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Old 07-24-2015, 11:26 PM
  # 37 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jan 2015
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Posts: 774
Woah woah woah.... slow down....
I seem to be the odd duck here. I just want to clarify for anyone reading and trying to find recovery that there is nothing wrong with sex and there is nothing wrong with liking sex and there is nothing wrong with wanting a partner who has relatively the same sexual appetite as you... and if it is higher than "average" that is okay too.

Just because many of us have had a horrific ordeal finding a mate doesn't mean the world is black and white between crazy sex feigns who are bad for us and then others who are "boring" but steady. There is an array of people out there and we are supposed to be different flavors. I totally understand this idea that 'boring must be better if it steady', but that is just an opinion and simply isn't true for all of us.
It took me years to stop feeling bad for who I am... as if I had a dysfunction for liking sex. Well there is nothing wrong with me. It's just me. And anyway, just because I like sex doesn't necessarily mean that I make bad choices.... and I have in my past... but as I have grown, my sex drive hasn't changed.
So please don't throw it all into a narrow tunnel; we have hoards of people reading this site and I for one don't want anyone feeling bad for wanting a partner who is sexually compatible.

Just so you know... I have dated a boring normie that was fantastic between the sheets...
And I have dated an addict who was terrible down there.
I had a great relationship with a normie where distance pulled us apart but he suffered from ED, and yes, it was a problem. It almost crossed my personal boundary of meeting what I need, but we worked around it.

I'm sorry for my passion about this but I just had to say something that wasn't being said. Thanx!
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