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Old 12-02-2015, 02:33 AM
  # 325 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by kzaug2014 View Post
Oh, Tod, you can be long winded too lol! I'm so happy about the new addition(s) to your crazy fam!

Hi Determined! Yep, we were both prescribed methadone for 10yrs ( I was also prescribed norco & klonopin. ) Klonopin, was by far the most difficult to get off from. When we lost our doc in the beginning of 2014, we both switched to heroin ( & I continued buying klonopin off the streets.

I've been clean since Aug.2014 now ( hubs took 8mos longer. )

Aren't you wondering why I'm still up, Tod? I took a long nap this afternoon ( which I never do ) & surprised, I wasn't sleepy at my normal 11-12. Now, it's nearing morning, so I'm just going to try & stay awake all day ( or else my schedule will get all messed up. )
ME? Long winded? NEVER!

Why yes Kz! I was a wondering what'cha doing up all night with me? Was gonna ask you about that! LOL You better take a short nap so you're back on schedule! You'll be dragging that bum of your's by 5:00 PM today! The sun will be up here in about 30 minutes! I plan on being between the sheets before it arrives!

I just checked on Sherry in her carrier! Poor little thing is sneezing her head off. And then she does the head wiggling from having too much snot in her sinuses! I'm going to plug my little burner into her room and add some menthol stuff to it to help her breathe better!

I just finished getting the two coffee pots ready for brewing after we get up! Got Ms High and Mighty Molly's clothes basket ready for her highness too! She wanted OUT of the chicken bedroom due to Sherry being in there! LOL So she's standing behind me primping her feathers! Marvin's standing in his carrier above her saying: "Let me out Momma!" Nope! Ain't happening!

So with no further adoo? I'm shutting down for the night! Y'all get to bed and get some good rest! Does the body GOOD!

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