Old 01-11-2018, 11:13 AM
  # 17 (permalink)  
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Not Shotgun! Not Shotgun!! Way in the back, back seat driver!! are we there yet?? I want ice cream!! Stop looking at me! He's looking at me!!

Just go walk. Hit the sidewalk, the trails. Exposure to the natural world will do wonders for you. Don't trudge, staring at your feet. Head up, look at the world. Most people spend most of their days tuned in to the world around them. Not like us, who spend our time tuned in to our buzz.

So, get out there. Walk. Live in the world. Experience the world.

Totally agree Trachemys, thank you for the post. I have more backpacks than purses, and love throwing the day pack on and just moving, exploring, just me and the dogs.

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