Thread: AVRT meetings
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Old 09-25-2020, 08:41 PM
  # 6 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Tatsy View Post
I was listening to a YouTube video this morning and it wasn't about drinking but it talked about how moments of temptation, of any kind, come to us fully wrapped in justifications and other deceptions like" VOICE A: everyone else is doing it, it's only one little, who will know, it's okay it won't harm you or anyone else, I won't give in next time but just this once and on and on it goes.


If we do succumb, that little voice that whispers so seductively then completely flips on us.

VOICE B: I can't believe you did that, why can't you just be like other people, what is wrong with you, everyone will know, you're a horrible person.

So I guess, be careful about listening to voice A if you want to avoid voice B.

GT, you've accepted that VOICE A is the AV. Yet my experience is that VOICE B is also, absolutely, the AV because it's a prelude to the suffix - "so you might as well drink because you're such a loser".

Thank you for your expansion of your borrowed quote to include an an additional third sentence which your AV thought up (which I label sentence “C” “So, you might as well drink because...”). Sentence “C” does not, cannot, change the words of sentence “B”. Sentence “B” still stands on its own as a response to sentence “A”.

Like sentence “A”, the new sentence “C” IS from the Addictive Voice. They both support the future use of alcohol.

Any reader of the the original quote can take it on its face, which is essentially if you want to avoid getting in trouble from drinking, don’t drink. Sentence “B” actually offers motivation for not repeating sentence “A” and is thus more than just a benign sentence having nothing to do with drinking; the logical conclusion of sentence “B” is to never drink again. I’ve done that, and so have millions of other permanent abstainers.

Sentence “C”, though, is a wild card for the AV. It can be added to an infinite number of benign sentences (such as “I am going to the grocery store...” or “It’s 5pm in the afternoon...”) and still make sense as a compound sentence (or “suffix”ed sentence) to an addicted person (“ I might as well drink because...”).

To someone who is using AVRT and has ended their addiction with a Big Plan, wild-card-sentence “C” gets shut down immediately, short-circuited by the Big Plan. It’s just too obvious, gets spread too thin.

The AV likes more indirect routes to try to confuse new Big Planners such as encouraging ongoing discussion with people in recovery who are not using AVRT and talk about the AV in a slipshod fashion. A lot of AV goes whooshing by unrecognized even within conversations about the AV.

AVRT is actually pretty simple, “Does this thought or feeling support the future use of alcohol/drugs?”

AVRT Matrix (Addictive Voice Recognition Technique (AVRT) Discussion — Part 3)

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