was a beautiful heart warming post!'s's simple pleasures are the best...all the little things that make you smile! Good luck..mags

neferkamichael 01-07-2012 07:04 PM

Good job on the 14 days, and yes this is a very good place for support.

Carly2332 01-07-2012 08:15 PM

Welcome Warmbread and congrats on ur 14 days. Keep going :-)

blackoutgirl 01-07-2012 09:00 PM

Hi Warmbread!! Glad you decided to join us! I enjoyed reading your post :) I missed out on enjoying the little things for over a decade due to drinking. I'm on day 19 of sobriety and now I find myself waking up earler, as you mentioned, and feeling more productive :) Great feeling isn't it...refreshing. Welcome!

Sunny27 01-08-2012 03:20 AM

Hello warmbread

I too loved your post. Thank you for posting it. I amon Day 8 and your post really resonated with me.

I too feel as if the fog is clearing and I am about to enter the real world again.

It's the little things I am doing that are catching me as well... like making a shopping list of things I need to buy and then going and getting them. Of budgeting and making my finances an important thing instead of not caring.

Reading a book and thoroughly enjoying it (I have a load of books by Anita Shreve that I have bought over the years but never got into or finished because my attention span was shot or I had no motivation).

I've made plans to meet a friend today for coffee instead of going for a few wines in the local pub that will probably lead to me buying a bottle of the stuff on the way home.

I was out last night and spend €10. I was out from 9pm to 1am. I love knowing there is still money in my purse and I didn't go to an ATM because I had run out.

All the best warm bread on your journey. I look forward to getting to where you are and feeling even better.

Sunny xx

PS. You have made me hungry :D

WarmBread 01-08-2012 07:23 AM

Thank you all for your posts. I'm up early again today and I'm enjoying more of the little things. I think this is the hook for me that will keep me sober. Eventually I hope to start doing some of the things I've dreamed of doing but never had the gumption while drinking, like going to some night courses that interest me and/or getting physically fit. I'm going to take it slow for now though and concentrate on staying sober.
Again, thank you all for your posts, it's good to know I have people in my corner.

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