Old 04-15-2015, 05:31 PM
  # 53 (permalink)  
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: East Sussex, UK
Posts: 47
Sadly it is a permanent move away from my girlfriend, in not very much time she will be moving permanently to Montreal, a city I could never live in as I would now find it difficult to get visa permission to work in Canada again, and I do not speak French and would therefore not be able to work. She made the decision that, due to the logistics, it would be better to end things now so as to keep it, in her words, 'a perfect little package of time'. If I am honest with myself I do not entirely feel the same, although I recognize the rationality of her position, but I have to respect her wishes. We keep in touch a lot, I know it is pathetic but messages from her are one of the little beacons of light for me in my current, lonely situation. I was in love with her, but ce la vie.

I have been fortunate enough to enjoy more than one happy relationship, despite my alcoholism (strangely enough, unlike a lot of alcoholics I have no stories of alcohol destroying my relationships, though I guess that didnt have time to happen due to my 'traveler' lifestyle. I was thinking about this today - EVERY girl whom I have met who has really meant something to me, I met sober. Yes, sometimes I subsequently needed booze to summon the confidence to 'make a move', but all of them I met sober. That surely has to be an argument for sobriety being favourable to drunkenness?
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