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Old 07-20-2014, 05:11 PM
  # 343 (permalink)  
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Thankyou Dandy. I do just want to give up. I am tired.

It was so hard not to respond tonight. I tried, and he kept saying, "Tell me one reason why I need to go". I told him that we have talked about it too much and I wasn't going to be drawn into arguing, which is why he said that.

sometimes I think he is just crazy. He says not being employed, living with his mom who harasses him, and not having anything and his sinus driving him insane, etc etc.

I detached as well as I could, not very well, but better than in the past. I know that things dont change overnight, and thanks for saying that.

I will try to find my feet here. guess I will call the therapist tomorrow. she always tells me to call if I need to, but it always goes to answering service and she does not get back with me. maybe she calls my work number, and I am gone by then.

Pathetic of me to be so weak, and crybaby. I have not learned much, I dont think, about how to keep focused.

thanks for the encouragement. I am feeling very weak today, but it will get better.
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