Old 05-17-2017, 04:02 AM
  # 205 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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Originally Posted by sugarangel View Post
You're getting more chickens!! Oh my gosh!! That is actually pretty cool. If I had the space and money, I would have a house full of critters!! I loved the pic of Ginger snuggling with her daddy. It was so, so cute!! I bet it feels amazing.
Thank you for sharing your experience with your teeth. I hate going to the dentist. I also need a benzo before I go, too. And, I am worried about the pain after, and what I am going to do. So, I appreciate all your feedback very much.
By the way, I love that little house for the chickies that you showed a pic of. They are living in style!!
I am so glad you had a nice day with your mom. I didn't get to see mine, but we did talk on the phone, so that was good.
Keep posting your stories and pics. I love them. They are one nice, bright spot in my day, and I always look for them when I come here. I hope you are having a lovely day!!
Say hi to the kids for me!! lol
Well I wouldn't know about snuggling with Ginger! She sees me and runs to her daddy. She gives me that look of: "Can't touch this" every time. Jethro gets such a kick out of it! He'll take a picture of her sitting on his chest and send it to me in a text while I'm sitting here in the porch room. With the words: "Can't touch this!" The Putz!

Sounds like you are REALLY psyching yourself up on the dental stuff? The dentist will deaden the areas he's going to operate on. You won't feel a thing. The pain you'll feel after the surgery is nothing compared to what you're feeling now. You'll have some discomfort and will feel some tenderness for a couple days. Advil gel caps is what kept me out of pain. And the salt rinses! If you smoke? Cover the holes with some cotton balls stuck in them with some vaseline so you don't end up getting a dry socket. Those are very painful!

That chicken house is really small. It fit in the back of our double cabbed long based pickup! I'm 5'7 and I'm taller than it is. It's made for two chickens to use it. There's seven in it! Looks like hubby's going to need to build another tractor pen. And we'll have to put a fence around the coop with a wire cover over it. If it's not one thing? It's another! Dollars! Dollars! Dollars! Fortunately we do have some fencing leftover from putting up fence around our two acres we can use.

Around dark thirty yesterday evening I had Molly outside eating some grass. The coyotes cranked up their yipping in the woods behind us. I looked at the coop and said: "And that's why you need to stay on THIS side of the fence!"

Anytime I'm with Mom we have a wonderful time! I'm sorry you have so many problems with your Mom! Drugs and alcohol turn us into PPL that we really don't want to be, but the pull to use and drink is hard to ignore.

As for posting? I'm just a woman living a good life after many years on pain pills! And many years of being ordered around while in the Army! I bring my stories here of my every day life to show others it's possible to live a good life after drugs! My chickens help to keep me focused on good things. They are a joy to watch, they give us eggs and keep us entertained! We love them! They are part of our family! They give me reasons to get up each day to care for them too. I've lived a difficult life in many ways, but not anymore!

LOL I tell them often: "Wait till I tell sugarangel what you did?" LOL

Everyone have a nice day!

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