Thread: Stressed
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Old 03-15-2017, 08:55 AM
  # 12 (permalink)  
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 3,109
I'm feeling much better today. The whole tax thing just blind sided me! I went through all my paystubs today still hoping that this could all just be a big misunderstanding or mistake, but nope, it's true. There are several pay periods where they took zero tax off me..... I still don't understand how it happened.... how can they take no tax some weeks? And how can I have not noticed for an entire year? I wasn't drunk the entire time!! I just assumed that my company knew what they were doing and were doing it correctly like every other year I've worked for them. They are trying to say that I must have filled out a new tax form, but I don't remember filling anything out, and why would I just randomly change how I want to get taxed? It makes no sense. Anyways, fair or not I'm on the hook for it.

At least I didn't drink over it! The old me would have. Instead of allowing myself to feel the disappointment and frustration I would have used it as an excuse to get drunk.

NYC no I don't have any friends in recovery.... yet. I'm working on it! But I called my mom and cried to her and I talked to my best friend. No one could do anything to solve the problem but at least they listened to me.

Tatsy my bf is a great guy and we've been together for years but he's quite a bit younger than me so when it comes to things like this he usually doesn't know where to begin. He's lived a very sheltered life, with very little adversity, which is one of the things I like about him. He's kind and easy going and steady. Sometimes I do wish though that he was a little more take charge/action. But he's a Prince compared to some of the frogs I've kissed! lol
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