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GlassPrisoner 12-12-2006 06:37 PM

My 1st missed meeting
Hurt my back at work today. I can hardly walk it hurts so bad (lower back).

Anyway, gotta miss my 1st meeting. I've got 55 in 49 days anyway, so I'm not worried. I'll just poke around here for awhile.

hope3 12-12-2006 06:45 PM

Glassprisoner, sorry about your back, hope it gets better
real soon. :ws_flower

Sugah 12-12-2006 07:13 PM

I, too, am sorry about your back. I almost didn't go to my meeting tonight due to pain issues, but a dear old friend was leading, and I didn't want to miss it. Ended up sitting on only half my tush through the meeting.

Your thread got me thinking about my first 90 in 90. I had just finished the first and was gung-ho, ready to begin another when I fell and crushed my ankle. I ended up with all sorts of hardware after a five-hour reconstruction, and I was warned, "Don't bump it, don't jar it, don't do anything! We won't be able to fix it a second time." So....gee...what was I going to do?

I found some online meetings. I read my BB a lot. My sponsor came to visit me once a week (she lived 20 miles away in a neighboring town and worked 60 hrs a week -- so more than once a week was hard on her). It was February and too dangerous to ignore the doctors' warnings and try to risk an outside meeting. Some women got together and started bringing me an organized meeting once a week, and the other five days, I worked really hard to wear out my phone list! (that didn't happen...they kept telling me, "call anytime!")

So, it's good that you're here. Don't want too long for human interaction, though. Use the phone! Folks don't put their names on phone lists to be polite. You'll find as you use it that you're probably helping others by calling as much if not more sometimes than they're helping you -- even if you feel like your recovery is the focus. When folks give suggestions, they are in essence binding themselves to follow the same suggestions.

I truly hope that you get some relief from your back pain. That "prayer and meditation" thing is invaluable to me when I'm feeling pain. It sure beats a handful of pain pills chased with a whiskey chaser. I'll say a prayer that a little rest and some reaching out will make you right as rain.

Peace & Love,

CarolD 12-12-2006 07:24 PM

Ouch! That is rough! Gentle Hugs

barb dwyer 12-12-2006 11:05 PM

glass -
feel better soon!

when I have to miss a meeting, I've got tapes from speakers I listen to.
if that helps at all.

Kellye C 12-13-2006 03:34 AM

Hey GP, sorry to hear about your back and I hope you get to feeling better real soon. You've gotten great advice so I won't add anything but wanted you to know I'm pulling for you!


Grasshopper 12-13-2006 05:04 AM

Sorry to hear about your back,hope you feel better soon.Sugestion if i may,you may want to call someone from program,have them over to your place,and have a meeting!!!.When 2 or more are together,its called a
All the best,take care

Tazman53 12-13-2006 05:33 AM

Glass all the best on a speedy recovery, I see you have 55 in 49, I had an old timer share that he always made sure he had a few meetings in the bank in case he was traveling and couldn't find a meeting, between the phone and here you should be covered, read, pray, and meditate, you will get through this. What is it they say.... "This to shall pass".

ayla zaire 12-13-2006 05:57 AM

ouch...i sprained my back a few years ago, and there is nothing worse!!! i hope you feel better soon...

fraankie 12-13-2006 01:31 PM

"..........I've got 55 in 49 days anyway............"

it nice to have a few meetings "in the bank"
if it happened to me
i would read the big book, make a few calls, etc
spend an hour in recovery for that day
now, you can even go online for a while
to make a mini meeting


chip 12-13-2006 10:30 PM

I hope you feel better soon, Glass! You are certainly making progress in your recovery. You'll get there...keep working at it!

Slowbriety 12-14-2006 09:32 AM

this is just for me, but i have found staying away from AA meetings for a few days actually helps more.

CarolD 12-14-2006 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by Slowbriety (Post 1136544)
this is just for me, but i have found staying away from AA meetings for a few days actually helps more. so?

Slowbriety 12-14-2006 01:21 PM

im not around all the gossip and crazyness.

barb dwyer 12-15-2006 05:24 AM

wow, slow - deja vu' !

I hope that picks up for ya - I'd hate to miss more than one meeting ... but I have stopped hanging around before and after.

Slowbriety 12-15-2006 02:32 PM

it goes in cycles. i might go to one tonight. havent been to one since monday.

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