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Old 01-20-2016, 02:10 PM
  # 18 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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I'm sorry to hear you drank and I'm sorry to hear you're still leaving the door ajar Golfdad.

For many years I was convinced I'd find 'my' way - a way to drink but not suffer the negative consequences.

I spent the best part of two decades chasing that dream not realising I was doomed to failure because no one who drank like I drank could ever escape bad consequences.

There was no control for me - that was the whole problem with my relationship with alcohol.

When I quit for good I had to choose a side and I chose abstinence.

I'm glad I did because I could never be where I am today had I continued drinking.

I'm sad that there are people here who would promote drinking tho I'm not at all surprised they haven't got the guts to do it openly.

I have faith the bulk of our members are smart enough to know good advice from bad.

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