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Old 12-09-2022, 06:35 AM
  # 468 (permalink)  
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Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 3,748
Anuual Review:
I got a stellar report card from work. I hate reviews. A few years back, my review was so bad I wondered how I was still employed at this company. I mean, my head was chopped off and thrown in the ocean by the GM. He laughed manically as it floated out to sea. In hindsight, I probably deserved a last paycheck. This was when wine and Mizz were best friends. So, thanks GM for keeping me employed and for believing in me.

This year though.....All areas were excellent or distinguished. One area was "meets expectations" but I cant force people to buy high end supplements and I cant help that spending habits are different. "Lets see....Do I buy "49.00 in fish oil or do I buy gas and bread? Do I starve myself so my face looks awesome from this high end face cream, or do I get some oatmeal and coffee?" Hard decisions to make. My manager knows this and felt some kind of way with the "meets expectations" and I certainly agree that I am only meeting expectations with all the millions of bottles that are not selling..... That being said, I have been diligently working towards bringing in less expensive products.

We reset our floral area yesterday. Customers come into our work space. Unload their pockets or in this case their fanny pack. Take over the area. We try to work around them. "Excuse me" as we bob and weave through. "Will you please stand over here?" Then there is frustration from the customers and frustration from the employees. Then there is an encounter with a man. Then the man complains. Then Mizz gets pissed off due to not having space to work and also that this man complained to management.

So, yesterday we set about to make a change. A structured divide letting the customers know where they can stand and where the workers work. "This is your space. This is our space" Then i walk around like Im Vanna White with my arms extending showing management the spaces we created. "Im not sure what the owner will say" says one manager. "Great. Thats just ******* great! Send him that one Bob Dylan song about the "TIMES ARE A CHANGIN" Cause the times, they are a changin.

Having a work space is a necessity. Having a space for the customers is a necessity. We can do both. We dont have to suffer or have customers complain. We dont have to exist this way just because we have always existed in this way. i know...Change is hard. So hard. I certainly know about making changes and how hard it was to adjust to the change. Ill find a different solution if the owner gives it the red light.

Personal year end review:
Im healthy. My eye does not have cancer. I am sober. I am writing. I have new boots. The heat is on full blast and I also have a coat to keep me warm out there in the GIANT world. I ran a half marathon.

This year, filled with challenges and personal growth, has been hard and also rewarding. I learned how to say "NO." I learned how to help my anxiety. I learned and then learned some more. I stood up when I fell down. I went to bed when I needed to go to bed. I did not drink one drop of that stuff that rendered me unhealthy and toxic. GO US!

OFF to tackle the world now.

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