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betterdayz 08-04-2005 08:46 PM

I was told today..
By someone in AA that I did not belong in the fellowship because my drug of choice was opiates. He said there is another fellowship for that (NA). Although my drug of choice was opiate i am also cross addicted. Alcohol was a major problem and most of the time I got in trouble when I was drunk. I would go to just NA meeting but there is only one a week..AA is everday. So do you think one meeting a week would be fine or should I also go to AA? Do you guys know of people addicted to just drugs that in your home group?

chris k 08-04-2005 09:25 PM

AA's 3rd tradition state the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. When i go to aa i use thier termanology, when i go to na i use na's, i do this out of respect for each fellowship.:147:


Originally Posted by betterdayz
By someone in AA that I did not belong in the fellowship because my drug of choice was opiates. He said there is another fellowship for that (NA). Although my drug of choice was opiate i am also cross addicted. Alcohol was a major problem and most of the time I got in trouble when I was drunk. I would go to just NA meeting but there is only one a week..AA is everday. So do you think one meeting a week would be fine or should I also go to AA? Do you guys know of people addicted to just drugs that in your home group?

workngrl50 08-04-2005 11:19 PM

I spent my life thinking that what I am is addicted to opiates. I slammed heroin before I ever even smoked weed. Over the years I had come to believe that I had some central nervous system disorder, a glitch in my brain, and the only way I could function was under the influence of some kind of opiate. And I drank. Looking back I believe I used opiates in part to somehow control and enjoy my drinking. For 36 yrs.
Then I heard someone say in a meeting, " Alcoholism doesn't come in bottles, bags, bindles, or balloons, it comes in people." That rang true for me.
I've been sober for 16 mo. in AA for the first time since I was 14 y/o. And I'm here for the next person who comes in like I did wondering if they are in the right place.

Time2Surrender 08-04-2005 11:38 PM

Dont let anyone keep you from a meeting.When I was new I did announce myself as an alcoholic/addict in AA and I would also talk about drugs on occasion.I have had the same exact experience as you mentioned.A couple people have told me I didnt belong at AA.And I have even had someone here at SR complain about me posting in AA.When I first came around the program we didnt have to many NA meetings in my area so I went to AA.Today,we have plenty of NA meetings.And NA is my preference.I still hit AA meetings from time to time.I hit a noon meeting today.I did used to drink.I have a desire to stop drinking.I also have many friends in AA who are like family now.However,today out of respect for AA and the 3rd tradition I announce myself as an alcoholic when I attend AA meetings.Anyway,do what you need to do to stay clean and sober.If you prefer AA to NA or you dont have many NA meetings in your area, then by all means go.You are there for you.Your recovery is what matters.If someone has a problem with it then its their problem,not yours.

ripleylynn 08-05-2005 01:42 AM

I got to NA because I was hooked on opiates. Did that for a few years. Then realized that whenever I couldn't get the pills, I had "just a few" drinks. Due to my own self-centeredness, got a resentment at the NA meetings I was going to. So I thought I'd try AA (was in Los Angeles at the time, plenty of both kinds of meetings). Best thing in the world for me. I'm an addict, yes, but I'm also a drunk. I found alot of people in AA who did other things, besides just drink. My sponsor, who has 18 years, drank/drugged for only 10. But she packed enough drugging into those ten than I did over 20. Yet she calls herself an alcoholic. I went to AA out of a resentment and learned I had a problem with booze, as well. Don't let anyone exclude you out, it's your life you're dealing with. No one can tell you you are an addict or an alcoholic. You have to decide that yourself. Keep going to meetings, you'll find the ones that have what you want. And they won't be the ones that are judging you. Good luck.

findingout 08-05-2005 02:30 AM

Hey betterdayz,

You would be welcome at any of the three A.A. meetings I attend because you have a desire to stop drinking and that is the only requirement for membership. Individual members of an individual A.A. meeting are not A.A. So of course, I am not A.A. either but in my opinion the twelve steps in N.A. are the same twelve steps in A.A. Only one of those steps actually mentions not using/not drinking. The other eleven in either program make the assumption that you have stopped using drugs (and as you know alchohol IS a drug) and have the desire to change in ways that have either everything or nothing to do with not using.

My drug of no choice was alcohol but my experience so far with both N.A. and A.A. is that all of us are people who had to have something different and thought we had found it in drugs. The desire for something different and the real consequences of pursuing it in all the wrong directions give us way more in common than any artificial walls we put up to keep us apart.

One Love, One Heart,

Blake 08-05-2005 03:23 PM

Someone told me that before after a meeting (I have to admit that I was being kinda obnoxious about my drug use, I'm an addict, my bad) so I started going to NA b/c I had this big resentment against AA. You know what I see now, the guy was doing me a favor. I can relate to the people in NA better and NA feels like home to me. I think he was just doing what he thought was best for me. (we did have NA meetings everynight so it is a little different.) I go to AA meetings every once and a while if I'm in an area where there is no NA, but in AA I feel like a guest.

If there wasn't NA here though, I'd go get my recovery by any means nessaccary. Don't let someone ever run you out of a meeting.

Blue2085 08-05-2005 03:30 PM

I'm Also Addicted To Opiates, For 7 Years. I Also Was An Alkie For Many Years. I Attend Na Meetings Regularly And Aa Once Per Week For Maintainence. And My Aa Group Greeted Me With Open Arms!

You Go To Any Meeeting You Feel Will Help Your Recovery!!!! Nobody Knows You Better Than Yourself.

Miss Blue

nocellphone 08-05-2005 04:33 PM

For me, a meeting is a meeting is a meeting. As a friend in AA & Al-Anon put it, "I'll go anywhere they talk about the Steps and God!"

Originally Posted by chris k
AA's 3rd tradition state the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. When i go to aa i use thier termanology, when i go to na i use na's, i do this out of respect for each fellowship.

Couldn't have said it better, Chris!

doorknob 08-05-2005 05:08 PM

I just refer to myself as chemically dependent. Both groups love that lol.


fraankie 10-06-2005 12:53 PM

yeah, i go to AA / NA
as long as it ain't the DA

there's always the crowd pleaser
"hi, i'm........ and i'm cross addicted"

BubbaBob 10-06-2005 01:51 PM

No problem with addicts in the meetings I go to...hell...I'M an addict and I've never done any drug but alcohol. Alcohol IS a drug, so I'm an addict.

To go to an open AA meeting you don't have to "be" vould be an interested observer. That's why they are called "open" to anyone.


nutz 10-06-2005 03:42 PM

This is my opinion or experience with that somedody throwing out
a line like that.

It happens all the time and some of us are sicker than others,
or we're at different level of awakening or clearity.

U know...some people go to AA and still do the pot maintenances
other goes to NA and still get drunk. The truth comes out
sooner or later....that why I keep going

The first person AA member that reach out to me
was still getting high. At least he was honest about it
and wasn't a ***** about. He worned me of nonesense like that from
day one.
He told me the AA old timers were couseling him about his pot use.
In his heart he knew they were right. He had a desire to stop
using pot. Progress......

If you hang around long enough, you'll hear old timers
with decades & decades of time share about there drugs and alcohol

But this where one starts doing reserch or home work.
READ THE BOOK and not take someone else words just becuase.
May I suggest chapter 16.

jlo34 10-06-2005 08:50 PM

When I first started going to AA - I didn't even have the desire to stop drinking...and I was welcomed with open arms. When I finally got the desire - I was still welcomed with open arms. I've gone through a lot of trials and tribulations only to discover that not only am I an alcoholic - but I also abuse nicotine; I have trouble taking pain medication correctly (not now). I have an addictive personality.

Don't let anyone run you out. I hear stories like this and I want to clobber the people who say dumb crap like that. Of course you are welcome in AA. Don't let anyone tell you differently. There are tons of people in my area that are self-proclaimed drug addicts or cross-addicted. They are still welcome. Some people may cringe. Many AA'ers prefer if identification is My name is ________ and I'm an alcoholic; but good grief, I've heard about everything. My favorite was, My name is ________ and I'm poly-addicted!!! (Does that mean this person was addicted to poly-fil)? LOL The cross-addicted always gives me a chuckle too. I imagine the person going to the graveyard or in front of cemetary's staring at the crosses. Doesn't bother me though. Some it may - tough. Just ignore them. Spite always worked for me. If someone pissed me off; I made sure I sat near them the next time and the time after that...hoping that they would see or figure out what a jerk they were.

Good luck on your journey. No one can run you out of a meeting; except you.

God bless,

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