Thread: XAH abused DD8
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Old 03-26-2014, 11:35 AM
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My DD8 has been with the same therapist for over a year and the therapist has been a GODsend! She has encouraged her every single week to speak up for herself and tell the truth no matter what...

The DCYF worker actually said that DD6 was much more direct and blunt about her dad's behavior AND said she was very afraid of him and that DD8 was honest but held back as would be expected in a kid who is abused and terrified of retaliation.

She told me straight out when she and I met alone that they get lots of calls during custody fights and it's sometimes hard to discern what's real and what's posturing but that there is NO doubt in her mind that he is a batterer and was toward me and now has moved on to the more compliant and easier child to victimize which is DD8.

It was heartbreaking to hear someone else make that observation bc I have seen it coming for a long time...

DD6 would be apt to hit him right back and she is as feisty as, well, me DD8 is sweet and compliant and the "perfect" kid who I am scared for bc I was that kid too and look where it got me...

But it is wonderful that she feels safe with me, and her therapist and the DCYF worker and told the truth and I will NOT let this go away or be swept under the rug without a fight...
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