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Old 06-18-2019, 07:39 PM
  # 40 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Resurgence View Post
Also, I'd just like to say that I feel so low that I often feel I don't deserve help. I know it's faulty thinking, but I know there are people worse off than me.
Alcohol is a very powerful depressant. And not just when you are drunk but it will hijack your emotions during the withdrawal process as well and lead to sadness, self-hatred, low frustration tolerance (which makes us fight with lovers and family) and a general lack of motivation and lethargy.

Those are all textbook, classical symptoms of alcohol induced depression. That alcohol has got its hooks in us and it doesnt want to let us go. Thats why "Hell week" is Hell.

And i feel bad for you because the worst of it is the first 30 days so to go back to the poison after that is to subject yourself to another 30 days now of alcohol induced depression and psychosis.

I like to call it "alcohol induced psychosis" because of the CRAZY thoughts that run thru our mind in those first 30 days. i am on day 3 myself and that voice in my head was telling me i should end my own life. no exaggeration. Just check my post history, I was so down and suicidal and I dont even take meds.

Hang in there, friend. You are young and have such a positive life to look forward to. You can change your entire destiny and be a real winner in life if you put down the bottle permanently.
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