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Darly 01-30-2008 11:25 PM

Alcohol problem !!
alcoholism among youth is very popular
wonder why do they drink
i don feel like drinkin can release stress and heart breakage
has anyone recovered or relief from problems by drinking? :e088:

barb dwyer 01-30-2008 11:34 PM

Hi Darly -

I spent some time this weekend listening to speaker tapes - and focused on listening to Al-Ateen and Al-Anon speakers.

I think .. other than the whole genetic supostiion ...
it's all they know to do because of who they're around?

Sweetie - if we could answer that one -
we wouldn't need to be here supporting each other, huh?

Welcome to SR!

ANGELINA243 01-30-2008 11:37 PM

I can't say that drinking ever really relieved my problems--just let me "forget" about them for while. Next day--I would still have the original problem + "new problem" I had created during my last drinking episode. :a043:

Tazman53 01-31-2008 02:51 AM

Well when I first started drinking I found drinking to be the answer to every problem I had! Drinking took away all my inhibitions, it made me the life of the party, I was full of confidence, it gave me this wonderful feeling that life was good!

That slowly changed over the years until I used alcohol to forget all my problems that were mainly caused by my drinking, then when I hit the point where I no longer wanted to drink............... I had to drink, I had become a slave to alcohol, I had to drink to feel normal.

nandm 01-31-2008 02:51 AM

Welcome to SR!

Barker 01-31-2008 04:39 AM

Definitely agree with that.
Among students in the 'norm' to go out and get drunk, it's all everyone ever does anymore. So you know the people you hang around with are going to drink when you go out.
It almost gives you a good status if you can drink large amounts, aptly named "the all nighter". It's ridiculous.

I agree with Angelina243 too, you forget about them on the night when you start drinking, but the next day you remember them, and probably wake up with more on your plate. Such a vicious circle.


tkdan 01-31-2008 05:10 AM

Hey Darly, welcome to SR. I started drinking at a young age. At the time I thought it was the in thing. It helped a shy kid be more outgoing. Little did I know that I was giving birth to a disease.

Rimmy 01-31-2008 05:59 AM

I drank at at 15 to be cool. I drank at 18 - 20 to have fun and fit in and to start dealing with broken relationships. I drank through my 20's because I drank, but I'd drink more during stressful times... I spent the last 5 years drinking because I had to in order to get by. No matter what these kids are drinking for (beer pong can be fun), they all run the risk of dependency down the road and even though I had fun drinking as a kid, when I see them at the 7-11 on the weekend, my heart sinks.

unigirl 01-31-2008 06:12 AM

Hi Darly,
I am 20 and have drank since i was 14. Even at that age i was drinking to the point of blacking out and becoming violent. So from the get go my drinking was a form of escapism. It helped me forget all the worries, the low self esteem, unhappiness. I felt brand new when i drank! Like a new improved me. However the next day drinking had just added to all the things i drank to get away from. I dont know ifi'm a typical exmple of teen drinkers. I am an alcoholic so i guess not.

At 14 i didnt really have much stress or any relationship probs but i remember i always wanted to drink with my mates if we had the chance. I remember i was always one of instigators persuading the others to get drunk. It was fun. Apart froma few mishaps it didnt cause me much probs. By 17 that was a different story. Im 20 now- sober 4 days in A.A. and happy. I can see in the last few yrs of my drinking i drank to relieve stress, forget about b/f probs, be happy, be confident. I just drank for any reason- it didnt matter wether i was sad or not. The last 6 weeks of my drinking ended in pretty much daily drinking. I was dependent on it - literally, physically. Im so happy im away from it now. I never ever wanna return to active alcoholism again.

sugErspun 01-31-2008 08:51 AM

Alcohol pretty much solved all my problems for a long time. I fit in better, I was stronger, no money worries, no women worries. It put me at peace with the world.

Then it stopped working...and never started working again.

Doctors would call it 'self medicating'.

CarolD 01-31-2008 11:10 AM

Good to see a new member
Welcome to SR!

lostmdboy 01-31-2008 12:40 PM

I started drinking very young. Steeling gulps of my parents drinks, and it just continued to get worse. I drank to escape the feelings of inferiority. I had servere learning disabilities, and just could never fit in. It was not until I got into the druggy crowd in HS until I felt like I fit in. I just was looking for something that took away the pain. It worked for a while.

reed 01-31-2008 12:58 PM

drinking or drugging does not rid problems or heartbreak. Having a couple pops after a hard day working and then going to work the next day is fine. Drinking can relieve stress and it is healthy as long as one does not drink constantly and is able to work the next day. as long as a person does not become a slave to drink there is nothing wrong with it. don't drink and drive. don't break the law. be responsible. as for me, there is not enough booze in my home town to quench my thirst, no thanks.

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