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winothatIknow 02-17-2011 05:55 AM

Sleep question when quitting
25 year heavy drinker. The last few years I've been up to 24 beers + a bottle and 2 or 3 bottles of wine. Finally decided to quit after I started needing a few glasses of wine in the morning to get going and waking up in the middle of the night to have one as well. On day 3 sober and is going surprisingly well. Had a nurse friend with me to keep an eye on me but except for some sweats and nausea no real issues (was expecting bad shakes). My question is I can't seem to sleep enough. I slept 20 hours Monday, 20 hours yesterday and could barely get up today. Everything I've read talks about not being able to sleep. Anyone else ever have this issue? Also if I'm not shaking yet am I past the possibility of it starting.

CarolD 02-17-2011 06:04 AM

Your body and mind are new at this sobriety deal.
Please give yourself time to get back in balance.

I'm glad you did have a medical professional with you
That was really wise.

My de tox did not include sleeeping day 3 was
the worse and final day for me.
There are to many variables to know what will be your experience.

Please read this link....

Congratulations on your new healthy lifestyle..Welcome!

jamdls 02-17-2011 06:19 AM

Hi Winothatiknow, welcome to SR I slept a lot better earlier on in sobriety sometimes I had trouble falling asleep but once I was asleep I could sleept 8-10 hours easy. I hope your journey continues with ease.

ReadyAndAble 02-17-2011 06:34 AM

Welcome to SR! I started out sleeping a lot, then had some trouble sleeping, now I've settled in about 8 hours a night. I feel infinitely more rested and energized than I ever did when I was drinking (one of a million benefits).

doggonecarl 02-17-2011 07:19 AM

I was exhausted when I first quit and was going to bed early every evening for at least a week. No surprise when I think about the months and months I was staying up late and drinking.

Welcome and good luck.

Toronto68 02-17-2011 08:14 AM

I think the nurse friend is a good idea, but I also suggest adding to that by being in front of medical folks that may not be friends too, like at a clinic or your doctor, if you have one.

I remember having an unusual appetite for sleep after I quit, but it was later on that I noticed the return of insomnia, which would come and go every couple of weeks. During my drinking years I didn't have to deal with it that much. I'd had a fairly serious problem with insomnia before I advanced in my alcoholism, so it was there for me when I stopped drinking. It's not so bad now, but it comes and goes.

I think the path you're on is good, so that you get away from drinking. The medical people will know better what to say about you, but it's possible you will feel like every day is a major change for the next couple of weeks. It can be scary, and it can also be surprisingly good. When I quit, I didn't have what I would call major symptoms, but I was sensitive to each change every day. I think a lot of people are generally sensitive to the slightest thing when they quit. That's why it's important for professionals to be involved.

least 02-17-2011 10:37 AM

My physical w/d never included over-sleeping.;) On the contrary, I was so anxious I couldn't sit still, much less rest. Congrats on your three days. I'd be willing to guess that you've gone thru the worst of the w/d but be alert to any changes in how you feel and get medical help if you start feeling bad.

Welcome to SR.:)

ImReadyToQuit 02-17-2011 10:47 AM

I suggest calling or seeing your Doctor as soon as possible. 20 hours is extremely long for anybody other than a meth addict.

Sasha4 02-17-2011 10:52 AM

No I could sleep forever when I don't drink.

I think it's all the nights I went to bed in a booze induced coma rather than falling asleep normally.

My suggestion would be a bit of fresh air and a light walk. Get yourself out of bed or off the sofa.

Good luck

Stevie1 02-17-2011 02:09 PM

Hey win...I just started a thread on a similar topic. I'm going on a month and VERY tired and low energy; plus when I quit drinking I started sleeping much, much better.

What is your diet like, and your level of exercise? I think that in my case I have been eating tons of nasty, sugary food in place of drinking and it's messing with my blood sugar and generally making me feel tired & like crap.

Also there were several days where the cravings were really bad so I just put myself to bed and slept a lot. If I didn't have work and dogs and other things I had to get up for, I could see myself sleeping 20 hours, especially in the first couple of weeks.

Congrats on the three days.

ZZworldontheweb 02-17-2011 06:56 PM

I was drinking about the same amount as you, including needing the drink at night and in the morning. When I quit, I didn't sleep at all for about 5 days.

I found that when I DID start sleeping again, my sleep was profoundly good and restful, and I recovered the ability to remember my dreams. I either hadn't dreamed or hadn't remembered them for years.

Good luck.

BullDog777 02-17-2011 07:09 PM

with your level of consumption, i question whether you've actually hit your point of withdrawal. some people have been known not to have any symptoms for 3-4 days and then it comes on very suddenly. if you can, try to keep your friend looking after you atleast through the weekend. if you can get through that, then you ought to consider yourself lucky not to have had any major withdrawal.

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