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Old 10-21-2017, 01:00 PM
  # 28 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Akasha View Post
I can't. I just can't. What is wrong with me. Not trying to test your patience or make you feel like I'm wasting your time and I'm sorry if am. I cannot delete them. I'm so sorry.

The things your are saying to me makes sense and I know I need to hear them and do the right things. It feels like I'm in the middle of the ocean, bleeding and in pain. A big ass shark is coming and there's nothing I can do about it. I should swim away while I still can. There's just this thing inside me that stops me. This heavy weight that tells me I cannot make a different choice. Am I giving up. No. But this is where i am right now.
You are welcome on this site no matter what you do. It's ok to be honest and say that no you cannot delete the numbers. Trust me, you are not the first and are not the last. Many of us have been there before. I posted many times in the middle of a drunken bender and people would tell me to pour out what I had and there were times I just couldn't do that, so I get it and I know others here do too. Here you can be completely honest and feel safe about that.
But, we also want to see change for you, so we will still keep trying to help you get there. You know that the only way to get out is to cut all those ties and when you are ready you will do it. I know you can and I know you will. I just really hope that happens for you sooner rather than later. I'm not telling you anything you don't know, but I can see where this is going (having been there myself with my own drug of choice) and it ain't pretty.
And no, I didn't think you were making this a competition, those were my words, I only wanted to say that I get how hard this must be for you even if meth is not something you find everywhere like you do alcohol.
One good thing about it not being everywhere is that yes, as you said, you can cut that out by deleting those numbers and staying away from other users.

So let's try to come up with a plan. You say you can't delete the numbers right now. You also say that you can't promise not to use what you have. But you will try to not get anymore. So we've got those things to work with. Hmmm... let me think because that is a tough one to work with. Let's start with what you DO have going in your favour. First, you are here and that indicates that you do want to do something about this. That is major. You admit you have a problem. Also major. You also have quit before for SIX YEARS- MEGA MAJOR.

So you want to quit, you know you need to quit and you know you can quit (after all you have done it before and stayed quit for six years).

I don't know how much you have but let's just assume you are going to keep using today, through the night until you are out. How long are we looking at here?

I assume when you are all out you are going to be very tired and feel very weak. We can start with a plan to deal with that. What kind of food do you have in the house? I imagine you are up and active now if you are high. Can you prepare some meals now to put in the fridge and pull out when you stop? Change the sheets on your bed so you have a fresh and comforting place to crash?

Start with making what will be the start of your sobriety into a good, comforting place even if it is going to be hellish for a while. Food, bed. Just two things. You can do that right? Two things?

Next, you said you are studying for exams. You have got to keep school up, you need something positive and productive in your life. So what are you doing about school? What is going on with your studies in all this? I know this is a hard thing to think about right in this moment, but try talking it out here. Tell us what is going on with school and what is coming up that you need to address- classes, exams, homework.. whatever it is.

Next, you say you are going to try not to call for more. But you still have those numbers. this is a sticky one because, well, you still have those numbers. But I hear you that you are not ready to delete them yet. Can you take a baby step in that direction? Could you write them down on a piece of paper and oh, I don't know, bury that paper in the garden? or put it at the bottom of your dirty clothes? Or even just stick it right on the refrigerator door. But at least at this point in order to call you have to get up, go get the number and then type in those numbers. Something that gives you even more time (even if just a few seconds) to stop and think instead of just going on autopilot and clicking a button on your phone. If you decide to make that call you will have to come face to face with the fact that you did this silly little trick due to the fact that you WNAT TO QUIT and you will have to be reminded of that as you go get the number and type it in.
Of course, just deleting is best, but something is better than nothing.

Now, let's say you don't call, which I think is very likely a possible outcome. I really believe that you can do this. So you don't call and you are going to go into withdrawals. What is your plan for this? You say your best friend knows, that is good. You can trust she or he to be there for you if things go south. You must call for help if this gets out of control. You can call your friend.
If you can get through this at home- and I do hope so- you have already got those meals lined up and the clean bed. You have SR here for support, you can check in here 24 hours a day.

Next, and this might be getting a bit ahead of things but it is important to think about, you need to start putting a plan into place to support you in your new sobriety. Are there NA meetings near you? Can you see a therapist? Are there medications that help with meth cravings? Please excuse my ignorance on that... I know there are medications that specifically deal with alcohol cravings, also for heroin, is there something like that out there for meth? If you don't know can you speak to your doctor about that? I am going to guess you will say no, that you do not want to talk to a doctor for fear of your family knowing. That is fine. There are also addiction centres that deal with this stuff where you are not seeing your regular doctor, they only deal with addiction. Get googling that.
Support is essential in recovery. Face to face is really helpful. But if you can't, for whatever reason, find help face to face you have support here, don't forget that.

So re-cap.

Delete the numbers needs to be a priority. When you can. Sooner rather than later but we are here for you no matter what.

Food. Healthy meals. Get them ready.
Change your sheets.
Make sure your best friend is on call.
If you can't completely get rid of the numbers, delete them off your phone and then save the numbers elsewhere thus building in an extra check point in making that unwanted call.
Google addiction centres in your area.
Google NA meetings in your area.
Check in here as often as needed but at least a couple of times a day.
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